Anticipation and Faeries

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Amari's POV

   All throughout the rest of the e day, all I can think about is the fact that Charlie said yes to me taking him somewhere.

   The stupid grin on my face as not dimmed at all, and when I saw my Mate during lunch, it only got bigger much to Rico' joy and amusement who used the time to make fun of how "lovesick" I was.

He only ended up making Charlie blush and uncomfortable but after a warning growl he finally let up and started going on and on about his beautiful girlfriend, as usual. Now, I wait for Charlie outside of his third class, grateful that I don't have to wait until the ends of the day to see him again.

   After a few seconds of waiting, Charlie comes out looking nervous until he sees me standing there. His face lights up shyly, his smile trying to be suppressed but I see it all the same making my heart warm.

   "Hi." He says to me, eyes unable to hold my own as I reach to grab his hand. I watch as his breath catches in his throat at the contact, sparks shooting down my spine and to my cock which I promptly ignore as I turn to lead to two of us towards the last class of the day.

     "Our last class today is Species Education. Most Supers decide not to take it and those who do usually do it their Freshman year but I took weight training instead. So you'll have someone to help you with learning more about our world." I explain to Charlie, suddenly looking forward to a class that at first, I wasn't even sure I wanted to keep.

   Charlie instantly relaxes, his face spreading into a warm, cautious smile as he takes peaks at me when he thinks i'm not paying attention.

   We weave through the sea of students and make our way towards A Hall where Mr.Bane teaches Species Ed, one of the only Vampire teachers here. His young features make his white hair all the more striking, his sharp jaw impressive and apparently almost every girl in the class that's already there thinks so too. As well as some of the boys if smell is any indication.

    I feel Charlie's curiosity through our bond, though it's not as clear as it will be when we Mate, and I lead him towards the middle of the room towards one of the clusters of desks that he has spread around the room.

We talk to each other while we wait for the other seats to fill in, Charlie asking questions about my friends and me gladly answering them, happy that he's so open to learning more about the people closest to me, though we both end up staying clear of the topic of family.

Finally the bell rings and the class settles down, Mr.Bane walking into the room, a cold gust of wind following him, as well as a cart full of textbooks.

"Good morning, class. I expect that you all had a good evening. Today you will be getting your textbooks for the semester. Species Education Textbooks Second Year Edition. I know most of you are Juniors, but they're still working on the third and fourth year editions and most of you haven't take the class anyway, so you'll be fine." Mr.Bane explains to us as he starts to pass the textbooks around.

   The cover is one of a wolf, a werewolf Im assuming, the red lettering striking against the black and white picture.

   I've always been curious about this class.

   I've always heard good things.

  Once all the books are passed around, Mr.Bane explains what our first class assignment is and I turn to Charlie to see him studying the book curiously, the excitement in his gaze making me smile.

    'Does he realize how adorable he is? Don't you just want to eat him?' Atlas asks me, but I can only snort, not blaming him for his adoration with our Mate.

   "Species Education is all about learning the history about how Kaulike came to be, how humans came to know about Supernaturals, and all of the basic things about each species. Education is elevation. The only way to stop hate is to stop misinformation and make sure you know what you're talking about before you open your mouth. A lesson I've heard that quite a few of you need to learn." There's a silence in the air that hangs for a moment before he moves on. "Your assignment today is to read the first lesson in Unit one Chapter one. The story of the first Species that banded together long before Kaulike was even a thought."

     I find myself curious and open the book to the first chapter and find an unexpected group. The Faeries was the first ones to band together and create their own kingdom.

Even growing up Super I didn't know that.

Wolves and almost every other species of Supers stay away from Faeries if we can. They can be stuck up, rude and judgmental, always putting themselves and their personal gains above other. Doesn't exactly mesh well with a pack mentality.

"You will read with whoever is at your table and all of you are responsible for doing the review wu stipend for homework. Never forget this textbook, we will be using it every class." He tells me and I grown quietly, knowing that while I do have super strength, no one wants to carry around an extra notebook.

With that, Mr.Bane wraps up the instructions and everyone gets to work, apple flipping through their textbooks to look over the chapter and unit names. Knowing we'll get to it eventually, I keep my book on the Faerie Kingdom chapter, beckoning Charlie to come closer which he does, red cheeks blazing as he quietly shuffles closer.

Once he's in reach, I immediately reach out to grab his thigh, the softness of him making me want to groan in appreciation but I hold back, doing my best to enjoy but ignore the tingle that lights up my body as I touch my Charlie so close to his dick which will one day belong to me.

Pushing those thoughts aside, I focus on Charlie's shy smile and the smoothness of his voice as we read the chapter together, excitement for our first date unable to leave my mind.

Chapters a bit short. I'm proud of myself though even though I took a nap and am still tired, I'm not letting myself give up. I am going to post at least 7 chapters today like I promised myself.



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