Meetings and Possessiveness

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Amari's POV 

    I watch as Avery comes closer to me and Charlie, that dumbass smirk on his face making Atlas try to push the snarl from my chest, but I hold it, not wanting to scare Charlie.

    When I peek over at my human, he looks warily at Avery, and I watch in surprise as he starts to shuffle closer towards me, his heart rate starting to pick up a little as if anxious.

     'He's making Mate scared. I give you permission to kill him now.' Atlas tells me firmly, but I ignore him, reaching out to rest my hand against Charlie's arm, holding it softly, but firmly to try to ground him a little bit.

He makes a sniffle noise, low, but loud enough for me to hear, but after a few seconds he settles, his heart going to slow down a little bit, and he shuffles closer towards me the closer Avery gets making me bristle over the cocky bastard making my Mate scared. 'Calm down, Amari. It's your reaction to him too. You're making him think he should be scared.'

I huff, but try my best to smooth my features out from hate and instead go for a strong dislike. I don't think it worked that well.

    "What do you want, Avery?" I ask the wolf once he's only a few feet away, and he shrugs, hands in his pocket as he looks at me, head tilted slightly to the side.

"This is the Tech hallway, Amari. This is where my classes are. Don't you have somewhere to be? Learning how to get pregnant and take care of babies, little Omega?"

The words grate my skin, more than they usually do, and I feel embarrassed to be talked to like this, especially in front of Charlie. Whatever thoughts and positive things he may have had about me before, are all going out of the window now. I grit my teeth, as angry tears come to my eyes and I try to blink them away in irritation.

        "I don't have time for you today Avery." I tell him, my lip going up to curl again, and I turn away from him, Charlie going to follow, but before we can go to move away, Charlie stops moving.

     I thorn my head to see what the problem is when I see Avery's fucking hand on my humans arm, pulling him slightly towards him.

      "Who is this Amari? You wouldn't be breaking Wolf Code, would you?" He asks me, his eyes holding nothing but curiosity and amusement making my fist itch to be in his face.

      Wolf Code is the understood code between all wolves that we will wait for our Mate to come along before we lose our virginity. Some wolves even believe that kissing and dating should be traversed for your Mate as well. While having pre-mated sex isn't illegal and won't get you in trouble, you'll be looked down upon by others, and your Mate could even reject you for it.

     Stupid if you ask me.

     "I didn't break the Code. And it wouldn't matter if I did." I tell him, and the words only make him more curious. "And get your fucking hands off of him." I tell Avery, snatching Charlie towards me, and he comes willingly, going to hind behind me.

    Averys brow shoot up, almost as if in surprise until the answer seems to dawn on him, though it's not like I care. Once he figures it out, his face hardens into stone.

     "So little Amari found his Mate, huh? Human. Does he know how weak and insignificant you are? You much you try to be someone you're not? Does he know that his werewolf Mate is the weakest one in the pack, runt?" Tears prick my eyes once more, and there's nothing that I'm able to see to him, and he knows it.

     "I don't think Amari is weak." I turn my head in amazement and surprise when I hear Charlie's voice from behind me speaking up for me.

      "You don't? He must have lied to you." A ardy says mockingly after he recovers from shock as well.

     "If hes the weakest one, then how is he so strong? How is he at the top of his class?" His voice gets smaller as he goes on, but the pride in my chest continues to grow as Averys face darkens, never lining the reminder that I'm above him.

     "You'll have to baby him.  Take care of him." He tries one last time, but this time it's me that speaks up against my dumbass arch nemesis. He never knows when to call it quits, and that's why I always win.

      "Funnily enough. Charlie liked to get spoiled and babied. But I guess you wouldn't know the feeling, since you haven't found your Mate." I tell him with a shrug, and he growls at me, but I raise my brow, just as one of the teachers open their door and. ones outside.

     "Avery. What are you doing?"

     Before he can speak up, I answer, playing up the role I was technically born to play. The little Omega.

     "I was just trying to show my new Mate around, and Avery was telling me how my Mate won't accept me." I let my curls fall into my face and widen my blue eyes and the teachers face softness before she turns to Avery with a nasty look.

     "Avery, come get your stuff and go to the principal's office. You have detention for the next week, so you'll be missing out on training. Maybe you'll learn to think before you speak out against an Omega." Avery's face falls and he turn to glare at me, before he turns to go towards the classroom. His teacher turns to me with an apologetic look. "I am so sorry hun. Congratulations on your Mating!"

     I thank her before turning to grab Charlie's hand and making my way towards the back staircase while tugging Charlie with me.

   When I look behind me, I see Avery leave the room and go the opposite direction, but his eyes when I saw them, screamed eleven different types of pain.

    I turn around with a grin and Charlie tugs on my hand a little bit, and I find a blush along his neck as he shakes his head as if to get rid of the nad enegery.

     "Amari, who was that?"

    "That was Avery. He hates that fact that I'm an Omega Warrior. He thinks I should be a pup factory and stay at home like the other Omegas in our pack. And he takes every chance he can get to remind me that technically, I'm below him. And he hates that in real life, he always falls second to me."

      "He's jealous?"

     I laugh and nod my head as we go up stairs and I go to show him the back walls that are covered in student art. "Highly."

"Should we be worried?" Charlie asks me, his voice scared and I stop us in the middle of the hallway to pick up his hand and press it against my lips softly before shaking my head.

"Never. If he wants to be a bitch about it, I'll handle it." I tell him "Okay? You're mine to take care of."

Charlie's face gets alight in a fierce blush and it makes me laugh to know that I can make him that flustered. "Okay." He admits and I kiss his hand again before I let it swing between us as we carry on our tour.

We all hate Avery. He's a bitch and should be treated as such. I love how cute Charlie is though! I adore him so much!



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