Chapter 4: Product or Person?

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To say that Katya was surprised that her newest watcher had won the bid would be an understatement. Not only had the watcher become a premium subscriber, but now they were willing to spend 800$ on a private?

How the fuck had she managed to fascinate BarbieDoll_TM that much?

She wasn't complaining, obviously, but it just seemed strange. Katya was also shocked that anyone would want to pay that much for a private with her since she'd barely been able to get anyone to pay the regular 100$ fee for the past couple of weeks. Clearly she'd have to do another bidding round in the future.

Katya also couldn't help but wonder who BarbieDoll_TM was as she looked through the user's profile, finding no other information there.

Was it a man?

Was it a woman?

And why BarbieDoll?

Were they a Barbie collector?

Or someone who looked like a Barbie?

Who was this mysterious person who had barely commented anything, had barely even seen her, but would so happily throw money at her?

In her head, Katya imagined the person to be a woman. A human Barbie doll with beautifully exaggerated curves, who was unapologetically feminine. Someone sweet and kind, and desperate for Katya's touch, a little bottom brat.

But it was probably wishful thinking.

BarbieDoll_TM was most likely some strange old man with some sort of doll fetish. He would likely treat her like a product that was bought and paid for, and frankly he wouldn't even be wrong to do so.

She was just a piece of meat up for sale.

Sometimes she would pride herself on not having gone on the streets to become a prostitute, but other times she thought she might as well be one. Of course, Katya wasn't actually fucking anyone, she was just fucking herself, selling a fantasy.

But was what she was doing really that much better?

Did she have any right to feel above those who were forced to sell their bodies?

Wasn't she too selling her body?

Her last privates had been tough, really tough, which was why she wasn't going to do them without being paid properly the next time. She'd had one with a woman who had tried to push her beyond her own limits. And then three with Moon, a man who had barely interacted with her other than to curse her out if she said she needed a break. But they were regulars, so she couldn't get mad and risk pushing them away.

She always felt so small when she had to accept behavior like that. It wasn't what her mother had raised her to do, her mom had always told her to stand up for herself, and yet here she was accepting that people were treating her like shit.

"You have to hold on to the important people in your life, and leave behind those who don't treat you with the respect you deserve. Always remember that, Kathinka. You have the potential to do anything you put your mind to, I truly believe that, so please don't let anyone make you feel like you can't." Her mom had said during their last real conversation. At the time Katya had felt that the words were inspiring, now they only made her feel guilty since she knew she wasn't following the advice.

Suddenly a notification popped up on her screen;

Congratulations Katya, you have 5 new matches, and 2 messages

Katya quickly opened up the site, looking through the matches and messages. Two of the men were far too old, and one of the others had just sent her a picture of his dick. The last two looked okay enough, but she put her focus on the man who had messaged her.

Robert Miller
45, M
Attorney at Law

The man's page read. He wasn't particularly handsome, but he was younger looking than his age would tell you, and clearly highly educated.

Maybe she could marry a man like that, be the perfect wife, become whatever he wanted her to be.

Katya Zamolodchikova Miller?

Yekaterina Petrovna Miller?

Katya Miller?

She could be Katya Miller, couldn't she?

Even if it sounded bland and boring?

Life as a camgirl was hard, but exciting. Life as a teacher had been rewarding and fun.

What would life as Robert Miller's wife be like?

Maybe she'd find happiness in that too, just as she had in teaching. Or maybe it would be just as bland and boring as the man's name was.

Katya opened up his message, curious to see how he would introduce himself.

Hello Katya. I'm not really sure how to do this, but let me start off by saying you are absolutely stunning. I'd love to get to know you.

If you want to get to know me too, please write back.

- Robert

Well, he wouldn't be getting an award for romance any time soon, but he seemed nice enough. Katya would take kind over romantic any day, especially if she was going to live with the man. She wasn't naive, she knew that she wouldn't have a large pool to pick from, so she felt lucky overall.

Even tho he wasn't the best looking guy, he seemed nice and he was an attorney.

So really, what more could she ask for?

Life had been kind to her and thrown this man into her lap. He would likely be rich enough to pay for her move and to support them. He seemed like he'd treat her well. And he was educated enough to challenge her intellectually.

She couldn't throw the opportunity away, no matter how much she'd wanted to move away for the freedom to love.

And besides, maybe she could just divorce him after a while?

Wait a while until she was settled in and had her life on track, and then cut him out of the picture?

Yeah, she could do that.

Katya Miller was her ticket to a brighter future, and she was going to make sure she got it.

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