Laughing and Shivers

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Amari's POV

       Once I have everything I need for school and Tris and mom have left for work and day care, I get myself a pop tart and a water bottle for my own breakfast before I walk outside.

     Though I have a car, it helps my stamina to walk everywhere in the pack. Unlike the Autumn Falls pack, our sister pack that lives about thirty miles away, everything in our pack is all wolf based. On our lands we have schools, grocery stores and everything else that you could possibly need for a regular happy life on the lands.

      There are some people that don't ever leave, finding peace with living with our pack and people. The only ones who ever want to venture out of the Winter Moon pack beyond working, are those who can't find their Mate here or the younger  ones who do it on the weekends to go find some fun.

     I prefer staying around other supernaturals, wolves being so close minded in the way rhat I want to live my life regardless of the fact that what I do in no way shape or form effects their life.

     Which is exactly why I go to the inter grated school that go built when I was a baby with the help of our sister pack when we didn't have the equipment or people to do it all ourselves.

     The Alpha of the neighboring pack is strong and kind and apparently has helped us more than we know, the two of our packs getting together twice a year for a big party that we always look forward to. The one of the schools that they help us build sits right on the southerners edge of our pack, neighboring the suburbs and down down ares making our school probably the most diverse in our city.

     We have everyone from Warlocks to Daemons to humans and everyone in between.

    It's the perfect place for people like me to find someone else that defies hat they are taught and goes along their own path that kissed people off. and I have found a few of them. I chuckle to myself as I pass my car and make my way through the pack, nodding to my neighbors I see regardless of what kind of looks they give me.

     It seems as if it's the younger wolves that have just started to have their our pups and those a little younger than me that seem to look up to who I am.

     'You made the first step in something very big in a very opinionated pack. You're a role model. Though I wish there was anyone else to be one.' Atlas says, apparently worried over what kind of effect I could have on kids but I don't pay him any kind, rolling my eyes at the dramatic wolf.

     'I'm a great role model.' I argue as I turn right joining the back of a group of kids as we walk towards the edge of the pack, the morning air soothing as more and more people join the sidewalks.

      Atlas snorts in disagreement but settled down as we continue to make our way through the bustling morning. We finally get to school and I veer off to the left, nearing the picnic tables off under the large willow tree in the front of the school as I watch all kinds of people show up for an education.

     I notice that Rico beat me there and I smirk to myself as I get to the table and smack the back of his head lightly making him jump from whatever he's typing on his phone.

     "Stop day dreaming." I tell the Daemon and he glares at me, his dark eyes doing nothing to scare me after what I know about him.

     "How can I? Rachel told me that if I'm a good boy today, she and I can go to the beach this weekend. I can't get in trouble today." He says, the last sentence to himself and I laugh. Rico, another friend of mine that defies social norms. His Mate is a sweet healing Faerie from the north side of town, and while Rico is six foot three and will all the muscles to match, he is at the willing mercy of his girlfriend.

    Rachel is five door six on her best day and her aesthetic is soft sweet and loving, but apparently she has her boyfriend on a tight leash, some time quite literally and the two of them love each other to no end.

     "I'll make sure to keep you out of trouble." I promise him and he nods to me in all seriousness.

     "What's up, losers?" I hear and turn to see Tonya, her black hair shorter than it was yesterday, her brown skin glowing in the morning light.

     Tonya is a fellow Omega, only deemed so because of her half human status. While everyone expects Omegas to be soft and sweet and shy, Tonya is loud and abrasive and very very emo without a care in the world. And while people look down on her with shock and mild disgust, the two of us get along very well.

     "Hey, kid. Any luck on getting Amy to go to a concert with you?" I ask her and she groans. Tonyas Mate is a good, education oriented girl that is all about structure and neatness, things always having a place.

     "She said that she will listen to the music and decide if she like sir enough to have to deal with people. Sometimes I wonder how the two of us got Mated." She says in exasperation and while I know she tries to act all hard and annoyed, everyone who knows her know that she's completely infatuated with her lover and I don't see that changing any time soon.

      "Anyone seen Mitch this morning?" I ask my two friends and both of them shake their heads no, Rico putting his mouth phone into his pocket finally.

    Just as I go to say something else, someome shoved me from behind, but I only take a step forward to balance myself once more before I turn my head, seeing Avery glare at me before he turns his head, and I hear Rico and Tonya chuckle.

     "Did he just get mad that he didn't make you stumble?" Tonyas asks me with a snort and I roll my eyes at the stupid fucking wolf.

     "I should shove a stick up his fucking ass. Maybe it would fix his posture and he could actually beat you at something." Rico adds, his glare a hundred times worse than Averys and I watch as his eyes flash between black with the whites of the eyes and all black.

    I pick up a pebble and through it at him, making it hit him in the head. He turns towards me with a frown I just tilt my head at him with my brows raised. "You're supposed to be being good. Hurting someone is going to get you in a cage again." I tell him and he grumbles, but his eyes finally turn back to their normal color, the threat of having his dick locked away from his touch enough to get him to behave much to my amusement.

     "Hey guys. Why does Rico look like he wants to kill someone?" We turn our heads to find Mitch behind us, his hair a mess and hickeys all over his neck.

      "Why do you look like you just got fucked?" I ask him and he blushes  though a loud smack is heard as Brandon smacks his ass as he walks past him, winking at the three of us.

      "Because he did." The Vampire says, flashings is sharp teeth and we laugh to ourselves as Mitch huffs and crosses his arms, sticking up his middle finger towards his boyfriend and the quarter back of the school. Mitches weirdness is mild compared to the rest of us. He's just a gay human boy that has nasty sex with his boyfriend.

    Just as I go to make a comment on how his cheeks probably match the other ones, a shiver runs up my spine making my eyes roll as a breeze brings a ghost of a vent towards me.

    When I look around, I try to figure out who is belongs to, but I can't find it, and when the bell rings for everyone to go to class, the faint touch of the smell of Citrus and Vanilla resides in my soul.

I love the way my writing has been lately I won't lie. a bit of my poetic side seems to be coming out a lot. Which friend are you?



QOTD: Have you watched NCIS?

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