Chapter 20: Faith and Trust

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Katya was asleep by the time they reached Trixie's apartment, her eyes still filled with the tears that had poured when she had explained all that had gone wrong. Trixie could hardly believe it. She had thought it'd be okay, that she'd finally get to call the Russian woman hers without having to hide it, she could never have imagined a situation like the one they were now in.

The money wasn't truly the issue, not if Katya would let her pay it. But they both knew what Trixie going against Mr. Miller would mean, if she did that then she could say goodbye to her internship and goodbye to her reputation as a lawyer. Mr. Miller could easily ruin her career if he wanted to.

And as much as she wanted to say that she'd easily throw that all away... she couldn't.

Being a lawyer was her dream, succeeding on her own her one true goal. In Trixie's eyes, the only way she could truly prove to herself that she had managed well and that she wasn't just some typical heiress would be for her to succeed in her work. She couldn't just throw that away without worry, couldn't just give it up without heartache, despite how much she loved Katya.

Love is a funny thing. It makes you want to give up everything, but it can easily turn sour if you do. If giving up everything for another person means sacrificing your identity or goals then even the most noble cause won't always make it feel okay in the end. Even if it feels right at the time, soon the years will go by and you'll end up cursing yourself for the choice you made, missing the person you were and the life you could have lived. Trixie didn't want to sit around thinking about ifs and maybes ten years from now, but to avoid that she also couldn't loose Katya. 

Loosing Katya would be her biggest regret, that she was completely sure of.

"Katya honey, I need you to help me help you. Can you stand up?" Trixie asked, nudging the sleeping girl gently, but there was no response. "I'm gonna take that as a no."

Trixie lifted the girl out of the car, carrying her in a bridal position as she made her way into her dorm. It went rather smoothly, Katya only grunting now and then if Trixie moved too abruptly. The Russian was mostly too drunk and tired to notice anything at all, still likely believing herself to be either at the bar or in the car. 

"There we go." Trixie said as she put the girl down on her bed. She carefully removed the girl's shoes and jacket, before tucking her in.

"What are we gonna do?" She whispered to herself as she sat down by the side of the bed. 

For so long she had stayed away from dating, not willing to open her heart up to anyone, fearing the mess it would make. And yet here she was now, in a deeper mess than ever before, her heart unable to give up what she would have gladly avoided previously. Katya had changed her so much, changed her entire perspective, and even now when she struggled with the idea of giving up what she had worked for her whole life, one look at Katya made her want to. 

Sure, happiness might not find her right away.
Perhaps it would take time to come to terms with the sacrifice.
But giving up on Katya? 

That thought was impossible. 

Destiny had brought Katya to her. Their meeting may have been unconventional, but it was also the only way Trixie would have been open to meet someone at the time, and somehow fate had known that. Somehow destiny had sent them on the right path, pushed them towards each other despite all the obstacles they would have to overcome.

Fate had known when she had to meet  Katya.
Where she had to meet Katya.
How she had to meet Katya.
And fate had made them meet again.

Despite the ocean between them, destiny had found a way to unite them. 
And a sexist, selfish, disgusting pig was not going to be allowed to ruin it.

So Trixie would let destiny take the reins again. She'd give up everything for Katya, and just hope that it would lead her down the right path, hope it wouldn't lead to them turning bitter in the end. Destiny had got them far, and so she'd trust in it once more. 

"I'm not gonna let him take you away from me. No matter what the consequences will be, I choose you." Trixie said, her gentle fingers combing through the sleeping girl's messy, loose curls. "You're worth fighting for. Being with you is worth fighting for."

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