Class and Mates

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Amari's POV

    Once the bell rings, I try to ignore the smell that make my spine ingle and instead turn back to my friends, knowing we have to get to class.

    We separate into two and Rico comes with me as we make our way towards class.

     "Hey, you alright? You look kind of spaced out." Rico tells and I turn to him after I realize that it's me he's talking to and give him a confused smile and a shrug.

      "I'm not sure. I thought I had smelled something but I guess not." I tell him not wanting to get my hopes up by guessing what that smell was but apparently Atlas has no problem with potentially breaking my heart.

      'That was our Mate, Amari.' He tells me, his voice that of awe but I roll my eyes.

      'No it was not. I don't need a Mate and we still have time.' I argue against him and he growls in disagreement but doesn't say anything else.

      Even though I told Atlas that I trust the Goddess to know me well enough to match me with someone that understands who I am, there's still a very real and very much alive fear within me that I'm wrong and I'll be Mated to someone that will want me to act like the average Omega and will try to force me to stop doing why I love.

      I've seen I happen. I've even read about it.

     And I don't want it.

      We finally get to class, and we enter the room, Mrs. Wilson standing at the front of the class as she talks to some kids and we walk towards the back near the window where no one bothers us.

       We sit down and pull out our Mental Health text books, flipping to the pet about Anxiety. "You know, I wonder what it would be like if people didn't have this class." Rico says, pulling out his notes and setting up his markers and pencils in a straight line.

      People always assume that because he's a Daemon, he doesn't want to do school would and would attend be a delinquent, but Rico is one of the smartest kids I know that actually likes to learn.

      I can't think of how many tests and such that Rico has helped me study for over the past two years and helped me get a good grade.

     "I heard that most humans school don't have classes like Education and Religion and Leadership class. They have to take classes that all have to do with academia. That's why a lot of humans are book smart or street smart but the aren't life smart of that makes sense." I tell him and he nods his head.

      "Sounds stupid." He says and I laugh in agreement.

      Just as we get settled, the door to the classroom gets closed and Ms. Wilson takes the floor up front.

      "Good morning Health. How are we feeling today?" She asks and there's a chorus of 'goods' that float around before she placed her hand on her hip. "That was nice. But real answers only. How are we feeling today?"

     This time there's a more diverse answer.

     She turns towards the back corner and I curse. "Amari, Rico how are you two feeling today?" She asks and Rico saved the day by going first.

     "A little bit anxious. I'm trying to make today a good day, but I've also been feeling very reactive today so I'm not so sure how that's going to go." He says and Ms.Martin beams.

     "Points to you for using a vocabulary word. I think you're going to have a great day." She says before she turn to me and I sigh.

      "I'm feeling very... restless and unsettled as of soemthing uz about to happen." I explain already knowing what's coming. Half the class turns around to look at me with smiles and wiggling eyebrows.

      "Amari, do you think today is your day?" Ms. Martin asks me with a smile but before I have to answer, there's a knock on the door and she turn to go and open it though she looks back at me with raised brows as if she means to finish this conversation once she's done.

    I turn away form her and look at Rico who has a shit eating grin on his face. "What?" I ask him and he baked shia head with a snicker.

     "Looks like you won't be the odd one out anymore. You'll have your own boo too!" He tells me and I slap him upset the head, just as it hits me.

     The slight smell of Citrus and Vanilla from earlier hits my nose at full force and my eyes roll to my back of my head in pleasure just as Atlas comes forward to push a growl from my throat.

    "Mine." Those around me move out of the way, sliding against the wall but I don't pay attention to them as my eyes find the boy standing at the front do the class, his cheeks red and he almost looks faint when I stand up and make my way up there.

    He's easily taller than me by about four inches, but the way he's hunched over and trying to disappear into himself makes him almost my height as I come towards him, my nose pressing against his neck as I pull in a deep breath and my whole body shivers violently at the smell of him. So sweet. So soft. Mine.

     And then I realize. I jerk back in surprise and look at the boy in alarm. "You're human." I say, my body still reaching out for me to go back to him and Mark him and Ms. Martian chuckles to herself.

     "Oh dear. Looks like you guys should go ahead to the counseling office." She says and I nod my head swimming form confusion as I come down form my adrenaline rush.

    There's cheers behind me and I shake my head as I walk out of the door and the human. boy follows me, his whole face and neck red. I rub the neck of my neck as I think about how the hell to start this. "Uh, I'm sorry for... smelling you." I tell him and he bites his lips before he answers.

       "Are you a werewolf?" He asks quietly and my brows shoot it in surprise.

     "Yes." I tell him and his face gets a little more red as he looks away.

     "Am I your Knot?" He asks and I can't help but chuckle a little bit though Innituce rhat makes his ears turn almost cherry red.

      "Sorry. Sorry. No you're my Mate. Knot is for Faeries. I am not a Faerie." I tell him and he nods quietly as we walk. I peek at me and notice the small things about him until I finally put it together. "You're shy aren't you?"

      "Sorry." He tells me and I raise my brows in surprise though I also can't help but coo in my mind about how adorable he is when he blushes.

      "No. It's cute." I tell him and I can feel Atlas looking over my shoulder and I roll my eyes at the smug smirk in my wolf's face. And he's quiet and he watches our Mate curiously, his own cheeks pink and I think my stupid wolf is head over heels in love with the human already.

     We finally make it to the office and walk in and the receptionist looks up with a shocked smile when he sees my Mate. "Oh your back so soon! What happened?" He asks and the human points at me, his face still tainted.

     "He says that I'm his Soulmate." He says and the receptionist looks from me and to him with wide eyes.

     "Oh wow."



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