Character Information

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Okay, readers. This is some background information on the characters mentioned in this book. Almost none of this is from the show, but my brain.   Some of it isn't mentioned in the book either. If you have any questions let me know. 
***As of 10/17/16, this needs to be updated with new characters and such. I wrote this around chapter twelve so anything after that has not been recorded.***


Derek Samuel Hale: 26 years old. Derek graduated from high school before bouncing from job to job until he was 22 then he went back to school in order to be a better role model for his little brother. He is dating Stiles and works as a nurse in Beacon Hills where he lives with Stiles and a rambunctious fox. He visits his uncle every week in the hospital, and he loves family. He has one brother and two sisters.

Stiles Stilinski: 19. Stiles was created in a lab by a man named The Professor, and he was kidnapped when he was three days old from the hospital in Beacon Hills. He is a hybrid with fox ears and a tail. He cannot hear from his human ears, and like real foxes, has trouble seeing colors from far away. He was a premature baby, and never knew his mother. He was verbal and physically abused by the Professor until he escaped. He has one brother named Isaac through they aren't blood related. Isaac taught Stiles how to speak, read, and write until he escaped and Stiles was told that Isaac was dead when he didn't come back one day. When the Professor past away, Stiles was stuck in his cage for two days until he was able to break the bars. Stiles is dating, and lives with, Derek Hale. He was reunited with his father and now step mother when he was 18.

Scott Denver Hale: 22. Scott is Derek's younger brother, and is currently dating Isaac Lahey. He lives with his boyfriend in Beacon Hills, and works in a vet clinic. He has no college education despite his mother and older sister pressuring him into continuing school. He was given his middle name from the city where he was conceived. He is forthright in his support and protection of Stiles and Isaac's secret. He is the middle child, but was always everyone's favorite. He looks up to his older brother, Derek, and would often sleep in his bed after Derek left the house. Scott is close with his mother and uncle, but not his sisters. He has one brother and two sisters.

Talia Anna Hale: 52. Talia is the only child from a family of outdoors men. She lived in woods of Washington until she was seventeen when she fled to California with her fiancé to elope. She was married to her husband, Michael, until his tragic death in a house fire. Talia is overly involved in her children's' lives, especially her youngest son and daughter, and she raised her niece almost since birth. After the fire, she feel into a depression but hid since she didn't want to be parted from her children. She works as a designer and tends to always wear high heels. She has no opinion on Stiles or Isaac's animal parts. Talia has one brother, four children, and a niece. She considers Isaac Lahey to be a third son.

Isaac (Last Name Unknown but he chose Lahey):24. Isaac is cat hybrid, he has ears that match his hair color but no tail. He was an orphan with no family. He was always protective of Stiles and still regrets having to leave him, and he searched for weeks for him. He was found walking the streets by the Reyes who took him in, and integrated him into society. He is a nurse at Beacon Hills hospital, and lives with his boyfriend of five months, Scott. Isaac was worried that Derek wouldn't approve, but he was taken by Scott from the first time he met him and he made points to go to the diner that Scott worked at late at night. He didn't make friends, he was always distrustful and awkward, until he met Derek Hale in college. Isaac has one sister and a niece.

The Professor (Real name unknown, decreased):87. The Professor was rejected by the scientific community for his ideas on human experimentation. He came up with an idea to make hybrids and he stole children from orphanages, killing several in the process, until he succeeded with Isaac. He died of natural causes. He was estranged from his daughter, and never had contact with his granddaughter.

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