After Date 18+

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Walking out of the restaurant I felt like I was going to fall over, my legs felt so weak, and I was beyond embarrassed. I was still clutching Riddick's arm for support, but Riddick brought me out of my thoughts by saying

R--"Do you think you can stand to get in the car?"

L--"Nope but I can try" I said without looking at him afraid I will jump him right here in front of everybody, once the limo was pulled up front he walked me closer to the limo and I slid into the very expensive car without falling, I slid to my side and clenched my thighs shut because I was still very turned on by what we just did in the restaurant, once we are half way back to the house I heard him sigh and say,

R--"I'm sorry pretty girl, I just couldn't contain myself when I found out you didn't have underwear on, I thought I was just going to tease you, but one thing leads to another" I clenched my thighs together even tighter, but nothing was helping me I sighed then said while looking at him,

L--"I need help with something"

R--"Yeah anything"

L--"Is there a slide thing to shut us away from the driver?" He nodded then pushed a button I sighed in relief and slid so I was sideways facing him and propped my legs up and opened them so he can see me, all of me and I said teasingly

L--"Well aren't you going to help me?" He looked at me shocked, I don't think I have ever seen such a badass speechless, I shrugged and slowly brought my hand down to my lower lips and slowly started to rub then, I had to try and think of it as Riddick's hand and that made me moan instantly, suddenly I felt my hand being jerked away from myself and two fingers being pushed in me and I moaned and my back arched,

R--"You never have to do it yourself, all you have to do is ask" I moaned and bit my lip as soon as I did, he said,

R--"I want to hear you, don't bite your lip" I did as told and I let them out, the car suddenly came to a stop, and I opened my eyes and saw we were home and I moaned,

L--"Please don't stop" he suddenly pulled his fingers out of me, and I made a noise of disappointment, he suddenly said while pulling me on his lap,

R--"Come on pretty girl I am not stopping this time" I moaned while leaning down to kiss him which he gladly kissed me back aggressively and we pulled apart he opened up the door and I quickly got off his lap so I could get out once we made it in the house he slammed the door shut and pushed my back against the door, I moaned when his lips roughly touched mine once again, he then trailed kisses down my jaw and neck until he finds my special spot, I moan loud, he whispered in my ear,



R--"Luna jump"

L--"Riddick I can't"

R--"Why not?" When he asked me, he pulled away looking me in the eyes I looked down and said,

L--"Because I'm too heavy" he sighed then bent down a little and put his hand below my butt and hoisted me up and I wrapped my arms around his neck afraid of falling

L--"Put me down Riddick" he didn't listen he just pushed me against the wall once more and started to kiss my neck again I sighed knowing he wasn't going to put me down,

R--"If I had a problem with your weight, I wouldn't be doing this right now, do you understand?" I nodded then he said,

R--"Words Luna"

L--"Yes I understand"

R--"Good girl, now enough talking because I am finally going to have you, all of you" he smirked and I blushed he pulled us away from the wall and started walking towards the stairs, once we made it to the stairs he kissed me again then started walking up the stairs, I watched to see if he was having trouble carrying me but he didn't breath heavy, start sweating or anything remotely close to showing any signs of struggle so I leant down and start to kiss the side of his jaw all the way down to his neck and I heard him grunt he said in a strained voice,

R--"Listen if you don't stop now I will take you right here on the stairs" I stop for a minute then I start to kiss him again I felt his speed increase I smile at that, I heard a door open and then close and I was suddenly thrown on the bed and I gasped he looked down at me with hungry eyes, he slowly walked towards me and I just watch him, he leaned down and start kissing me which I was happy to return the favor I then felt his hand trail down my stomach and then my thigh he squeezed it then he pulled back and he took his jacket off and threw it on the chair in his room, he then started on the buttons of his shirt I sat up on my thighs and reached up and started to help him, once I got done with the last button I let him take his pants off while I lifted my butt off my legs to where I was standing on my knees and gripped the bottom of my dress and took the dress off and throwing it on ground not caring where it landed, then I reached back to my feet and grabbed my heels off dropping them on the ground also, I then scooted back so my back was laying against his pillow and I waited patiently for him, once he was done he walked back to the bed and crawled up the bed like I was prey and he was the predator, once he got to me he kissed his way up my body from my calf to my breast, he looked up at me and said,

R--"Damn pretty girl, I am so ready to ravish you tonight"

L--"Then don't keep me waiting" I'm not sure where this confidence is coming from tonight, but I am liking it, once he heard that he kissed me and then suddenly he trusted two fingers in me and I moan while arching my back off of the bed,

L--"R-Riddick please don't stop" he kept going and I was so close to cumming then all of the sudden he pulled his fingers out of me and I whimpered at the loss of fullness but then I suddenly screamed out Riddick's name in pleasure when I felt him thrust himself in me not caring that he is probably tearing me, he leaned down and asked me,

R--"What kind would you like"

L--"Hard and fast" he smirked and said, 

R--"Anything for you pretty girl" he said with a smirk, then he started to pull out and thrust in me just like I wanted him to, and he didn't stop for anything. I was already so close to cumming but I didn't want it to end,

R--"Cum for me pretty girl" I did just that, even when I was cumming and moaning out his name, he didn't stop he kept going he all of the sudden stopped making me whimper once more but what he did next surprised me, he flipped me over on my stomach and lifted my butt in the air and trusted in me, I moaned out the loudest I have ever in my life, this angle let me feel him deeper and it drove me crazy. After a few short minutes I was at yet another orgasm and I didn't even have time to react when it pushed its way through and he also reached his climax, we both yelled out each other's name in bliss, once we caught our breaths he pulled out of me and I groaned and the emptiness I felt and I twisted so I was laying on my back and Riddick got off the bed and walked into the bathroom and walked right back out with a rag and he came to me and wiped between my legs and I sigh loving the coolness against my skin, I heard him whisper something but I couldn't hear him so I asked him,

L--"What did you say?"

R--"I really broke your virginity this time, did I hurt you to bad?" I looked down at my body and saw a couple red marks on my hips and thighs and the blood from him taking my virginity fully tonight, I smiled at him and said,

L--"I'm better than okay, now please you wore me out, can we please go to sleep" he sighed then nodded, I can tell he was worried about me still, once he got in bed, I laid my head on his chest and he pulled the blanket over us, and I said before closing my eyes

L--"Thank you for not stopping this time"

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