Instructions and Asking

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Charlie's POV

   I fell myself stiffen as the teacher talks about the assignment, my face heating from unnamed emotions and tears that rush forward.

"Okay, look." Mrs.Wilson continued as she leans on her desk, looking around at all the faces around her, her own somber. "I know that forgiveness is hard, especially when we don't even know that we feel such anger and resentment towards someone. But that's what this is about. I don't want any projects on a friend or someone easy who just did something petty that upset you for a day. I want you to dig deep to something that hurt you so deep and hard that you didn't know if you would be okay that could be effecting you today. Someone who passed away. Maybe a Mate who cheated. A parent that left." I hear a low growl and jump slightly before turning to see Amari's brown eyes turn black before going back.

I feel my heart pumping as I thinking about the only thing that has hurt me that deep. But that can't be it.

I would never be mad at my mom for dying it's not something that she can help.

I frown at the instructions she's giving before timidly reaching over to touch Amari's hand that has settled on my leg.

He startled for a moment but when he looks at me there are tears in his eyes and such red hot anger that I gasp, his eyes almost looking lost and broken.
I recognize that look because I've been there. I worry that Amari has lost a parent to, but before I can ask, he shakes his head slightly.

I nod, not saying anything and just shyly press my hand onto his. I look over at his friend Rico and manage to smile when I see that he's fast asleep, his earlier temper tantrum over.

I find myself lost inside of myself for a moment, the unsettled feeling of the small feeling of anger I felt towards my mom making me feel ashamed and like a bad son. What kind of child would be mad at their mom for passing away because she was sick? She told me that I was supposed to stay strong and be there for my dad. How could I ever be upset at the compassion that she had?

Unable to find the answers to the questions and unsure if there are any to begin with, I try my best to continue listening to the teacher as she continues on.

"Your first assignment is to do a thirty second oral speech about what forgiveness and acceptance mean, and identify the person that you need to forgive and accept." She instructs and when I have the nerve to look around I don't see one happy face. "Alright class now that that's over, let's do an activity."


   After the tense class is finally over, I watch as Amari and his friend, Rico gather their things, me following their lead, both of their expressions dark and bleak.

     I guess they aren't as happy as they seem to act on the outside. This assignment seems to have drained us all.

   Once I stand up and push in my chair, I feel a hand  slip into mine and hold on tightly. Though still unfamiliar, the spark that races through my body when our hands meet makes my heart both flutter and calm all at once. I peer at Amari shyly as he leads us towards the door, and I can't help but admire the build of his strong lean muscles that peak out from his shirt.

I start to feel my body relax as we leave the room, that is, until I remember just what my next class is that Amari is taking me.

My anxiety shoots through the roof and I find myself slowing down, chewing on my lip in nerves. Amari notices and after waving a still grumpy and silent Rico on, he pulls me towards the walls where it's not so crowded and studies me.

"What's wrong, Charlie?" He asks me, leaning in to get a look into my eyes. I instantly feel my cheeks red, my chest tightening from the lack of oxygen, my nervous habit being to hold my breath. I'm startled by the intensity in his greenish eyes, the anger and hurt swimming around his gaze making it seem deeper. I gasp for a breath after holding it for too long, and soon Amari's gaze turns from inquisitive and worried to curious and hungry. And not for food.

I stutter out an answer in pure embarrassment once I feel my dick come to life. And before he can notice I take a step back until I hit the wall. Not anticipating that he would follow. "I-I'm not ready for sex- uh I mean Body Education." I stammer out praying to any Goddess their is to open up a hole in the ground and swallow me up. It might be because I'm human, but my prayer was not answered.

Amari's lips raised in an amused smile, his eyes narrowing at me slightly, the trail of his gaze as he looks me up and down leaving me panting and bothered.

I feel my cock continue to harden and I turn my head away slightly, hoping that the lack of eye contact would quell the embarrassment and need that I feel coasting through me. Feelings that I only ever knew fleetingly but i ash over with full force.

"You don't need to worry." Amari tells me, his voice close and low given the space between us, and it makes me pull in a breath again, nerves sending butterflies to flutter in my stomach. "I know how much the stories of the packs interest you. Luna Cody from the Autumn Falls pack was infamous, even here, for passing out or getting 'sick' every couple of days when he was in school. We're not super heros that don't have emotions or embarrassment. Or need." He adds slyly making my cheeks burn brightly. "We're just supernatural. You don't have to worry." He tells me softly before pulling away and grabbing my hand once more.

I peek at him, turning my head in his direction as he starts to walk me towards class again, the amount of people in the hallway thinning out as we make our way to the right hallway.

"How did you know I like the stories you tell me?" I ask him softly after a minute or so, and I hear him chuckle slightly as he turns his head to look at me, flashing his gorgeous crooked grin that makes my own smile appear on my lips. His hand squeezes mine making my semi hard cock harden more, my curiosity about these intense feelings and embarrassment over having them in the first place warring at each other as we slow to a stop near a classroom door that's still a few feet away.

"Every time I tell you a story about this school or the packs, your eyes light up, and you seem more relaxed. And it seems to make you not feel so insecure the more you learn about how...human we are too." He explains to me with that smile I find myself looking forward to seeing.

"Oh." Is all I can manage to say, unable to explain the feeling of warmness that spreads through me at the words.

Amari laughs, a deep belly one, and I find myself chuckling softly too, watching the way he expresses himself so freely. The warning bell rings and I turn to Amari worriedly since he'll be late, but he doesn't seem worried in the slightly as he pulls me close to him by our entertained hands.

"I want to take you somewhere special to me after school." He tells me and I gape stop him, red hot blush creeping up my neck and onto my cheeks. Unable to do anything else short of exploding like a firework from excitement and surprise, I nod quickly, slightly dazed.

Amari just laughs and pulls me in for a hug, his nose skimming the base of my neck before pulling away. With a crooked smile and a nod towards the room I belong to, he turns and walks away leaving me to stumble into the the classroom with a smile in my face and a wolf in my eyes.

I know you guys have been waiting for me to update and now that I feel better and my bestie has left town, here it is! I hope you guys enjoy!



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