Questions and Staring

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Amari's POV

     "Do you think I'm going to hurt you?" I ask Charles and he jumps and turns towards me, stopping his nervous pacing and his eyes go wide.

     "No.... well you wouldn't right?" He says and I laugh a little bit, knowing that he's not joking but wishing he was.

     "No I wouldn't hurt you Charles." I answer and he shakes his head harshly making me rise my brows in surprised.

      "Just call my Charlie. Charles is my dads name." He says making a disgusted face and I laugh before nodding. "I don't think you're going to hurt me but... what if you don't like me?" He says and I get up from leaning against the desk and walk over towards the male.

     'Hes so cute. Can we bite him?' Atlas asks and I try not to snort outloud.

     'We would give him a heart attack if we even shows him our fangs right now.' I tell him and he huffs in annoyance but doesn't say anything else as I stop in front of him.

     "I already like you." I tell him with a smirk and he just looks at me for a second, shocked before he looks away.

      "Even though I don't act like how I look?" He asks me and I can tell that this is something that he has a hard time with and I let my hand reach out to hold his fingers and play with them in my grasp as I frown at his question.

      "Someone's personality shouldn't be dictated based off of how they look. You look amazing to me, and how sweet and quiet you are is adorable. I could care less of it doesn't match the societal standards of what you're supposed to act like. No one I like does and you wouldn't be any exception." I tell him and he squirms under my gaze.

     "Stop it." He tells me quietly and I smirk as he ducks his head, doing so with mine as well to catch his brown eyed gaze and he catches his breath.

       "Stop what?" I ask him with a grin and he huffs before pushing le softly away, but I only laugh and go to sit on a bean bag and he follows slowly behind me.

       "Are we going to talk about the other stuff?" He asks me and I tilt my head to the left.

       "What other stuff? Monthlies, where we live, home and all of that?" I ask him and he nods and I have to remember that he's human and that this is a new cultural shock to him. I pat the beanbags beside me and he comes immediately and willingly and sits down. "Where you come from, did they have species education?"

       "We didn't have any one in our city that was Supernatural. B-but I signed up to take the class! I have it second block." He tells me and I nod my head.

       "What do you know about werewolves?" i ask him and he has to think for a second before he answers.

       "You have a wolf that can talk to you in your head, you can change your body into the physical body of a wolf with magic and you can mind read." He tells me and I shake my head from side to side in a kind of gesture.

     "You have the basics down." I tell him and he smiles with a coating of pink along his cheeks that I find adorable but decide not to comment on it "But we can't mind read. We can only talk to our Mates and family through a mind link we give them access to."

      "Do does that mean... you can talk to me?" He asks and I'm happy to see nothing but curiosity in his gaze.

      "Not yet. But one day. When you get to the wolf chapter in class we can talk about it more. Or, if you're sure about.. this, we can talk about it whenever you want." I explain to him and I see his fingers twitch, halfway making their way to my hand but shying away at the last minute.

     I reach across and brush my fingers against his, smiling softly as his cheeks get that color that's becoming addicting to my eyes.

     In all my thoughts about getting a Mate, I never thought I would get someone who gets it. Someone that's just like me- but opposite. Someone that would get it and fit me just right and it's a little bit intoxicating to realize that the Goddess might not be so bad at all if she can deliver the person person to me just when ai thought I didn't need him.

     "You can hold my hand. It's okay. You feel a pull to be near me and touch me don't you?" I ask him, my voice softer than it usually is, probably the closest that I will ever get to sounding like an Omega.

      "Is that bad?" He asks, hesitantly pulling my hand into his lap and playing with my fingers, and I feel sparks fly up my arm softly the feeling making me want to just close my eyes and feel, rejoicing in it.

       'Are you sure we can't bite him?' Atlas asks me, not feeling too sure and I laugh at hun but still deny him the opportunity.

       The funny part is, hes not even thinking about Marking him. He just thinks Charlie is so cute that he wants to bite him.

     "No. It's normal. It's sweet. I like it." I tell Charlie, answering his question and he blushed again and I almost swoon as how cute he his and he continues to play with my fingers. "Do you stay far from here?"

     "I can't remember my address but I live close. Do you?" He asks me, peeking up at me with brown eyes and I smile as I meet them and nod my head.

      "I like walking to school like most of my pack does. We don't live too far." I tell him and he nods. "Do your parents support Inter-Species relationships?" I ask him, needing to know what I'm up against. He doesn't answer at first and I start to panic until I see the tears in his eyes and I get out of my bean bag and kneel in front of him and wipe away the tear that escaped and hold his face up towards line, frowning in apology. "Hey, it's okay. We don't have to talk about it right now." I tell him.

      "Okay." He tells me and I nod pulling him in for a hug that he lets me before mumbling something into my shirt. "Can you show me around?"

     I pull back and give him a smile before I reach out a hand to help him up. "Of course."



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