Chapter Ten

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Derek shuts the door to his apartment happily before throwing his backpack onto the ground victoriously. It's the start of spring break, that means he has ten uninterrupted days with his boyfriend and he has a plan to surprise Stiles with a trip to the beach. “Hello?” Derek calls when he hasn't been greeted yet.

“Hey, Derek. Stiles is over at the lesbian's.” Danny says, walking into the room while texting. Derek was a few minutes late so he understood that the lesson was already over for the day. Plus, Stiles was taking a week off with Derek.

“They have names, Danny.” Derek tells him, smiling as he goes into the living room where Danny was gathering his things. Danny snorts in amusement while he moves to get his things together before getting ready to leave. “Have a good week off.” Derek tells him, shaking his hand.

“I will. Remind Stiles that I took that picture he drew for me.” Danny says, smiling. Derek grins at him while he nods, and he waits until Danny leaves. He rushes to use the bathroom, he's had to piss since his afternoon class, before walking over to the Martin's. It's almost the weekend so they should be there, and Derek knocks on the door.

“Derek.” Allison says, opening the door with a smile. Stiles must have wondered over after his lesson, probably because Lydia and Allison are always spoiling him, and Derek walks in when invited.

“My Derek? Is my Derek here?!” Stiles says, and Derek laughs as he calls out for him. Stiles moves from where he was helping Lydia in the kitchen to throw his body full force into Derek's arms, and Derek laughs as he hugs him back. “Missed you!” Stiles cries, burrows his head into Derek's neck to nose at the sensitive skin.

“Stiles was just telling us about the vacation you two are taking.” Lydia says, and Derek nods as he smiles. Lydia nods her head as she turns her attention back towards back to what she was cooking, and Stiles' tail slaps him in the face in his excitement. “Allison has something she wants to talk to you about.” Lydia tells him, and Derek frowns at her. “Stiles, dear, help me cut up the vegetable.” Lydia asks, and Stiles nods as he heads over to help her after he plants a quick kiss to Derek's cheek.

Derek moves to find Allison's make shift office, it's just the extra bedroom that they had, and she is waiting for him. “Mrs. Martin?” Derek asks, and Derek gestures for him to sit down.

“Allison, Derek. I wanted to show you something.” Allison says, and Derek gives her a curious look before sitting down. He wonders what it is that she has to show him, and he watches as she pulls out a file from her desk to toss on the table. “So I'm working on this case with a Sheriff from Beacon Hills, and he looks familiar so I looked into his file.” Allison says, opening the file to slide a picture across the table to Derek.

Derek picks it up to look at it, and he almost gasps. “He looks like Stiles.” Derek says, and Allison nods her head. The man in the picture, the name written reads John Stilinski, looks like an older version of Stiles. They have the same brown eyes and their faces are structured the same, and Derek cannot stop looking at him. “Is this Stiles' father? Isaac said they were orphans.” Derek says, and Allison gives him a careful look.

“I really think he is. I read in his file that almost twenty years ago his son was stolen from the hospital when he was only a few hours old. If Lydia's grandfather was cruel enough to make humans part animals, then I wouldn't put it past him to kidnap a child.” Allison says,and Derek is lost in thought. “It's right by the beach. You could stop by.” Allison suggests, and Derek nods. If this is Stiles' father, then they need to know.

“What do you think I should do?” Derek asks her, and she looks surprised that he cares about her opinion.

“I think you need to make sure he's Stiles' father before you introduces the two or tell Stiles.” Allison says, and Derek nods his head. It's what he was thinking too. “Lydia thinks he is, and he's a nice man so it wouldn't be such a bad thing.” Allison says, and Derek nods.

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