Chapter 13: A Sweet Sickness

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It had been a week since Katya had moved to the US and Trixie couldn't pretend like she wasn't growing more and more anxious about the girl's plans for marriage. And yet, she couldn't pretend not to be beyond happy that the Russian woman was so close to her now. Katya had been coming by the office often, and since Mr. Miller had mostly been too busy to attend to his fiance, Trixie had instead. It had become their little routine, whenever Trixie arrived at the office after class or whenever she had days off school to only do her internship, Katya would be waiting by her desk. They'd chat as Trixie went over documents flung on her desk by Mr. Miller, and once she had finished the main part of her job, they'd go out for coffee.

"You ready to go?" Katya asked, holding Trixie's jacket out to her. The brown-eyed girl accepted it, and nodded in response. 

They went to the coffee bar around the corner and picked up their regular orders along with some coffee for Mr. Miller, and then they went to the nearby park. They'd found themselves a park bench by a pond a couple days before, and it had now become their spot. 

It was their secret paradise.
And for a moment, Trixie let herself pretend that they were a couple.

She let herself pretend that these coffee runs were dates, and let herself forget that the other woman would soon be married. And as she enjoyed the serene scene she allowed her dull heart to lean into that feeling that scared her so much. That whisper inside her that told her that this was far more than just attraction and desire. She'd never been in love, not even truly infatuated, but for every day that passed she was realizing that she was falling harder for Katya.

It was easy to fall in these moments.
Easy to forget reality.

"We picked out my wedding dress yesterday." Katya said suddenly, abruptly pulling Trixie back down to earth and reminding her of the harsh truth that they could never happen.

"Oh, did you find something nice?" She asked, trying to seem calm, trying to hide that she was falling apart inside.

"Not really, Robert really liked one of them though, so we landed on that one."

"Why? It's your dress." Trixie said, annoyed by how Katya would allow him to walk over her.

"He's paying for it... he's entitled to an opinion." 

"That doesn't mean that you have to agree with it."

"I know that, but it seems rude to be picky when he's paying for everything." Katya said.

It was moments like this that scared Trixie the most, moments when she realized the power Mr. Miller held over Katya. He had somehow convinced her that his word was law and that she should just put up with it in a show of gratitude.

"You still shouldn't agree with something if you don't like it." 

Katya stirred around in her iced coffee with her straw, wondering if she should tell Trixie about all the things that had been bothering her or not. She knew it would worry the girl, maybe even upset her, something she didn't want, but she still felt the need to talk to someone about it. 

"It feels like I'm doing a lot despite not liking it these days... I slept with Robert yesterday." Katya finally said. 

She remembered the feeling of him on top of her, how time had seemed to move unbearably slow as she watched the digital clock on his nightstand while he pounded into her. It wasn't painful, Katya was thankful for that, but there was a clear lack of chemistry and build up. He had payed no real attention to her, she could've been a blow up doll and it wouldn't have made much difference. 

"Oh... how was that?" Trixie asked, not sure if she wanted to know the answer.


Okay, so maybe Trixie did want to hear the answer after all.

"It was just so boring, I didn't cum once and he very clearly didn't care if I did or not. I was honestly staring at the clock during most of it." Katya said, laughing at the ridiculousness of how bad it had actually been. "I'm sure he enjoyed himself though, he was very keen on a repeat session this morning. I literally had to push him off me."

"How are you gonna deal with that once you're married?" Trixie asked. 

"I don't know, cheat maybe? File for a quick divorce?" Katya joked. 

"I could keep you entertained on the side." The other woman joked back.

"Would you?" 

That question made Trixie freeze entirely, completely in shock by the suggestion which no longer sounded like just a joke. Was Katya serious? Was Katya even interested in something like that? Was Trixie herself interested in something like that? Sure, she'd love more than anything to be able to feel Katya in real life, but could she deal with the heartbreak of not having all of her?

"Would you want me to?" Trixie asked.

There was a moment of silence which seemed like an eternity. The question hanging like a veil in the air between them, waiting for an answer to cut through it. What Katya said next would change them forever, but even with high risk of heartbreak both girls knew what they truly wanted.

"Yes." Katya finally said before pulling Trixie in for the kiss she'd fantasized about ever since she'd first seen the Barbie doll on her screen, letting herself drown in the sweetness of strawberry lipgloss.

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