Chapter Twenty-Five (Mature Content) *Five Years Later*

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Derek hears the faint sound of the door to his bedroom opening and closing, and he sighs under his breath as he curls into Stiles' side before he has to get up. Stiles twitches in his sleep, his tail wrapping around Derek's thigh, and Derek groans when he feels something, better yet someone, climb on to their bed. "Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad, it's time to get up. I'm really hungry. Dad." Pine says, shaking Derek with each word. He's a little to brazen for an almost six-year-old, and Derek grunts in answer as he hides his face into Stiles' warm throat. "Uncle Peter is asleep. I'm so hungry. I'm going to die." Pine says, his tail wagging happily as he tries to squeeze into the bed between his dads.

"Is the sun up?" Derek demands to know, wrapping an arm around his son as Stiles turns in his sleep to do the same. Pine makes an eep noise as he hides his face into Derek's chest, and he doesn't answer him so Derek is assuming that it's not yet morning. Especially if Peter is still asleep since he's up at dawn every morning to make Pine breakfast and watch cartoons with him. Stiles mumbles in his sleep, his hand reaching out to hold Derek's as he slowly starts to wake up since he's more of a morning person than Derek.

"Papa? Papa, I'm hungry." Pine tries, and Stiles groans in his sleep as he opens an eye to look at his son. Pine grins at him as he moves to hug him, and Derek keeps a firm around his waist to look at him. "Papa. Pancakes. I bet Dada would love pancakes. I need my tummy to be full when I'm learning." Pine says, and Stiles yawns as he nods his head.

"Derek. I'm making breakfast." Stiles says, yawning again as he leans over to kiss Derek's lips once and Pine makes a face since he hates when his dads kiss in front of him. It's nasty, and Stiles grins as he kisses over Pine's face. Pine giggles as he looks at him before he tries to get ready for breakfast. "Do not wake up Peter. He needs to sleep." Stiles warns him, and Pine nods his head as he goes to wake him up anyways. Peter doesn't care, he likes when Pine wakes him up instead of Derek, and Stiles rolls over on to Derek. "My Derek? Have a few minutes before you have to get up? I can lock the door?" Stiles says, grinning at him.

That wakes Derek up quickly, and he cracks an eye open as he looks at him. "I'm up." Derek says, grinning at him as he wraps his arms around him. "Lock the door, love." Derek says, and Stiles makes a squealing noise as he gets up to lock the door. "How do you want to do this?" Derek asks him, turning to his side to throw off his boxers as he looks at him. Stiles watches him and he shimmies out of his pants as he climbs on top of him, and he kisses him.

"I want to be in you." Stiles tells him, and Derek groans as he looks at him. Derek wraps his arms around him, letting his legs open as he feels Stiles' cock swelling against him. Derek doesn't break away from the kiss to dig into the bedside table to find the lube. Stiles grins at him as he takes it from him, letting Derek kiss down his chest before he flips them over so he can be on bottom. Normally he doesn't like it since it could make it where his tail gets bent, but he likes when his Derek sits in his lap. Stiles pours the slimy liquid on his hands, he really doesn't like the feeling of lube on his fingers, and he runs his hand down Derek's thigh.

"I'm not trying to rush you, but." Derek says, looking at him while Stiles frowns before he slides a finger into Derek. Derek makes a hum of appreciation, he really wants to him to hurry up, and Stiles seems to get the message as he slips in two fingers to stretch him open as quickly as he can. Derek is moaning by the end of it, he likes Stiles' long fingers, and he shudders happily as Stiles watches him since he likes making his Derek feel good. "I'm ready, come on." Derek says, moving to straddle his waist as he sinks himself down on his cock.

Stiles makes a soft whining noise as he looks at him, his ears pressing against his head, and his tail flailing a little. "Oh, Derek." Stiles moans, and he digs his hands into Derek's thigh. The leftover lube is matting into Derek's leg hair but it's nothing that he cares about now, and Stiles thrusts up into him. Derek remembers the first time that Stiles asked to do this, he'd been shy and nervous like Derek was going to tell him no, and Derek knows that Stiles asked Isaac about it. He really hopes that Isaac didn't make it weird for Stiles, but it was sort of amusing the way that Stiles shyly asked him about doing it.

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