Final Chapter: Chapter Twenty Six

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That's right, you read that correctly. This is the last part to the epic story of Fox!Stiles and Nurse!Derek. I felt that this was a good spot to end it on, but I'm opening up one shots for this universe. All questions will be answered in a part I'm adding on. So the story is over, but it's not. This was the very first Sterek thing I wrote, and all the drama with the knock off aside, it was the best thing I've ever done. It opened up the world of writing and Sterek to me, and allowed me to share it with all of you. 


Scott makes his way to the hospital, thinking about Lizzy and Isaac as he leaves the store with his things, and he puts his daughter into her car seat before he goes to see Derek at the hospital to question him about the new hybrids. He knows that Lydia is behind this, she has to be since he still doesn't trust her no matter that it's been years since he's heard from her, and he takes Lizzy in her car seat as he goes inside. Scott doesn't see Melissa around the nurses' station, she's only a few days from retirement, and he see Derek walking out of a patient's room. "Derek." Scott says, calling after his brother in greetings. Derek turns towards him, and he smiles when he sees his niece. "I ran into Isaac at the store while he was buying baby things. He said that you had more visitors at your house?" Scott says, not wanting to say hybrids out loud since they're not alone.

Derek sighs loudly as he nods his head, and he looks at him before he runs his hand through his hair. "Yeah. John brought them over after they walked into the station. They don't talk, well, one of them doesn't and the other is a baby." Derek tells him, and Scott nods his head as he thinks about it. "It's not Lydia, Scott. She's gone. I haven't heard from her in five years. Trevor is in prison." Derek says, not wanting to give voice to his own fears. He doesn't want to think about them, especially Trevor since it makes him want to "wolf out" as Stiles likes to say.

"But then who is it?" Scott asks him, not letting him walk around him. Derek sighs as he looks down a chart that he fills out before looking back at him.

"Scott, if one person can do it then there is someone out there that can do it too. It's someone else. Maybe their parents died. We don't know until they tell us, if they even know. Only the kid does, and he's not talking yet." Derek tells him. "What matters now is that they have a good home with us." Derek says, and Scott sighs.

"I know." Scott tells him, and he looks down at Lizzy. "I don't know that happened to me and Isaac. One day, we just started arguing and it didn't stop." Scott sighs. "I just want things to go back to the way that they were. I don't want to divorce him. I love him. I love Lizzy. I want us to be a family again." Scott says, and Derek nods his head as he looks at him while he pats his shoulder. "How come you and Stiles don't fight? How can you have a kid, work full time, take care of our mentally ill uncle, and not fight? How?" Scott questions him, and Derek shakes his head fondly.

"We do fight, but we don't let it consume us. Sometimes fights aren't worth it or have a winner." Derek tells him. "Just let it go, Scott. Apologize, tell Isaac how you feel, move back into the house with each other, just try to make it work. If you love him, it'll work out. Don't let a bad taste in your mouth make you not want stay married." Derek tells him, and Scott nods his head. "Marriage isn't hard, Scott. Just love your husband, say nice things, love your child, have sex. Do all of that." Derek says, going to check on another patient as Scott sniffs in amusement. "But most of all. Get Isaac off of my couch because he's leaving a rut."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll catch you later." Scott says, sensing that Lizzy is about to wake up and he needs to get her home. Scott hums to himself as he thinks about Isaac, wanting to call him and tell him about it, and he buckles Lizzy into the car before he gets into the driver seat. Scott takes out his phone before he dials Isaac's number, hoping that he'll answer him this time, and he drives back towards the house. "Isaac, hey. I was hoping to talk to you. Will you come over?" Scott says, and he hears Isaac sighs on the other side of the phone.

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