Chapter Nine

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 The door closing softly wakes Derek up from a fitful sleep, and he gently untangles himself from Stiles' tail to go investigate. He knows that it is Scott, but he's more concerned with what condition his brother is in. It was the anniversary of their father's death, also the first day of the new semester for Derek and Isaac, so Derek goes to the bathroom before making his way into the kitchen.

Scott is making coffee with his back to Derek, and Derek goes up behind him to wrap his arm around Scott's shoulder. Scott leans his head onto Derek's shoulder with a sigh, and Derek kisses the top of his head. Scott turn suddenly to bury his head into Derek's shoulder with a shuddering sigh, and Derek rubs his back. He figures he needs to try to explain to Stiles why Scott is going to act different today, but he'll just hug Scott for now.

Scott isn't crying, but he looks sad. Derek is better at controlling is emotions since he was older when his father died, and he makes a mental note to call his mother when he gets off from school. “I'm going to make pancakes.” Scott says, and Derek nods. Park is pulling on Derek's pant leg with his sharp little teeth, and Derek leans down to pick him up.

“You're too fat to carry.” Derek hisses, and Park barks at him. Derek slips on his shoes that are by the door before he opens the door to take the little monster outside to use the bathroom. Derek hops on his feet in the cold while Park scampers around in the air, and Derek smiles to himself while he watches him. He's up early this morning, earlier than he needs to be for this semester, and he sighs.

Park yips at him after a few minutes, and Derek leans down to pick him up. Park pushes the cold pads of his feet against Derek's neck, and Derek glares down at him. “I hate you.” Derek tells him, and Park licks his cheek in answer. “Yeah, yeah, you hate me too.” Derek says, holding the fox close to his body as he walks up the stairs.

When he gets back into the warm apartment, Park squirms out of Derek's grip to run towards Derek's bedroom to probably cuddle with Stiles. Scott is making pancakes so Derek goes to wake up Stiles. Stiles is rubbing his eyes while Park stands on his chest to lick at his face, and Derek shoos him away while he sits on the bed. “Morning, sunshine.” Derek says, brightly.

“Stiles not sunshine.” Stiles mumbles, turning his head to burrow it into Derek's stomach. Derek chuckles while he scratches at Stiles' ears that are almost hidden under his floppy hair. Stiles' tail flips back in forth, Park is eyeing it with intent, and Derek rubs Stiles' back.

“I've got school this morning.” Derek reminds him, and Stiles whines as he holds Derek tighter to him. Derek is really going to miss not seeing Stiles all day every day, and he doubts Stiles is ready for him to go back to school either. “I need to talk to you about something, lovely.” Derek says, and Stiles peeks an eye at him.

“Yes?” Stiles says, his tail falling flat giving away his nervousness at Derek's words. Derek moves to lay on his side so that he can bring Stiles closer to his body so that maybe it will ease Stiles' nerves. “Derek? Yes?” Stiles says, and Derek smiles down at him. Stiles' face is scrunched up in sleep while his ears move to the side taking in the noises of the apartment.

“Do you remember that conversation we had a few months ago about death?” Derek tries, and Stiles frowns as he nods his head. Stiles digs his hand into Derek's shirt to hold onto him for dear life while Derek soothes Stiles' hair down in comfort. “Okay, well a long time ago before I met you my father died.” Derek tells him, and Stiles frowns.

“Okay.” Stiles mumbles, and Derek leans forward to kiss his nose. “My Derek? Yes?” Stiles says, after an extended pause. Derek tangles his hand into Stiles' hair to rub his ears while he choose his words carefully.

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