Chapter Six

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Derek exhales sharply as he hears the sound of his front door opening and shutting, but he smiles to himself when he hears Stiles bark in anger. “Scott! Need to be quiet! Derek is studoing.” Stiles hisses, and Scott chuckles softly. 
“You mean studying?” Scott asks, and he hears Stiles’ noise of indignation. Stiles still tripped on some words, but for the most part he spoke well enough. Except for the fact he didn’t seem to understand second person, but Derek didn’t correct him. Plus, Stiles seemed to be sensitive about the subject and Derek wasn’t going to make him feel stupid or anything. 
Derek rubs his eyes with a tired hand, and he looks at the clock to see that he has been studying nonstop for three hours. Deciding to take a break, he shuts his books to go see why his brother is barging into his apartment. Derek spots his brother sitting on the edge of the couch while Stiles sits in one of the chair with his face buried into one of Derek’s sweaters he is wearing. Park yips when he sees Derek from his spot nestled on the couch cushions, and Stiles looks up in surprise. “Derek!” He says, delighted and Derek smiles at him while striding over to sit on the arm of the chair while Stiles burrows his face into Derek’s side. 
Derek hates finals more than anything, and even more this year because it means he gets to spend less time with Stiles. Not to mention, that he has to be focused to study and Stiles tends to distract him. “What are you doing here, Scott?” Derek asks, rubbing Stiles in between his fox ears. Stiles rubs his head against Derek’s hand, and Derek leans down to kiss him on his head. 
“I wanted to ask if you and Stiles wanted to come with me and Isaac to the Christmas parade? We’ll get a tree for Mom after, and maybe for here too.” Scott says, and Derek sighs. 
“I do not want pine needles on my floor until February, Scott.” Derek says, and Stiles tucks on his sleeve until Derek slides carefully into the chair to mush himself next to Stiles. “Plus, I’m still studying which is what Isaac should be doing as well.” Derek points out, and Scott shrugs his shoulders. 
“He knows that one night isn’t going to hurt him plus it’s Christmas time. Tis only comes once a year.” Scott says, and he reaches out to pet Park but the fox just huffs before jumping off the couch and slinking towards the kitchen. “That is one arrogant fox.” Scott says, and Derek snorts in agreement. If Stiles hadn’t been so adamant about keeping the thing, Derek would have released it into the wild ages ago.
Derek turns his attention towards Stiles, and kisses his lips. “You should go with Scott and Isaac tonight, baby cub. You’ll have lots of fun!” Derek says, and to his surprise Stiles frowns. 
“Not fun without Derek.” Stiles sighs, and he burrows his head into Derek’s neck. Derek sighs, and pats his back. 
“It will be Stiles! Isaac will be there, and maybe Laura will show up. You like Laura! Plus, you’ll get to see some Christmas lights. It’s a tradition, and this is your first Christmas with us!” Scott begs, and with delight Derek can see Stiles resolve crumble. 
“But Derek.” Stiles tries, and Derek cuts him by snuggling him closer to his body. 
“Derek will be here studying, and making sure Park doesn’t claw up the couch in spite.” Derek says, and Stiles sighs but nods his head. 
“See, Stiles? Now try to talk Derek into getting a Christmas tree.” Scott suggests, and Stiles wrinkles his forehead in confusion. 
“What is Christmas tree?” Stiles asks, and Derek is momentarily stunned until he remembered that he had to explain to the poor boy what Thanksgiving was not a few short weeks ago. Scott gasps dramatically before pulling out his phone to look through it before walking over to Derek and Stiles. 
“This was our tree last year, Stiles.” Scott says, and Stiles shifts up to look at the picture better. Derek smiles fondly at the picture that Scott shows Stiles. It shows him standing in between Laura and Scott, and he is wearing the most tackiest Christmas sweater he has even seen. He, along with the rest of his family, are smiling brightly at the camera. Scott is tucked under his arm, and Cora is standing in front of him on her tip toes trying to be taller. Derek remembers that Laura was poking him in his side trying to get him to laugh, and he was struggling to keep a straight face. 
“So pretty.” Stiles says, in awe. Derek smiles at him, and Scott grins in triumph. “I want a Christmas tree.” Stiles says, and Derek sighs dramatically but kisses the side of Stiles’ head lovingly. 
Derek is happy that Stiles wants to go see the Christmas trees, and lights this time of year. Stiles was enjoying the cold weather now that he has a warm place to stay with people who wanted him with them, and Derek knew he was going to like the presents he got for him. Derek had stopped by the mall one day after one of his classes let out early, and Stiles just thought that he had gotten stuck in traffic. 
“Okay, Stiles. We need to go now to pick up Isaac.” Scott says, and Stiles gives Derek a sad look but gets up to toddle towards the bedroom to put on warmer clothes for the cold weather outside. Derek gets up to walk after him while Scott makes himself comfortable on the couch while texting Isaac. 
Stiles is busy putting on his bigger coat, and Derek is straightening up the bed where his stuff is thrown on it while he was studying. “Derek?” Stiles says, and Derek smiles at him. Derek walks over to straighten his scarf  while he presses a gentle kiss to his lips, and Stiles blushes while chasing after Derek’s lips with his own. “Wish Derek was going.” Stiles mumbles, and Derek chuckles softly. 
“I do too, but I can’t.” Derek says, sadly and Stiles pouts. “You’ll have fun with Scott and Isaac.” Derek promises, and Stiles nods his head sadly. 
“I know.” Stiles sighs, and he leans down to pick up Park that is stretched up with his small paws on Stiles’ knees. Stiles holds the little fox close to his body while cooing soft words at him while the little fox paws at him playfully. 
“You shouldn’t spoil him, baby.” Derek says, and Stiles shrugs his shoulders while cuddling Park closer to him. 
“Just loving him is all.” Stiles says, and Derek fights the urge to thump the little thing on the nose because of the snarky look on the little beasts face. 
“Stiles!” Scott calls, and Stiles sigh before sitting Park on the floor. The fox rushes off towards the living room to take back his spot on the couch, and Stiles stalks off to where Scott is standing getting his coat on. “We’ve got to meet Isaac now if we want to get a good spot to watch the parade.” Scott says, and Stiles nods his head. 
“Have fun you two.” Derek says, and Stiles lays his head on Derek’s shoulder with a pout. Derek chuckles at him softly before pulling his beanie down to cover his human ears that Derek discovered don’t work. It explains why Isaac is always asking him to repeat things when he has his kitty ears pinned down. 
“Will miss you, my Derek.” Stiles whimpers, and Derek pouts a little before Scott forcibly takes Stiles by the hand to drag him to his car. 
Derek spends most of his time cleaning up the living room to make room for a tree, and wrapping Stiles’ present. He got the little fox boy a beanie with little fox ears on top of it because he found it adorable, a dvd of the big cats show he had taken to watching, and a picture frame with a picture of him and Derek taken at Thanksgiving. 
Satisfied that Stiles will like his presents, Derek hides them in his closet until his brother get homes with a tree. He looks over his notes a few more times before Park jumps on the bed and demands to be taken outside to use the bathroom. Derek doesn’t put it past the little devil to shit in his shoe for making him wait too long. “The second you scratch or bite Stiles, I am gladly going to dump you in the woods.” Derek tells him, and Park gives him an unimpressed look while bringing Derek one of his shoes. “Thank you, Sir Parky.” Derek says, and he really needs more sleep if he is talking to his pet fox. 
It is freezing outside, and Derek lets Park run off to do his business while he plays on his phone. He sees that he has a text message from Scott, and he sees that it’s a picture. Derek clicks it open and it instantly brings a smile to his face. It is off Stiles, and he is watching one of the floats go past with a look of wonder on his face. Derek instantly sets it as his wallpaper, and he texts Scott back saying that he is glad his boyfriend is having fun. 
Derek shakes his head fondly before looking down to see Park pawing at his legs, and he sighs while leaning down to pick up the little fox. “So spoiled.” Derek comments, turning to walk back into the apartment. Park just licks his face, and Derek sighs dramatically before tucking him into his coat to give him some extra warmth. 
Derek is dozing on the couch when the door flies out, and he gets lapful of Stiles. Derek wakes up instantly to cuddle Stiles closer, and he sees his best friend and brother smirking at him. “Did you guys have fun?” Derek asks, and Stiles nods into his neck. Derek notices him shiver, and he holds him tighter. “Are you cold, baby?” Derek asks, and he tries to shake the sleep from his eyes. 
“Probably not. Scott and I just pumped him full of candy canes.” Isaac supplies, and Derek sighs. 
“Really?” Derek asks, and Stiles is busy rubbing his nose along the column of Derek’s throat. 
“Stiles, help me with the tree!” Scott calls, and Stiles hops off of Derek to run towards the door while he babbles excitedly to himself. Derek shakes his head fondly before sitting up to let Isaac sit down, and Isaac takes off his beanie to unclip his ears. Derek smiles at him before straitening his shirt. 
“Does Stiles ever bite your face?” Isaac asks, and Derek laughs at the oddity of the question. 
“When he gets excited. I looked it up and apparently foxes do it with family and when they’re happy.” Derek tells him, and Isaac nods. “Why? Did he bite you?” Derek asks, and Isaac shakes his head. 
“Nope, he did to Scott when he bought him some hot chocolate.” Isaac says, and Derek smiles warmly at him. “Freaked out a little, I think.” Isaac laughs, and Derek joins him. 
“I don’t think he’s going to give Scott rabies or anything.” Derek says, and Isaac just shrugs. The door opens to reveal Scott bring in a tree that stands about to his waist, and Derek takes it from him. “What a lovely tree.” Derek says, sarcastically. 
“I know. It fits perfectly with your personality, Grinch.” Scott hisses, and Stiles frowns. 
“Grinch?” Stiles squeaks, and Scott waves him away. 
“We’ll watch it later. Do you have any decorations?” Scott asks, and Derek jerks his head towards his the closet in the hallway. He doesn’t think he has any, but he not going to stop his brother from looking. Scott has always had an unholy glee about Christmas even after they’re father died when Derek was in high school, and Derek never wanted to rain on his parade. Scott makes his way over, and Derek sits in the recliner before dragging Stiles into his lap. 
“So, baby cub, what did you do at the parade?” Derek asks, and Stiles shakes with excitement as he tells Derek about the fun he had. 
“Saw all kinds of lights, and Scott got me a hot drink because I was cold. Had so much fun, would have been better with my Derek. Meet Isaac’s sister Erica and her Derek. Not my Derek, her Derek. He was nice, but quiet.” Stiles says, and Derek laughs at his description. 
Scott comes back out with his arms full of a box, and sets it gently on the ground. “Okay, found them. You and Stiles decorate the tree, and Isaac and I will swing by tomorrow.” Scott says, and Derek gives him a bored look. 
“Fine.” Derek says, and Stiles tries to drag the box closer to him while not getting off of Derek’s lap. Scott smiles at him, and slides the box closer to him. Scott leans do to hug Derek around Stiles before cautiously hugging Stiles, and Stiles nuzzles his head on Scott’s shirt. 
“Had fun with Scott even though Derek was not there.” Stiles says, and Scott laughs in delight before holding his hand out for Isaac to take. Isaac just slips on his hat to cover his ears before patting Derek and Stiles on the back before following Scott out of the door. They both wave, and soon Derek and Stiles are alone. 
Derek throws his head against the chair while Stiles looks at one of the ornaments while resting his head on the hallow of Derek’s chest. “Let’s decorate the tree, love.” Derek says, and Stiles nods. 
Derek lets Stiles tell him where to put all of the lights and ornaments, and soon the small tree looks perfect in Derek’s opinion. When they’re finished, Stiles rests his head on Derek’s shoulder while smiling brightly at the tree. “Why don’t you go shower while I make us some dinner?” Derek says, and Stiles nods before kissing Derek’s cheek and heads off to the bathroom. When he comes back he is wearing one of Derek’s old shirts despite Derek’s mother taking him shopping during the Thanksgiving weekend, and Derek shakes his head fondly. 
Derek just heats up some of the pizza from last night, and they eat in front of the television while watching “Santa Claus Is Coming To Town”. Stiles is totally in grossed in the television when Derek sneaks to their room to get his presents to put under the tree, and he waits for Stiles to notices. 
It isn’t until the movie is practically over when Stiles notices, and he gapes at the terribly wrapped gifts. “You have to wait to Christmas to open them.” Derek warns, playfully. Stiles from the gifts to Derek, and he blinks quickly. 
“They are for me?” Stiles asks, and Derek laughs. 
“Of course they are, baby cub!” Derek teases, and Stiles does something unexpected. 
He starts to cry. 
Derek begins to panic, and he slides over the couch to pull Stiles close to his body. “Oh, sweetheart. Don’t cry! You can open them right now if you want!” Derek tries, and Stiles gives him a wet chuckles. 
“It is not that I can wait.” Stiles says, and Derek holds him closer. Derek runs his hands though his ears, and coos at him softly. Park looks up from where he was eying the tree with a mischievous gaze, and at the sound of Stiles being upset he jumps on the couch to glare at Derek while trying to burrow into Stiles’ lap. Stiles chuckles sadly before pulling Park into his arms, and Derek pulls both of them in his lap. 
“What is it, Stiles?” Derek asks, and Stiles looks up at him with sad eyes. 
“No has ever spent Christmas with me or bought me presents or been so nice to me. Never felt loved.” Stiles whispers, and Derek feels his heart clench. He has only known Stiles two months, but he knows for sure that he does love the little fox hybrid. 
“I love you.” Derek tells him, and Stiles looks at him. Stiles bites his jaw before nuzzling his head into Derek’s collarbone. 
“Love my Derek so much.” Stiles mumbles, and Derek kisses the tear trails on his face making Stiles giggle. Park, upon finding Stiles happy again, hops off his lap to go investigate the tree. “I think I am ready to sleep.” Stiles mumbles, rubbing his eyes. Derek chuckles and he nods in agreement. Derek kisses his lips before Stiles gets up to make his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth, and Derek turns off all of the light except the ones on the tree. 
Derek sees Park still watching the tree, and Derek points a finger at him. “Leave that tree alone, Park.” Derek warns, and Park tries to give him an innocent look as if to say “who me?” Derek shakes his head before walking towards his room where Stiles is already curled in bed. Derek changes into some bedtime clothes, and he gets under the covers. 
Stiles’ tail wraps around Derek’s waist as he turns to spoon Stiles from the front, and Stiles sighs happily. Derek is almost asleep with Stiles breathing deep into his collarbone and his ear tickling his chin when he hears a loud crash coming from the living room.  Stiles wakes up to curl tighter into Derek in fear, and Derek rubs his eyes before speaking. 
“Dammit, Park.”

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