Moments and Threats

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Amari's POV

    With nervous sweaty hands, I lead Charlie through the door of the Training Center, his eyes still covered by one hand as the other tentatively reaches out in front of him.

   I laugh to myself, realizing he doesn't trust me to keep him steady just yet. We walk down a short hallway before making a turn, entering the large community training room that has sessions, show offs and trainers all around. I let go of Charlie before rubbing the back of my neck and announcing our arrival. "Okay you can open your eyes."

    I watch with nervous breath as he lowers his hand to his side before opening his chocolate eyes, his brown hair falling into his gaze before it's pushed to the side.

    His mouth pops open a bit as he turns to look around in what looks like wonder, and some of my nervous seem to dissipate at his apparent approval. I know that most peoples first date is to the movies or something like that, but I want Charlie to meet the full me first. And a big part of me what made here in this very space.

   Charlie turns towards me finally and his plump pink lips curve up into a smile as he meets my eyes, the shyness almost gone in the face of his excitement.

    "Where are we?" He asks me, and I find it adorable that he would get so excited about a place he isn't sure about, though his smiling expression turns slightly suspicious as he side eyes me. "Wait, we aren't here for me to work out right?" He asks me with pink ears and I can't help but laugh.

     'Let me bite him.'  Atlas argues once more, and I'm half convinced that we should, though I don't know how my human would react to that.

     "No I wouldn't do that." I answer him laughing again. "I wanted to show you this place because this is where I train so that I can be an official Warrior of the pack one day. I was the only Omega when I started, and now I'm at the top of my class." I tell him, my cheeks blushing from talking about myself, not something I'm prone to.

    Charlie's answering smile almost bringing me to my knees, the pride that's shining through his gaze making Atlas and I puff our chest out.

      "Will you show me around?" He asks me without hesitation and with full interest and I can't fight the urge to want to kiss him. To save him the embarrassment though since I'm sure PDA bothers him, I only catch his cheek, though the blush that spreads across both of them would try to convince you otherwise.

"Of course." I answer before tugging along his shy form further inside the large room. I take him towards a corner that has a huge trophy case that houses all the competition awards, class standings and certificates. "This is where all the important stuff goes. My names in here a few times, and each time I see it, it reminds me of where I started and how far I can still go." I admit, self conscious about the words so many seemed to look down upon.

Charlie steps up closet towards the class, reading all the awards and charts, smiling and pointing whenever he sees my name. Finally after looking at the trophy I won last year after our triathlon tournament, he turns towards me with pink cheeks and a warm open smile that dazzles me. "That's really cool, Amari. You really are amazing." He tells me, his eyes fully focused on mine, and I feel my cheeks warm at his praise, my heart warming at his words.

"Thank you. Now come on, I'll show you what I do when I come here." I offer before grabbing his hand again, relishing in the quiet rightness that I feel whenever I hold his hand in mine.

I lead him towards the large punching bag area, five bags hung up four feet from one another, two of them being used. I place my hand on the blue bag that I usually train with and smile at a wide eyes Charlie. "This is my favorite punching bag. I named him Steve." I share and Charlie laughs his eyes lighting up and his shoulders pushing back a little bit. It feels like he's slowly getting comfortable with me, and the light feeling the thought gives me makes me feel like I'm floating as I lift my hands to demonstrate my work out.

I lift my hands towards my face and give the bag a few hits, soft ones so they don't swing too hard and knock into Charlie.

As I walk slowly around the punching bag and pass in front of Charlie, I wiggle my butt and hum a random tune before continuing my punches until I make a full circle. Charlie's light and open laughs fill the air at my antics, and I grin at him fondly, appreciating how down to earth and sweet he is. While others, like Rico like their partners wild and friendly to match their cool and bold, I have always favored the idea of having a nice sweet relationship.

   Not that I really let myself think about without getting upset, but the few times I did allow myself to think I would get the perfect Mate, I imagined a reading buddy, a friend, someone who would push me to better myself from a place of love and care.

    It's probably because I grew up watching so many 90s shows, always enjoying the sweet 90s love that was so sweet and supportive in the way that people nowadays never are.

    My mom always told me J was born with an old soul.

   We spend the next thirty minutes touring the building and we end up in the back corner of the room where there an open space for independent freestyle work outs. I'm doing push-ups on the floor, breezing pass them when unexpectedly, Charlie places a weight on my back. The weight is only a five pound and I chuckle as I watch Charlie find a way to make me struggle.

    "It's unfair. You're supposed to at least pretend to struggle." He teases lightly, his frown playful and soft, and I can't help but gaze at him, warm butterflies fluttering in my stomach as he laughs to himself.

      But of course, when you have the track record I do and the wonderful people in you're life like I seem to have, you begin to notice after a while that you can't really have nice things. Ever.

   There's suddenly a loud commotion coming from the front of the building, and while I'm curious, I don't bother tuning into what's happening. Instead, I assure Charlie that he shouldn't worry. "It's okay, I promise. It's probably just some idiot having a shit day taking it out on the world." I tell him shrugging my shoulders and he laughs lightly at the words and shakes his head in mock disappointment at me.

    "Amari! I know you're in here!" Comes a voice and  my head immediately drops as a deep sigh that comes from my last nerve pushes it's way out of my mouth.

    "See? I told you." I tell Charlie warily as I get up and turn around only to see Avery storming towards me weaving through the work out equipment and nosy bystanders to get towards me. Avery's ears are bright red, and I try not to snicker in his face at the fact that I clearly got to him.

     "You think you're so slick. You're nothing but a fucking fake, Amari. You say Omegas aren't weak but as soon as you need help, you're the only crying wolf." He snarls in my face and I hear people start muttering around me.

     'You would think after eleven years he would have gotten tired of this already.' Atlas mutters, and as Avery stares me down, I know that no matter what, I can't let him get to me. I promised myself I would never let that happen again.

    "You know you were in the wrong, Avery. And if you disagree, we can take it to the Lead Warrior and have him decide." I tell him evenly, my jaw tight knowing that I should focus on making sure Charlie is okay.

    "I'm not going to let you run away from this Amari. Watch your back." He tells me before walking away, and I try to smile through the whisper of fear from years ago that echos through me so I can manage a convincing smile towards Charlie.

   "Come on, we have another stop to make."

I haven't been doing the best lately loves. I really want a good paying job but honestly there's not many out there and the price of living is only increasing. Hopefully something will come around.



QOTD: Whats your favorite 90s song?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2022 ⏰

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