Time of The Month 18+

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I woke up and stretched in Riddick's bed and I felt like somebody was looking at me, so I looked to my right and seen that Riddick was looking at me and I woke up in sub mindset and I said,

L--"Morning daddy" he looked shocked and said,

R--"Morning to you too baby girl, how are you feeling this morning"

L--"My tummy hurts" I hold it a little, I know it will soon be period time, but I can't seem to tell him slightly embarrassed,

R--"Can you tell me where, and why?" I blush and turn on my opposite side, so he didn't see my blush,

R--"Baby girl talk to me.... turn around and tell me right now" he said more demanding after I didn't do what he said the first time, I turn around but don't look at him and said in a quiet voice,

L--I'm most likely about to start my period"

R--"Baby girl there isn't anything to be embarrassed about" I nod still not looking up, well that is until I feel the blood start to flow I hurriedly got up out of the bed and went to the bathroom, once in the bathroom I hurriedly went to the bathroom and pulled my panties down and sit on the toilet, I then looked down and seen that I had started to bleed through and I felt a tear run down my face because I had nothing girl wise here and I didn't know what to do, and I am embarrassed.

R--"Baby girl are you okay?" I nod my head but keep it down looking at my underwear, I sigh and say,

L--"Well I did definitely start" I kept looking down ashamed, I heard movement in front of me and then I felt a finger under my chin lifting my head up and I see that Riddick was crouching down and he said,

R--"My sweet girl, you have no reason to be embarrassed, it is part of nature, but don't you have a birth control thing still in your arm?"

L--"Yeah but it's the kind that helps with period also"

R--"Okay well I want you to finish up here, I will be right back, make sure to get clean underwear" he walked out and I did as I was told finished up and walked out of the bathroom, I was about to leave to try and find a pad when he walked back in and handed me a pad, I thanked him in a small whisper, I then went into the bathroom and put it on my underwear and walked out of the bathroom into the bedroom and seen him fully dressed, he walked up to me and hugged me and said when he pulled back,

R--"Honey I have to go to the store, I have to get food for the house, but I will be right back, okay?" I nodded my head and walked to the bed and laid back down and drifting to sleep.

Once I woke up, I noticed that I was in the living room on the couch leaning up against somebody, I tilted my head back a little bit to see who it was, and seen it was Riddick, he was already looking down at me,

L--"How did I get down here?"

R--"I carried you down here so I could keep an eye on you, I brought your pillows and blanket down here, but you threw the pillows away from against me and snuggled up right to me" I blush because of the tantrum I had in my sleep.

L--"Sorry" I whisper and looked down,

R--"It's fine baby girl.... gosh all I can think about is taking you"

L--"Daddy I am on my period"

R--"Oh I know baby girl" I am confused, isn't that gross to do?

R--"Baby girl on the scale of one to ten how bad is the blood?"

L--"Probably a 2, I am just cramping pretty bad"

R--"Ugh fine I guess I have to wait" he threw his head back on the couch and sighed, I got up from my warm cocoon and got down on the floor in a kneeling position,

L--"Can I help you sir?" He groaned again and I see the tent in his pants I then grabbed a hold of his knees and brought myself towards him and raised my hand up to his zipper, I unzipped it and took him out and got right to work, I pumped with my hand while also taking him with my mouth. I was cramping and it was slowly getting worse as I was pleasuring Riddick with my mouth and hand, I took my mouth off of him and clenched my jaw closed, not stopping my hand movement, I grabbed my stomach and looked up at him seeing his eyes are closed, I looked over at the small clock he had in the living room and seen that I was a hour passed taking my  cramping medicine, I hissed and sped up my movements on Riddick, and I heard a hiss,

R--"Baby girl let up your grip" I then realized I was gripping him too hard,

L--"I am so s-sorry, ugh" I ended my statement with a groan and bent down in a slouching position to help my cramps, I then try to start my hand back up, but he stopped me and asked me,

R--"Are you okay pretty girl?"

L--"Yes, I am just late on my medication" he quickly tucked himself back in his pants and stood up, he then picked me up and carried me into the bathroom that was downstairs, he sat me down on the counter, while he went to the cabinet and got a bottle of ibuprofen and handed me the correct amount while saying,

R--"Hold these and we'll go get something to drink" his voice and face were emotionless, he then picked me up once again and carried me into the kitchen and sat me yet again on the counter and grabbed a glass from the cabinet and he filled it with some grape juice and handed it to me, he leaned against the counter still with the same face on, then he suddenly said once I had finished my glass of juice,

R--"I never want you to do that again" my mind went blank; he didn't like what I was doing? Did I do it wrong? Was it because I gripped too hard? Was- I was brought out of my double guessing when he decided to speak up,

R--"Let me assure you so that pretty little doesn't get hurt from the over thinking you are doing, you were perfect, you were doing such a great job, I just don't want you to have to please me all the time, and when you're hurting you shouldn't be worrying about my needs, when there is something wrong, you stopped immediately and you tell me understood?"

L--"Yes daddy" I looked down in shame, even though he said it was fine,

R--"Baby girl don't you over think again, I meant you need to take care of yourself, that is all I was trying to say" I just nodded,

R--"Okay now you go cuddle on the couch under the warm blanket, and search for a movie you want to watch while I go take a child shower really quick" he said to me while helping me down from the counter, then walking towards the bottom bathroom to take a shower. Once he was done, he walked back to me and sat down. We both spent the rest of the night watching movies, eating candy, and cuddling up against each other, and I had a smile on my face the rest of the night.

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