Anxiety and Fear

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Charlie's POV

      As I drive towards my new school, I bite my lip, hoping that people will leave me alone here and not expect me to talk to them.

   The school isn't far from my house, only five minutes away, and I find all sorts of people walking on the sidewalks towards the school coming form all directions just as people join the line I'm in as I wait to find a parking space.

    Looking out of the window, my eyes almost bulge out of my sockets when I see just how many different kinds of people there are, so much different than the small town I'm form where everyone looked like the ska person in different fonts and sizes.

    Though I can tell some people are Supernatural, I find myself unable to tell which one they are and I realize then that maybe I should have tried to pay more attention in Species Education when I took it as an elective last year.

     In less integrated cities they don't care about teaching us about these that are different around us and the class that I had, the teacher didn't even teach us that much, the class mostly tune into a study hall.

     I make a mental note to myself to make sure I take Species Ed this year so that I don't make a complete fool of myself.

    I can feel my throat close up slightly by just the thought of accidentally saying the wrong thing to a Super and then hitting me because they thing it's on purpose. A lot of people think that I'm the cook guy or that I like to bully people because of my size and looks, but all I really want is for people not to be mean and to leave me alone.

    Thankfully, this school is a lot smaller than my last one and I might just be able to get away with not talking to anyone.

    While my dad did most of the transfer work over the phone and online, he left the schedule part up to me because there were too many course and choices for him to make a decision without making me uncomfortable. But now that means I have to go to the front office and talk to someone and the thought makes my tired already even though the day just started.

     Finally after another ten minutes of being in line, I find myself a parking spot and pull into it, taking a moment to wipe my sweaty palms on my pants, taking a few deep breathes before I grab my book bag before getting out of the car.

    Once I'm out, I lock my car before following the other people towards the school, trying not to get too close to anyone as I do. The sidewalk in front of the school is crowded with people who are calling out to each other with smiles and wave and I try to stay out of their way.

    There's a huge willow tree in the front yard and I pass it, tripping slightly over my own feet and I continue on my way as fast as I can, hoping no one saw it, though it's hard to miss a six foot boy tripping over air in the front of the school. I have half mind to just forget it and drive back home, but I know that I will disappoint my dad if I do.

    And that's the last thing I want from the only family I have left.

    So with a red face and sweaty hands I follow a girl into the school, a few people turning to look at me, and I avoid everyone's gaze as I follow the signs that lead towards the front office wishing rhat I had the ability to hide from people and maybe turn invisible.

     I finally get to the office and breath a sigh of relief when I see it's the first quiet place One encountered since I've left the house. I walk inside and stand awkwardly before the desk not sure rhat to do for the receptionist attention but after a few moments he looks up.

    "Oh! I didn't see you there. What can I do for you?" He asks me and I smile a bit nervously as I clear my throat.

      "I'm new. I need to make my schedule." I tell him and I can see him struggle to hear me at first and I panic thinking that I have to repeat myself but after a few seconds he seems to be able to understand.

     "Alright. Name?" He asks, his voice nice and calm making me relax a little bit, his smile on his face soft and soothing as he talks to hun and when he notices he looks up with an 'oh' face. "I'm so sorry. I'm a Hyrbid between a Warlock and Healing Faerie. I can sense and control emotions and auras. You seemed so scared, I didn't mean to intrude," He tells me and while I feel a little word about it I smile gratefully.

     "It's okay." I tell him before I go to tell him my name. "Charles McAllison."

    I watch as he types in the name and he prints out a sheet for me, handing me the paper on a clip board before he also hands me a pen. "Go through and mark the classes that you would be interested in. I will try to make the schedule according to that and then we'll get you on your merry way." He tells me with that same soothing grin and I thank him quietly before going to sit down.

    I sit in the corner away from the door and set my book bag down in between my feet before I begin to go through the classes listed in front of me.

    I am quick to mark Species Education but besides that I take a guessing game on what I can take. I chose Political Arts, Species Religion,  and then Mental Health class and Art to switch on a A Day B Day schedule. Once I finish and I'm sure of my decision, I sigh my name at the bottom before I hand to to the man sitting at the desk.

     "Thank you, hun. Give me just a few moments." He tells me and I nod before I go to sit back down, looking through the door that's sitting ajar, leading out into the hallway seeing that it's empty.

   I realize with a blush that I once again got lost in my own head to the pint that I lost track of things going on around me. I sigh to myself in slight frustration before I turn back towards the man.

     The office is large a desk that serves as a barrier between the different parts of the office. The school colors are grey and burgundy and it looks very clean here, soemthing my mom would like. Just as I start to lose myself in my head again, the receptionist calls my name.

    "Alright, here's your schedule. I have you a school map as well as the nest way to each class, I also put the class numbers and class on both your schedule and map. The numbers along the top of your schedule are for the thrusting center and then the school the extension goes straight to me. And love." I look up from the paper in awe rhat he could do all of that in so few minutes. "You'll be okay here. No need to be nervous. If you ever want to talk me and the counselors are open to everyone at all times. Have a good first day." He tells me and even though he talked a lot, I still feel calm.

    "Thank you." I tell him, touched that he did all of that for me. I wave my goodbye and follow the map to my first class, knocking on the door before it's opened for me a few minutes later.

     "Yes?" The teacher asks, her glasses falling before she fixed them.

     "I'm your new student." I tell her shower her my schedule quietly and she smiles when she sees it, and ushered me into the class room.

    But only a few seconds after I walk through the door there's a sound of a growl and I have a heart attack.

What do you think is going to happen? How are all of you doing today? I hope this book is going up to your standards.



QOTD: Have you watched Leverage?

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