Chapter Twenty-Four

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Soft whispers draw Derek out of his rest, and he opens his eyes to see Peter holding Pine as he looks out the window. "Peter." Derek says, his throat dry. Peter turns his head to look at him and Pine makes a loud noise as he holds his arms out to him. Stiles is still sleeping peacefully, not even waking with Derek's movement and Pine's loud noises, and Derek takes him. Peter must have changed his diaper for him, and Pine sticks his hand into Derek's mouth as he babbles to him. "You should be resting." Derek tells him, and Peter makes a snorting sound as he looks at him.

Derek hums as he sits up and he looks around the room, something seems off but he can't really put his finger on it, and he groans when the alarm goes off. It's so loud, it makes his ears burn and he wants to cover them but he can't with Pine in his arms, and he looks at Peter as he shuts it off. "Thanks." Derek sighs, looking at Stiles before kissing his cheek as he stands up to get some dinner ready. He puts Pine on his hip as he goes to the kitchen where he sees his brother and best friend waiting for him.

"Derek." Scott sighs, hugging him tightly. Pine makes a noise at being squished between them and Derek laughs as he hugs his little brother tighter. Pine's tail wags happily when Isaac presses kisses over his face, and he reaches for his kitty ears to tug on. Isaac will always let him do it, and Derek grins as he puts Pine into his high chair. "She knew about this, didn't she?" Scott asks him, and Derek gives him a confused look.

"Who?" Derek asks him, turning on coffee before he starts to mash up a banana for Pine. Scott huffs in impatience as he looks at him, and he crosses his arms over his chest. "Scott, use your words. We talked about this." Derek says, gently.

"Lydia!" Scott shouts, and Pine's little lip wobbles before Isaac scoops him up along with the bowl of banana before fleeing the room. Scott gives him an apologetic look as he looks at his brother. "She had to have known. Her grandfather started this shit." Scott adds on, and Derek sighs as he looks at him. He's not sure if he should tell him, he's mad himself and he wants answers, but he knows that he needs to be honest with his family.

"She did. She's the one that stole Pine away from Trevor. She knew that Melissa would be the one that found him." Derek says, and Scott's eyes widen. Derek knows that it sounds bad out loud, it sounds bad just thinking about it, and Scott is silent. "She's not like him. She doesn't want to be part of what the Professor started." Derek tells him, and Scott shakes his head.

"She stole a baby. What if Pine has a family that comes looking for him? What if Trevor gets out of jail? What if Lydia is just playing you?! She's evil. She found you, made you be friends, and now she's going to take and sale Pine!" Scott shouts, and Derek holds up his hand to stop him. "No, don't shush me. You always do this! You think I'm blowing this out of portion, but I'm not! She's not your friend, Derek." Scott says, grabbing his arm but Derek pulls away.

"Scott, you don't know what you're talking about. She's not like that. I know that you don't want to believe that, but she isn't." Derek tells him, and Scott shakes his head as he runs his hand through his hair. Derek has to admit that he's skeptical of her now, more than he's ever been, and he doesn't plan on letting her near his family for a while. "Just let it die, Scott. You don't have to worry about this. This is about my family." Derek tells him, and Scott gives him a look of disbelief.

"I'm your family." Scott says, and Derek sighs since that's not what he meant. He just meant that Pine and Stiles are his to worry about, and he feels frustrated that Scott didn't understand that. "How you could say that? Dad never would have let you talk to me that. He would have believed me and tried to make me feel better." Scott adds on.

"Yeah, well. I'm not your dad, Scott. I'm your brother. I shouldn't have to do those things for you." Derek tells him, and Scott looks at him for a second before he leaves. Derek sighs before he runs his hand through his hair before he pulls back his hands when he realizes that his claws are out, and he huffs in frustration.

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