OS #1: Derek Comes Out.

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*This is a one shot about Derek coming out to his family. Derek is about 17*

Derek sighs under his breath when he shuts the door to his car, Cora climbed out from the back before she ran inside to see their dad, and Derek huffs once more before he goes inside. "Derek, can you go to the store for Mom? She needs some milk." Laura says, as she hops on her feet while she ties her running shoes without sitting down. Derek sighs, he hates that he always has to go to the store ever since he got his license, and he goes to get money from his mother. "Try not to be late." Laura says, standing up straight before she ran off towards the woods.

"Ma! I need money." Derek shouts, and he throws down his backpack. Talia pokes her head out of the kitchen as she points towards her purse, and Derek walks over to pilfer through it to get a few dollars for the milk. "And some for Derek." Derek mumbles, as he takes a ten.

"No, none for Derek." Derek's father says, taking it out of his hand as he looks at him. Derek pouts as he looks at his father, and he nods his head. "Go to the store for your mother, okay? Try not to be a brat." Michael adds on, and Derek mumbles under his breath as he goes towards the door. "You have twenty minutes to be back or I'll send Peter out after you." Michael says, and Derek sighs loudly as he nods his head.


Derek stands in the aisle of the supermarket, looking absentmindedly at the milk in front of him, and he reaches for the one with the blue top. He's about to grab one of the them before his hand brushes up against another person's, and he turns to see a young man a few years older than him. "Oh, sorry." Derek blushes, and he retracts his hand. The man laughs, shaking his head, and he gestures for Derek to take it.

"Don't worry about it. There's others." He says, swiping up a gallon of milk before he winks at Derek as he walks off. Derek stands in his spot, his cheeks feeling inflamed with blush, and he smiles to himself as he takes a half gallon of milk. He walks towards the check out, holding his milk in his hand as he looks out at the parking out, and Derek turns his head to check the time. He has about ten minutes to head back home, and he sighs when his cell phone rings. "Hello?" Derek says, answering the phone.

"Can you pick up Scott from soccer practice?" Laura asks, and Derek hands over the money to the cashier with an annoyed sigh.

"Do you ever do anything? Like ever. Or do you just pawn everything off to me?" Derek says, and he hears his sister annoyed sigh on the other end of the phone. "I'm serious. Good, you're so annoying." Derek says, hanging up the phone with a huff as he gets his change back from the milk. "Thank you." Derek says, taking the money and the milk and he heads towards his car. He doesn't mind picking up his brother, it's just that he's had a lot on his mind these past few days, and its sort of worse after the brief interaction with the man and the milk.

Derek doesn't understand why he doesn't like girls, he thinks they're pretty aesthetically speaking, but he felt a rush of attraction towards the man. Derek noticed how nice he looked and he even smelled nice. He doesn't want to bring it up to his parents, he doesn't think that they'd be ashamed of him or anything, but they tended to focus on who he dated since Laura never brought home dates or people she was interested in. Derek drives towards the middle school, where Scott was waiting out for him in the front, and Scott grins widely when he sees that Derek is the one that's picking him up. "Der! Hi!" Scott says, smiling as he opens the door. "Can I sit in the front seat?" Scott asks, and Derek nods.

"Yeah, yeah. Come on, kid." Derek says, as he waits for him to get seated. Derek sighs as he drives home, thinking about everything that's been happening to him, and Scott seems to realize that he wants to be left alone even though he wants to talk to Derek about his day. "How was practice, kiddo?" Derek asks him, and Scott grins at him as he tells him a story about his day in more detail than was probably necessary. Derek listens to him, mostly checking everything that he says, and he smiles at him gently while he turns down the dirt road that leads to their home. "Take the milk inside, please?" Derek asks him, and Scott grins as he takes it and runs inside with it.

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