Chapter Thirteen (Mature Content)

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So this is the chapter that a lot you have been waiting for, and I hope that it's everything you wanted. I selfishly didn't want to add smut to this book, but I know that it sort of need to happen, and I'm pleased with how it turned out. I worked very hard on this, I know I never say that but I did, so I really hope it is well received.


Derek is wrestling with his gown, he's having trouble with the zipper, and his mother tuts at him before unzipping it for me. "Honey, you just graduated from college. You should know how to work a zipper." Talia says, and Derek does his best to glare at her but he's too warm under the extra layer. "You should have seen Stiles at the ceremony. He must hate crowds because he was clinging to Scott the entire time but when they called your name, he just lit up." Talia says, and Derek smiles at her before he puffs his shirt out.

"I'm sure he was excited." Derek smiles, and Talia beams at him. Derek was glad that he was finally done with school, and he was looking forward to his job interview in a few weeks in Beacon Hills for the job that John told him about. "I'm hungry. Can we eat now?" Derek whines, and Talia shakes her head.

"It's time for pictures then we can eat,okay?" She tells him,and Derek sighs but nods his head. His family, along with Lydia and Allison, are cramped into his small apartment while they celebrate Isaac and Derek accomplishments. Derek walks into the living room and it's only second before he's got an arm full of Stiles, and he grins down at him.

"My Derek! You are so smart and you gradutated all by your lonesome! And Isaac too! So, so proud!" Stiles says, and Derek smiles down at him. He still hasn't told him about his job interview, Stiles isn't stupid or clueless he knows that something is up with Derek but he doesn't know about what. Stiles tucks his head under Derek's chin while Derek looks around the room to make sure that everyone is here.

Isaac is trying to shy away from the crowd, he's in the corner with Boyd and his cheeks are pink with pride, and Derek moves to pull him into the crowd while Stiles walks awkwardly with him. "You two are ridiculous." Erica tells them, sipping on her coke while her daughter runs under legs to try to pull on Stiles' tail. Stiles yelps before his tail wraps around himself protectively, and Erica snaps her fingers at her daughter. "Nattie Grace, no ma'am. Apologize to Stiles." She tells her, and Nattie looks sadly at Stiles.

"I was just trying to pet it. Uncle Isaac doesn't have a tail!" She explains, and Erica pulls on her ear. "Sorry, Stiles. I didn't mean to hurt you, honest." She says, and Stiles smiles at her while he pats her head.

"It is okay, Nat. You can pet my tail." Stiles tells her, and he unravels his tail for her to look at. She's much gentler this time, and Stiles beams at her. She grins at him before running around to see what her dad is doing, and Erica watches her fondly. Derek grins while his mother takes a picture, and he makes a noise of protest.

"Hush. Now, Stiles dear, stand next to Derek. Where's your hat?" She asks, looking around for Derek's snapback that Stiles had been wearing when he was out in public. Stiles puts it on before Derek straightens it, and when he leans into kiss him Talia takes the picture. Stiles beams at Derek before kissing him again, and Derek grins. "Okay, cute. Now Derek and Isaac." Talia demands, and Erica and Isaac's father laughs as he pushes Isaac towards Talia.

Isaac makes a groan of protest before he stands next to Derek and he smiles at him, and Talia smiles before taking the picture. "Okay. That's it. I don't do pictures." Isaac says, itching at his ears that are still pinned down with clips to head. Derek teased him once about fleas, and a huge bruise one his arm makes him keep his mouth shut.

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