Chapter 12: Pretty Lie

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Trixie dragged Katya into a storage closet, happy to finally get a chance to talk to her since Mr. Miller was in a meeting. The Russian looked surprised at her sudden rush, but followed her nevertheless.

"Okay, how the hell are you here? And why are you marrying Mr. Miller of all people?" Trixie practically yelled.

She had no right to be mad, it wasn't like Katya actually owed her anything, and yet she couldn't help but feel betrayed somehow. What was happening to her? She had always been the one who wished to avoid attachment, too busy with school and the internship, and yet the idea of Katya being with someone made her heart ache. Not to mention she didn't really know Katya, what knowledge she had was through a perfected picture on a computer screen, and mostly bought and payed for.

"Don't exactly know why I have to explain myself to you, but if you must know, I needed to get out of Russia. Robert is my ticket. Judge me all you want, but it was my only choice." Katya said defensively.

"I... Katya, you can't marry him." Trixie said.

Katya marrying him for a green card wasn't what bothered her, in fact she felt it was deserved for someone like Mr. Miller, he hadn't earned the right to actually be loved by someone like Katya. But she was however worried that Katya might not know what she was getting herself into. Mr. Miller was a misogynistic pig with a bad temper, he was slimy and scheming, and would destroy those around him if it meant getting ahead. And Trixie could not watch Katya be destroyed.

"And why not, Trixie? What has it even got to do with you?"

"He's a bad man, he'll treat you like shit." Trixie argued.

Katya knew the girl's comments were out of worry, but if there was one thing she hated more than anything in the world it would be to be told what she could and couldn't do. Her childish ego got the best of her and so she found herself arguing against the girl despite knowing she should heed her warning. Well, perhaps it was because she knew she was in too deep to stop, or perhaps it was a foolish sense of loyalty towards the man who had given her a ticket out.

"Yeah, well I'm used to being treated like shit, I've been working on a cam-site for christ sake. Besides Robert has been treating me fine." Katya said, forcing herself to ignore the moments of discomfort she'd had since meeting him. "And again, why is this any of your business, Trixie?"

Why was she being so harsh?
In truth, didn't she want it to be Trixie's business?
Deep down?

Of course, she could never admit to her heart jumping out of her chest at the sight of the doll standing there in front of her at last. She couldn't say how she was transfixed by the intoxicating smell of Trixie's floral perfume. Couldn't confess how she wanted to bury her head in between Trixie's deliciously thick thighs.

"Sorry... I guess, it's not... I just, I don't want you to get hurt." Trixie whispered, in a clearly hurt tone.

Katya's heart ached at that, and she wanted to take it all back at once, wanted to rewind the entire conversation. But the damage was done so all she could try to do was to fix it.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you... I got too defensive. Can you forgive me?"

"Of course, already water under the bridge." Trixie said with a kind smile, not wanting any more drama between them. She'd have time to make Katya understand, there was still time before the wedding, so for now she just wanted to greet the girl whom she'd spent so many nights dreaming about.

"It's good to see you... in person.. The screen doesn't do you justice." Katya said.

"It doesn't do you justice either." Trixie mumbled shyly.

"So, you work here?"

"Yeah, well it's an internship... I'm still a student, remember?"

Katya did remember that, remembered Trixie complaining about school, and her sexist ass of a boss... Shit... Sexist boss was Robert, Katya finally realized.

"Right, overworked student with sexist ass of a boss.... Guess Robert really is a douche, huh?" Katya said, feeling embarrassed for not making the connection sooner.

"Sorry, but yeah... he is. Listen, I can't tell you what to do, but if I were you I'd pull out of that marriage agreement."

"I can't though, Trixie. That means going back to Russia, and I can't... I can't do that. I have the chance at a new life here, and I can't give that up."

Trixie nodded, not in agreement, just as a way to signal to Katya that she understood that her mind could not be changed, at least not for now.

"Well, at least... be careful? Don't sign anything blindly, okay? He's a lawyer and, as much as I hate to admit it, a good one." Trixie said in a serious tone making Katya gulp.

"Okay, I won't." Katya promised.

But she knew this statement could not be any more hollow seeing as she had already signed something, something she didn't look through at all. She had already blindly trusted the man enough to make her sign a document which she hadn't read, but she couldn't get herself to admit that to Trixie.

No, that foolish action was one she could not disclose to anyone.

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