Getting Ready for Ball Two

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We arrived home and sat in the car for a few seconds in the quiet until I decided to break it,

L--"Why are you mad at me?" He didn't automatically reply to me but after a minute or two he finally replied,

R--"I'm not mad at you"

L--"Then why have you been giving me the cold shoulder?"

R--"It pissed me off that you had to go through what you did when you were just right down the street, and that your parents would do such a thing to their own child"

L--"That's why you stopped talking to me?" I asked him in disbelief, he nodded and then looked at me like he was thinking, he then reached in the backseat of the car and grabbed a box that was wrapped and handed it to me, I opened it and my face went red, it was a black lace lingerie set,

R--"Do you like it?" Riddick interrupted my thoughts

L--"Yeah, do you want me to wear them tonight?"

R--"Well you can't really wear the bra with your style of dress, but you can wear the underwear" he said with a smirk, and I cleared my throat and nodded and then said,

L--"Well I better get going inside to get ready"

R--"Luna make sure to wear them tonight, no matter what, oh and we leave in 4 hours" I nodded confused but I don't question it and get out of the car with my bags, once I get into the house I go up the stairs and get into the shower right away, once I was done in the shower I get out and dry my hair, once I was done with blow drying my hair I pull out the straightener and start on my hair, after an hour of doing my hair I walked to my little makeup table Riddick put in here for me and started on my makeup deciding to just put on some natural make-up then I finally got up and walked to the closet that held my dress, heels, and underwear.

Once I was in the closet I dropped my towel and reached for the panties, once I picked them up I was confused because they were slightly heavy to hold but I thought back to mine and Riddick's conversation he told me to wear them no matter what so I am going too, once they were on I picked up the dress bag and took the dress from the hanger and put it on then I slipped my heels on then looked at myself in the mirror and smiled at my reflection then I frowned when I turned around and seen my back on display (Her outfit/makeup below, also in my mind the back of her dress is lower where it shows more of her back)

Once I was in the closet I dropped my towel and reached for the panties, once I picked them up I was confused because they were slightly heavy to hold but I thought back to mine and Riddick's conversation he told me to wear them no matter what so ...

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I turned away from the mirror and jumped holding my chest, scared when I noticed Riddick was in the room watching me in his all black suit with blue tie that matches my dress, he smirked at me and walked towards me and for some odd reason I blush, it's like he was looking at me naked, I cleared my throat and start to walk to shelf that had a couple purses and grabbed a clutch that was silver and sparkly, I put my lipstick, and my phone in it, then I turned around to only be meant with Riddick right behind me,

R--"You my pretty girl look absolutely ravishing" I blush, and he pulled me to him

L--"Thank you Riddick"

R--"You are very welcome, baby girl" when he calls me baby girl it makes me want to please him like how we acted last time we had sex,

R--"Sorry I shouldn't have used that nickname"

L--"It is fine sir" I blushed when I said that outside


R--"You are perfectly fine pretty girl, it's not like you can change what you like, and I am not going to lie, I like your kink also" I blush even more than before if that was even possible,

L--"We should be going, or we are going to be late"

R--"Yeah, we can't keep my parents waiting"


R--"Yeah it's at their house" great was the only thought that was going through my mind right now. We walked down the stairs and I saw everybody standing or sitting in the living room waiting on us. 

L--"Hey guys"

A&S--"Hey girl!" 

R--"Everybody ready to go?" everybody agreed and then we started to walk out of the door to the car and when I walked out, I saw a different car it was a beautiful black 1971 Dodge Challenger 

L--"When did you get this?"

R--"A couple days ago, I felt the need for something a little different" I nodded then we started the rest of the way to the car, once we made it Riddick opened the car for me to get in, once I had gotten all of the stupid dress in the car he shut the door and walked to the driver's side and finally we could finally get going to the ball, I am already so tired from the day I had, I wonder if his parents are friends with mine? I wonder if they will like me. Does it even matter if they like me, since Riddick only likes having sex with me?

R--"What are you worrying about over there?"

L--"Nothing important" I could hear the sadness in my own voice, so I know he picked up on it himself,

R--"Baby girl tell sir what is going on" I sigh because the feeling of needing to tell him what is wrong is so strong when he says that,

L--"Why did you bring me to this?" I finally decided to say as we pull up to a red light,

R--"Why wouldn't I? Did you want to stay at the house tonight?" He did answer my question and since I'm in my sexual kink mind set right now it's making me sad that he is not answering me for some reason, ugh it's going to be a long ass night, the light turned green and I didn't say anything to him and I noticed that we are pulling up to a huge mansion which by the way doesn't surprise me one bit, since we are here I go back to my normal acting self and I then felt the car come to a stop and I don't wait on him to open the door for me, I quickly exit the car and wait for him to get out and come around the car so we can enter the beautiful house we are at.

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