Lunch and Friends

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Charlie's POV

Amari leads me upstairs and continues to take me all around the school, showing me all sorts of things that he thinks I should know, and it makes me happy, just to be here and listen to him talk about something so passionately.

We walk around the school for the next hour and a half, until it reaches twelve o'clock and we end up standing at the front of the school with Amari's hands in his pockets and mine itching to be back in his.

   I don't really understand the whole Mate thing, but I do know that all it makes me want to do is touch Amari and let him hold and protect me all he wants. My cheeks flare up wildly and I glance beside me, hoping that I didn't say it out loud, my embarrassing thoughts always exposing themselves to the wolf.

"So, that's our school. It's a bit big and a little bit confusing, but once you get used to it, I think you'll love it here." He tells me with a satisfied smile, and I turn my head to give him back my attention, trying my back to avoid his questioning eyes that watch my blush.

    I bite my lip and look away from the wolf, trying to ignore the heat spreading up my chest and towards my face, embarrassed beyond belief. Just when I'm hoping for a hole to open up and swallow me, I almost jump when I feel a hand on my cheek that makes my eyes find a slightly smiling face that looks a lot like a smirk, the look making my breath fall and catch in my throat.

    His hazel eyes study me for a second, his gaze soft and curious before he smiles softly and shakes his head.

    "Whatever happens next, I am so sorry and I would stop it if I could." He tells me with a sigh, but he can't hide the twitch of his lips that swallow his laugh. I narrow my eyes slightly, opening my mouth anxiously to ask what he means, but before I can, he slips his hand back into mine and I forget what I'm supposed to be nervous about.

    Amari takes me towards the food corner where there's a snack shop, a hot lunch bar, and a fruit and salads bar. I look around at awe, never seeing a public school so nice.

    A tug comes from my hand, and fresh sparks and shivers are sent up my arm making my breath catch as I turn towards a waiting Amari. He gives me a soft genuine smile before looking around as well. "A lot of supers put a lot of work and money into this school. The state didn't want to pay for a school that taught Supers and we were out of fund. Our sister pack and our wealthiest wolves came together to build this. Alpha James even came and helped build it himself. It's our pride and joy." He tells me and I look around with a new appreciation.

   We get both get a burger and a salad on our trays before we turn around, going to walk towards the tables to find somewhere to sit.

   That is until the two of us get knocked into, and me and my tray go crashing to the floor, only for a strong arm to secure themselves around my waist and help me steady myself.

    My throat closes tight as Amari growls lowly, my knees shaking from the sound of it, but I can't tell if it's fear like it should be. Instead I'm distracted as Amari fussed over me until I can verbally assure him that I'm okay. Once I do, he turns from me with murder in his eyes, only to relax and sigh when he sees a tall fit guy in all black, his eyes a deep murky brown.

     Still shaken up from the incident earlier with the Avery boy, I'm quick to step behind Amari, my hand going to grab the bottom of his shirt tightly in fear of the scary looking guy.

     My eyes almost fall out of my head when the man who I'm pretty sure would punch a kid for sneezing too loud, cracks the biggest smile I've ever seen, directed at me. Before I have time to react, I'm being grabbed and pulling into an unexpected hug by the boy, my food being caught and set on the table by an annoyed Amari. My face explodes into a sea of red until I'm set down, only once my feet are on the ground is when I hear the growl that's coming from behind me.

     A hand grabs the back of my shirt and pulls me back and I find myself standing right next to Amari, his lip curled as he glares at the dark haired man.

     He raises his hands in surrender before sitting down at the table to the left of us. "Excuse Amari here." He says to me, smiling at me despite being mentally murdered. "He doesn't know how to act civilly, the mutt. I just wanted to personally thank the beauty that will take the beast." He says dramatically, bravado leaking out of his pores until he slumps down into an uninterested slouch in his chair.

    Amari turns to me once he snarls once more at the boy, grabbing my hand before pulling me to sit down in front of the weird boy, making me frown in confusion. 

    "Charlie, this asshole, is Rico. He's feeling extra bitchy today because his girlfriend told him he has to be good today. Good isn't exactly
in his DNA." He explains and I look over at the boy who's... pouting. That's exactly what he's doing. He's pouting as he looks around the cafeteria, glaring or snarling at anyone that looks at him.

     I turn towards Amari, not wanting the boy across from us to hear. "Is he a werewolf too?"
I ask quietly, curious about his demeanor and the way he sneers at everyone he looks, hoping that's not what's in store for me.

   I wipe my sweaty hands on my pants, just Rico cracks up laughing, his pale face a bright red as if he was holding it in. My own face goes to mirror his, mortified over asking another stupid question. Before I can apologize, Rico speaks up. "I'm sorry Charlie thats just the first time I've heard that one. People are usually on the money. I'm a Daemon." He says and my spine straightens a bit as I look him over once more.

    "No." I turn towards Amari when I feel his hand on my leg, sparks shooting from my thigh to my crotch, my embarrassment growing tenfold as I snatch my knee away swiftly. I see him frown but he doesn't say anything before he continues. "Not the biblical kind. They're just another supernatural species with their own powers and abilities. Daemons just happen to need and thrive on negative energy especially since they aren't promised a Mate." He explains to me quietly, and I nod my head as I make a mental note to do some research.

     I look back over at Rico and he smiles at me, giving me a little finger wave that makes me laugh quietly.

     "You don't look evil." I say, before realizing that it was out loud instead of a personal thought. I stiffen hope im worry, waiting for him to kill me, but it doesn't happen.

    When I open my eyes again, I find him smiling softly, his angry pout gone.

    "Well. That's the first time I've heard that one too."

This is the first chapter of this I wrote in a while. I wonder how many total chapter I can do. I'm going to shoot for 8 and hope for 6. (Edit I got 5 total done)



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