Chapter Fourteen

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  Derek wakes up in the morning with Stiles laying across his stomach while his book propped up on the bed, and Derek blinks at him tiredly. Stiles normally doesn't get up if he's up before Derek, he'll just lay there or read like he's doing now, and Derek leans over to scratch his back. Stiles makes a surprised noise before looking at him and he rolls over on his back before looking at Derek upside down. "Hi!" Stiles says, and Derek chuckles as he moves to lay against Stiles.

"Morning. Are you ready to go?" Derek asks, and Stiles nods his head as he moves to stand up. Derek yawns as he rolls over on his stomach, and Stiles leans against him before leaning over to kiss him. They're driving down to Beacon Hills, Derek still hasn't told anyone but his mother about his job interview, and he plans on telling Stiles on the drive over to see what he thinks. "I'm going to shower then we'll get some breakfast, okay?" Derek says, and Stiles calls a yes from where he was moving to get dressed.

Derek gives him a fond smile as he moves to go shower, and he takes his time. He's nervous about today, about what Stiles will think, about his interview, about what will happen when or if he gets the job. He had one of the highest GPA's when he graduated from college, and he made sure his resume was on point. He washes his hair slowly as he tries to calm down, and he hears the door open in a hurry making him startled. "So sorry, my Derek. I cannot hold it." Stiles says, going to the bathroom.

"Sorry, Stiles." Derek chuckles going back to finish his shower while Stiles finishes before washing his hands. "I just need to get dressed." Derek tells him, and Stiles nods his head as he goes to give Derek some privacy. Derek dries off before he throws on some jeans and a white shirt, his suit for his interview is nicely ironed in a laundry bag, and he walks towards the kitchen where Stiles is eating cereal while he swivels around in his chair at the bar of the kitchen.

Derek walks into the kitchen before getting himself a bowl of cereal before sitting next to Stiles, and Stiles leans into him before kissing his cheek. "Hi." Derek tells him, and Stiles grins at him before nodding at him.

"When are we going to see Dad and Melissa?" Stiles asks, and Derek hums as he chews his food. Stiles watches patiently for him to speak, and Stiles smiles at him while he lays his legs in his lap.

"After we finish breakfast then I'll pack up the car, okay? So we should be there in a few hours." Derek tells him, and Stiles grins at him excitedly. Stiles would like to live near his father, Derek thinks, and he smiles to himself. Maybe he'll see if he's actually been offered the job after the interview before he says anything to his boyfriend.

"Okay! I'm going to call Dad, yes?" Stiles says, and he moves to go find his phone. Derek leans over his shoulder to look at his phone, pretending to be nosy, and he smiles at his lock screen which is Derek kissing Stiles' cheek while Stiles moves to find John's number. Stiles turns in his chair before he beams brightly. "Dad! Hi! Am coming to see you today!" Stiles says, excitedly while Derek moves to wash their dishes.

Derek turns his head when the door opens and shuts, and he goes to see Scott and Isaac already making themselves at home. "I never should have given you two a key." Derek laments, and Isaac beams at him while he unclips his ears before laying over Scott on the couch.

"Shoulda, coulda, woulda, bro." Scott tells him, and Derek flicks his nose making his little brother sneeze. "So when should you be back from visiting Stiles' dad?" Scott asks, and Derek almost finches. He hates lying, especially to his family and his friend, and he shrugs.

"Probably in about two days." Derek hums, and Scott nods his head. "So like always. No sex on my furniture, don't eat all my food, and no parties you crazy kids." Derek says, moving to walk to his room to make sure that he has everything packed together.

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