OS #2 Sick Stiles

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Set in between chapters seventeen and eighteen, so don't be like where are the kids. They're not there yet. I don't think some of you read the beginning paragraph sometimes.

Derek wakes up feeling warmer than usual, he doesn't remember turning off the air conditioner, and he cracks his eyes open to see that Stiles is draped over him. The act isn't unusual but the sounds of labored breathing definitely makes him more awake. "Stiles? Are you okay? That doesn't sound good." Derek says, dragging Stiles back to listen to his chest. Stiles groans in pain while he tries to sit up.

"My Derek. My nose!" Stiles whines, rubbing his nose before frowning when his hand comes back dirty. "Ew!" Stiles squeals, rolling off of Derek as he reaches into the bedside table for tissues. Derek laughs sleepily as he sits up and he pats Stiles' back. "Ew. It is nasty. Do not look at me, my Derek." Stiles whimpers, as he hides his face into Derek's pillow which makes him grimace since that's gross.

"I think that you're sick, baby." Derek tells him, and Stiles gives him a look. "You know. You don't feel good. I bet you have the flu. I bet you got it from me since I'm always in the hospital. Sorry, baby." Derek says, and Stiles hugs him around the middle as if to silently tell him that it's okay and he's not mad. Derek chuckles as he gently pries him off so that he can get up to use the bathroom and get Stiles some medicine. "I should have made you get a flu shot, but it's a little too late for that." Derek says, and Stiles grunts in answer. "Sleep some more, okay? You'll need it."

"Okay, my Derek. Just a few more minutes." Stiles says, curling his tail up around himself as he shuts his eyes to get some sleep. Derek chuckles softly as he gently shuts the door, Stiles didn't say that his head was hurting but Derek is sure that it might or it will, and he goes downstairs to check on Peter. Peter has only been there a few days, he still seems to be adjusting, and he finds the older man petting Park as he stares at the blank television screen as if he's caught up in the most interesting movie in the world.

"Don't sit so close it's bad for your eyes." Derek jokes, turning on the coffee pot. Peter turns his head to blink at him, his eyes a little clearer today, and Derek is pretty sure he's not amused. "I'm very funny, uncle." Derek says, running his hand down Park's back with a smile. Peter grunts at him, not thinking so, and he turns his head to look down the hallway. Derek wonders what he's waiting for or looking for, and it hits him after a minute. "Stiles is still in bed." Derek says, and Peter turns back to the television as if he understands him. Derek rolls his eyes fondly to himself as he waits for the tea kettle to whistle so that he can make Stiles some tea to help him since he's sure that his throat might be sore if he's got the flu.

Park jumps off of Peter's lap, slinking passed Derek to go to Stiles' room to investigate why he hasn't come out yet, and Derek rolls his eyes fondly as he watches him go. Park huffs at the closed door before he pushes it open with his paw, and he runs before jumping on the bed. Stiles moves when he feels pressure on the bed. "My Derek?" Stiles sniffs, turning his head to see if Derek has come back but he frowns when he sees that it's Park. "No! Want my Derek." Stiles says, his eyes getting teary. He's been sick before, mostly when the Professor left him out in the cold in the basement, but it seemed to be worse now. It brings back bad memories from his life before Derek, and he doesn't want to think about them. Stiles' tail flips angrily as he hisses at Park to leave him alone, something he's never done before, and Park's ears pin against his head before he scampers off to hide with Peter.

Derek sees the animal run out of the room, and he goes with some tea and oatmeal to see Stiles. "Hey, baby." Derek says, not seeing Stiles' face first off before he frowns when he sees that Stiles is crying. "What happened? Did Park scratch you?" Derek asks, putting the tray down before Stiles wraps his arms around him with his face buried into Derek's belly. Derek rubs his back as he waits for Stiles to tell him what happened, and Stiles sniffs sadly.

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