Chapter Seventeen

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Hey, Stalers. 22 days since I updated but at least it's not three months.. Remember that Derek and Scott are brothers in this. Enjoy! All the love!


Derek is reading over a chart in his hand, signing everything that needs his signature, and he hums to himself while he looks at the clock. He's ready to go home, it's his and Stiles' anniversary since they met, and he's ready to start on their evening. He cannot believe that's it's been a whole year since they met, or he hit Stiles with his car but he's not saying that outright. Derek took the day off tomorrow, he has plans for a nice dinner and love making until dawn which he is sure that Stiles will wholeheartedly agree with.

Melissa is watching, Derek knows, and he smiles at her while he looks at the clock yet again. "Come on three o'clock." Derek sighs to himself, making one of the nurses near him smile as they pass, and he blushes as he goes to the front desk. "Anything else I can do?" Derek asks, he wants the time to pass quickly. Figures that the one day he wanted it to be busy and not slow is the one day that nothing happens in Beacon Hills.

"Not since you asked two minutes ago. Why don't you go just go home?" Melissa asks him, and Derek brightens up as he nods his head. Derek doesn't have to be told twice and he turns on his heels to leave her standing alone as he goes to sign out as he grabs his things from his locker to leave. Melissa laughs softly when she sees him, Derek just shrugs as he moves to leave, and she waves from her desk as he goes.


Derek is humming to himself when his phone rings, he watches the road while he moves to dig into his pocket to find the phone, and he hums when he sees that it's John. That's strange since the older man hardly ever calls him, he always calls Stiles or just comes over since they're right across the street, and Derek tries to sound like he's nervous when he answers the phone. "John? What's up?" Derek asks him, going for casual but he knows that it sounds forced. He hears an odd sound in the background mixed with Stiles' soft voice, it's odd for Stiles' voice to sound so calm it's like he's trying to convince someone or calm them down, and that definitely freaks him out. "Is that Stiles? Who else is there?" Derek asks, suddenly driving faster to get home.

"I was hoping that you could tell me. He just showed up, Stiles doesn't know how he got in, and he's just sitting on the couch while he mumbles to himself." John says, and Derek makes a face of confusion until he realizes who is at his new home. "Stiles said that he was just walking into the living room since he thought that it was you. He doesn't appear to be threatening." John says.

"Is he hurt?" Derek asks, and John makes a humming noise.

"He's fine. He came and got me when he saw him, now he's just watching him." John says, and Derek makes a face before he rolls his eyes grateful that the older man cannot see him.

"Not Stiles. Is Peter okay?" Derek asks, and it's John's turn to make a confused noise as he looks at the scene in front of him. Stiles is sitting next to the man as he tries to hand him a bottle of water, but the man doesn't seem to be paying attention to him since he's too busy looking at Park scratch against the floor where his scratching post is. "Does he have scars from burns? In a medical gown? Mumbles to himself incoherently?" Derek says, and John looks at his phone in confusion. He knows that it's his uncle. Peter was in the fire that killed Derek's father all those years ago, and Peter has never been same since not that they thought he was going to be.

"So you know this man?" John asks him, and Derek bites back a comment that it would sound like he obviously knows this man. "Did you say his name was Peter?" John asks, and he sees that the man's, Peter, fingers twitch as if he's answering to his name.

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