Training and Fights

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Amari's POV

   Somehow, I get to the training arena, my eyes looking up from the sidewalk, only to realize I zoned out for the entire twenty minute walk, my mind a mess of different emotions.

    I walk past other Warriors as I walk towards the building, some calling out to me or nodding in greeting.

    I don't know if I return their hellos though, my mind too busy swooning over the new idea of slowly getting to know and fall in love with my Mate.

    My Mate.


    Someone I didn't even know I wanted around, the thought of being forced into submission almost enough to scare me away from my Mate. I think about him as I open the door and walk into the building and into the locker room past the welcome center and offices.

     I reach my locker, the long row of red metal storage lining the walls, creating aisle through the warmly lit room. I place my stuff on a bench behind me, and open my locker, changing into my workout clothes.

    'What if I'm not ready?' I ask Atlas, my wolf's mind on only the thoughts of biting Charlie, the though causing him to hum happily.

   The soft tune stops and he sighs as I pull my shirt over my head, my abs flexing as I stretch out my torso and arms for a moment. 'Life is full of things that we will never fucking understand, Amari, but one constant is a persons Soulmate. They always come when you're ready, because your destined to meet, even if you're not destined to stay together. Trust in fate, and things will work out.' Atlas tells me and I shut my locker, rolling my eyes as I leave the locker room.

    'Have you been practicing that for this day?' I ask, holding back my laugh, but I get no answer in return, telling me all I need to know.

     I walk down the concrete halls, boards along them filled with flyers and news for Warriors. I reach the main training floor, and walk through the entrance into a large room half the size of a football field, the entire floor covered in mats.

      I head towards the middle of the room where a few of the other elite wolves are stretching, and I join, smirking when I look around and don't see Avery's smug face glaring back at me.

     Today turned out to be better than I could ever dream. I chuckle to myself as J let my body relax as I bend over to slowly reach my toes, the muscles in my lower back pulling and loosening and I sigh in relief at the reales. Gerald, one of the last year Trainees helps me with my stretches, but as he pushes on my back as I lean forward, I'm remembering the way Charlie stepped closer to me whenever he was scared and anxious, my chest feeling light at the memory.

    After another ten minutes of stretching, we switch to sparring, breaking off into pairs along the large room to practice out form.

    Gerald follows me towards the left wall, away from the cluster in the middle, neither of us having the patience to be in the mix. Gerald and I aren't what people would consider friends, but over the years, since we both hate people, crowds, and unnecessary talking, we usually ended up paired alongside one another, a bond forming over familiarity, and then eventually, friendship.

    We begin sparring, our bodies moving together as we try to block weave and move with the other persons body, our hands and movements speeding as does the intensity but it's not long before Gerald growls at me and pushed me away lightly.

   Atlas makes me snap my teeth in warning, and Gerald only raising his lip slightly in response before he glared at me. "Amari, where the fuck are you? You're fighting like shit." He tells me, and this time, it's me who pushes the growl from the throat, and I lower into position again, pulling in a deep breath, closing my eyes before letting it go and opening them.

     This time when we meet each other, my
mind doesn't jump around, I think about Charlie, and the thought of hun instantly center me, and I imagine that I'm watching over him nap, protecting him from Gerald, and my moves quicken, my instincts sharpen, and the two of us end up sparring and wrestling around the mat for another thirty minutes.

    By the time we plop down on the mats a panting sweaty mess, I've lost the image of Charlie sleeping to calm me, but I don't worry, my body feeling relaxed even as my body throbs and aches.

    Gerald and I laugh and talk idly as we go to stretch once more, my body aching nicely. Just as we're thinking about going for a run to cool down, someone else enters the room, and when we turn to look, I groan when I see it's a very pissed off looking Avery.

    "Johnson." He yells as he strides towards me, and Gerald raised a brow and turns to me in surprise.

    "What the hell did you do?" He asks and I roll my eyes.

     "He has detention for the next week because he decided to turn his aim towards my Mate." I tell him, not regretting it once bit, and he whistled low, shaking his head before standing up. "You think he'll win?" I ask, slightly offended, but to my surprise, he only laughs.

    "I'm leaving because he's finally taken it too far and it's only a matter of time before his balls are on a plate." He says before strolling away lazily and I shake my head and laugh to myself just as Avery reaches me.

    "Johnson, you better know who the fuck you're dealing with." He tells me, and I stand up, only to get a hard finger to the chest, causing me to take a step back.

    "Avery, you came after my fucking Mate. You're lucky I didn't maul your face to make you for that disrespectful shit." I seethe, the cocky asshole glaring at me, wishing that looks could kill.

    "You're a coward that hides behind the excuse of your Mate because you're too much of a bitch to touch me yourself. You played your part so well, Amari." He says, stepping closer until we almost touch, his eyes body tense as he looks down, a smile slowly forming when he looks back up, his hand coming up to touch me. "The weak helpless little omega." He tells me and I snatch my face away.

    "Fuck you." I yell, my face burning from the effort of holding back my tears, but my Omega hyper empathetic genes make my lip wobble, hurt bursting in my chest from the words.

    Unable to stop the sound, I snuggle, and I watch in horror as heads turn towards us.

    I look back at Avery, expecting to see him gloating, but instead, his eyes are wide in shock, staring at my face. With a frown, I raise a hand, and feel a line wet streak.

    A tear.

    I cried.

    I'm crying.

    'Amari walk away.' Atlas tells me quietly, and I want to snap at him and scream and blame him and I want to punch Avery because he doesn't feel smug, he feels bad.

    "Fuck you." I spit again, but this time it comes out as broken and shaky. I turn away from everyone and walk away, quickly going to hide in the bathroom, and when I lean against the wall, I close my eyes and remember the feeling of Charlie's hand in mine.

   And slowly, I calm down, no other tears falling, my body tired and drained, and desperately in need of sleep.

    Feeling like a pup running with a tail tucked between my legs, I leave practice, and grab my things, the thought of Charlie the only reason my head was held high when I left, ready for the comfort of home.

Im so hungry, I've thrown up like four times today, and i'm tired and i have to pee really badly i think i'm gonna stop here lol. i hope you guys enjoyed the update though.



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