Chapter Twelve

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        “If you shit on the floor one more time to be spiteful, I will make you into a rug to give to my mother.” Scott hisses at Park, who gives him a bored, uninterested look. “I'm so glad you're going back to Derek's today.” Scott tells him, and Park hops off his couch to go into the kitchen. Isaac glares at him, hisses loudly when Park barks at him, and he turns his attention towards Scott.

“I hate that thing.” Isaac says, and Scott grins at him before kissing him softly. Scott hums happily when Isaac kisses him back, and he runs his hands over Isaac's kitty ears making him purr. “I hate when you do that.” Isaac says, weakly. Scott chuckles before he continues to do it, and Isaac goes boneless as he leans against him for more.

“You love it.” Scott teases him, using his nails to scratch Isaac's scalp some more. Isaac's purr turns into an almost pitiful whimpering noise as he tries to burrow his taller body into Scott's. “You're ridiculous.” Scott tells him, fondly. Isaac makes a grunt of protest before he rubs his nose on Scott's cheek. “Absolutely ridiculous.” Scott laughs, kissing him again.

“I am no such thing, Scott.” Isaac argues, his voice slowed down do to almost falling asleep. “I am a majestic being.” Isaac says, and Scott laughs softly as he kisses him slowly. Isaac hums in appreciation before he reaches down into Scott's pants, and he smiles when he hears Scott's voice hitch slightly. Scott hums like he's trying to say something but gets cutoff when Isaac reaches forward to undo his jeans. “What was that, darling?” Isaac smirks, and Scott does his best to glare at him before kissing him again.

“Shut up, that's what.” Scott says, and Isaac laughs as he kisses him again. Isaac is slowly trying to pull Scott towards his bedroom when they hear an excited knocking noise on the door. “Ugh, cock blocked.” Scott says, and Isaac actually glares at the door like he's personally often which he is in a way. Scott moves to answer the door, and he smiles when he looks through the peep hole to see his older brother waiting impatiently for him to open the door.

“While I'm young, Scott.” Derek says, and Stiles is hopping excitedly on his toes waiting for someone to open the door so he can see Park. Park seems to recognizes Derek's voice, and he starts to excitedly yip and bark before jumping down from the couch with his tail wagging wildly. Scott snorts as he moves to open the door, and Stiles slips past Derek to maneuver himself around Scott to see his pet.

“Park! Missed you so much!” Stiles says, his eyes glassed over with tears of happiness. Park barks excitedly while he tries to lick Stiles' face as he cuddles closer to him. “My poor Park, you're nothing but fur and bones!” Stiles says, holding him up into the air.

“He just lost his some of his winter coat, baby. I'm sure Scott took good care of him, right?” Derek says, his tone heavy with suggestion that his brother better have taken care of something that Stiles loves so much.

“Of course I took care of the little beast.” Scott says, and Derek thumps him nose. “Ah! I missed you and everything and all I get a thump on the nose?! How rude!” Scott says, fake sniffing. Derek rolls his eyes before hugging Scott in a one armed hug, and Scott hugs him back excitedly. “Love you,bro. Did you have fun?” Scott asks, and Derek nods his head.

“Yeah. Stiles' father and stepmother are good people.” Derek says, and Scott looks at him curiously.

“You met them?” Scott asks, and Derek nods his head. “Wow. Do they know that he's part fox?” Scott asks, and Derek sighs.

“Of course they do, and they took it surprisingly better than I thought they would.” Derek tells him, watching Stiles cuddle with Park before sitting down on the couch. “We're going back to see them soon since Stiles seems to love his father.” Derek says, and Scott hums.

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