Mornings and Soreness

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Amari's POV

    When I wake up the next morning, I groan quietly to myself as I take a deep breath when I realize that I went a little bit too far yesterday.

     'I know we're strong, but we still have an Omega body.' Atlas tells me and I huff at him, though I know he's right.

     No matter how hard I work or how much I train, this body is meant to be weaker than other wolves and to be forced to submit easily. I go against nature and the effect that it can have on my body can be... less than pleasant.

     But just because the world tells me that I'm supposed to be a pup factory and to bare my sss to the strongest wolf doesn't mean I have to and it definitely doesn't mean that I will.

     Even so, I wish I had taken it a little bit easier, my body too sore for me to find any joy at all in going to school today.

      Gritting my teeth as I always have to do at least twice a week, I force myself to get up, grunting through the pin it brings to my body as I sit up in the bed and swing my legs over the edge so that theyre dangling towards the floor. My breath is a little bit heavy, but I count it as a win as I get out of bed.

      'Now stretch. Or you won't be able to work out later.' Atlas tells me and I roll my eyes to myself before I do just that.

     Even though he can still be a little bit sensitive, Atlas makes sure that I'm taken care of even though I go against everything we're raised to believe in as wolves. In the beginning, the two of us actually hated each other, me refusing to bow down to anyone just because someone tells me I have to, and him trying to force me to do so.

     'Hush. We're fine now. Though at some point, you're going to have to get a Mate. What then?' He challenges me and I sigh.

    'I have to trust in the Goddess to know me well enough to give me a Mate perfect in me in every way.' I answer and he doesn't disagree. I begin my stretches, hissing in pain on certain muscles rhat I know I overworked yesterday.

   In a way I guess I should thank Avery for coming in being the fucking prick that he is. He saved me from having to miss school again.

    Okay, granted, my mom keeps telling me I don't have to work my body as much as I do, but she's wrong. If I don't put in at least ten times as much effort as everyone else did, I wouldn't be strong and face and have the stamina I do.

     I would be just another weak Omega that wouldn't be able to take care of myself.

     I don't have anything against the traditional smaller wolf, but I don't want that lifestyle for myself and everyone rhat tries to push it on me can have my foot up their ass, my elbow in their throat and my middle finger in their face telling them to fuck off.

    'You're so violent.' Atlas says with a frown, not liking this side of me which I know he doesn't, but it only makes me chuckle a bit.

      'That's the point. If you show people not to fuck with you, they don't. Lesson learned.' I tell him and he shakes his head in disagreement.

     'But Avery is still messing with us.' He points out and I growl as I stretch my arms across my chest, holding each one for ten seconds before I switch. I go back and forth between the two for two minutes before I sit on the floor to do my legs.

      'Avery is a small dick, egotistical, close minded old schooled bitch that doesn't know how to listen.' I explain to him, and even though he doesn't like cussing, he still snickers at the names I refer to our enemy as.

     'I don't condone violence on other people outside of training. But for Avery, there's always an exception.' He tells me and I laugh aloud ad I do my butterfly stretches.

     After doing a few more to listen my body, I lay flat on my back on the floor and take in a big breath, letting it go and centering myself for the day. Once I feel a bit more settled than when I woke up, I hop up on to my feet and grab my clothes for the day, knowing that I showered last night after Tris and I had played with her and helped put her to bed.

      I grab a graphic t-shirt, some ripped black jeans and my favorite sneakers, pulling them all on along with some socks.

     I open my deodorant and roll some onto my underarms, making a face at all the hair under there.

    Just because I don't want to be looked at as a breeding toy and a weak little pup, doesn't mean that I don't care about what my body looks and feels like. I'll have to shave after school today.

      Once I'm fresh and ready to go, I spray some of my Scented cologne on my neck and writs before I throw it into my book bag and place it on my shoulders, leaving my room, though my walk is still a little stiff. If my body doesn't listen up the rest of the way by the time school ends, I might have to make it to the spa and take a trip to the hot tub even though I detest lazy days.

     I go to the room next to mine and open it to reveal an empty room and I roll my eyes at he fact rhat my baby sister didn't even try to say good morning.

    I close the door back and walk down the stairs, walking into the kitchen to find my mom and sister talking and laughing with each router as they get ready for the day. There used to be a third party, my dad, that would be waiting for me to come downstairs too, my sister still having been a baby.

    But once we realized my wolf was an Omega, making me the weakest most vulnerable wolf in the pack, he didn't hesitate to walk away, claiming that I brought dishonor on his bloodline and Rejected my mom for having me.

    She's always told me rhat she doesn't blame me for what happen. She thanks me even, telling me I weeded out the bad in her life so that my sister and I could come in and be her good. I'm not so sure about that, but growing up we have been happy and well off, so I chose to believe that we're better off without the asshole.

    Mom chose not to have a Second and when I asked her why, her answer was simple.

    She doesn't want anyone to take away from the love and attention that she has from me and Tris and she never wants to give sons one the opportunity to hurt either one of us again.

     She's the best person I know, and the only one I will allow to protect me.

     "Good morning." I call out and two heads turn towards me, one with a wide smile and the other with a lose tooth grin.

     "Mari is up!" Tris calls out and I walk over to her to give her a huge, even though she tried to push me away as she giggles.

      "Ew! Boy germs are icky!" She squeals and I laugh as I sit down for breakfast and smile at our little family we have. It might not be much in the eyes of everyone else, but to me, this is really all I need.

How do you think they're gonna meet?



QOTD: men in skirts?

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