Counseling and Blushing

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Charlie's POV

The nice receptionist tells me and the Werewolf to sit down and we do, right along the same wall I just was not even thirty minutes ago.

I can still feel my heart pounding in my chest from when he growled at me, almost sending me into an anxiety attack, especially when everyone moved out of the way.

I thought he was coming to eat me because I was human and then I felt my face melt off when he claimed that I was his and his nose ended up in my neck as he smelled me. It's only the way his voiced changed that I knew he was a werewolf.

It's my first morning and I already managed to mess up towards a Supernatural by calling it his Knot. This just proves how much I need to take the class.

We're sitting outside of the counseling office and I few eyes on me and it makes me blush, my neck and face almost in a permanent state of heat as the wolf besides me continues to stare. Form what I could see form him earlier hes is cute.

Well he's cuter than cute, but is shorter that I thought. He has curly hair that's brown, his skin a brown color that looks pretty. His eyes are a nice greenish brown that keeps touching my skin making me shift in my seat. And even through his white t-shirt and blue jeans I can tell tht the wolf is built and string even though he's smaller than what I thought werewolves were.

"I am kind of small." He says and I jump and turn around and try to decide if Werewolves can read minds and he laughs before he shakes his head. "No. You're just talking out loud to yourself. I have super hearing." He says and I want to crawl in a hole in die.

"Sorry." I tell him not wanting to have offended him but he gives me a crooked smile that almost hypnosis means I look away from it quick before it can.

"No it's okay. I get it a lot. I am an Omega. That means the smallest weakest wolf in the pack." He tells em and I forma the words not among sense.

"You don't look like it. Sorry." I say again, wishing that I would stop saying the first thing that comes to mind.

"No no. I like it. At least I know what you're thinking." He tells me with a smile and I give him a small one back while I bite on my lip. "But thank you. That's the point actually. I don't want to look like one just because I am one." He says with a shrug though he keeps peaking at me as if waiting for me to disagree.

"You did a good job." I tell him quietly and he smiles proudly and I watch as his own blush comes across his cheeks. "People do it
to me too." I tell him and he rising his brow.

"Do what?"

"Assume things. They think that I'm athletic and a bad boy because I'm tall and have an okay body. But I'm really shy and have anxiety and I like it when people leave me alone." I admit hoping that I won't disappoint him.

"That's cool. I think it's adorable." He tells me and my fave feels like it's about to explode.

Before I'm forced to respond, the door next to us opens and I breath a sigh of relief not knowing how much more of his stare and his words that I can take.

"Congratulations guys come on in." The lady says and we both get up. I go to pick up my book bag but before I can, the werewolf does and gestured for me to follow the lady which I do, almost tripping over my own feet.

We are lead down a hallway towards a small office off to the left. When we get inside we sot on onw side of the desk while the woman goes to sit on the other.

"Good morning guys. This has been quite a day huh?" She asks and I nod my head. "My name is Jenisis and today we're going to talk about this Mating and what we can do from here to make it easier." She says and I nod my head in surprise. I always knew that Mating was important but I didn't realize just how much. "Now can you guys introduce yourselves to me so I can look you up?"

"Amari Johnson." The Werewolf says and I test the name out on my lips, whispering it to myself and I forget about the super-hearing until he turns towards me with a smirk and I turn away from him quickly.

"Okay Amari, seventeen. You're in eleventh grade and you're an Omega in the Winter Moon pack. Nice to meet you." She says before. she begins writing something down on a piece of paper. She then turns towards me and I clears my throat before answering.

"Charles McAllison." I tell her and she types it in.

"Wow. You met your Soulmate your first day here, congratulations. Age and grade are the same. You're a human and here are the both of your schedules." She says before she writes down some more things on the paper.

"So what are we here for?" Amari asks and I want to know the answer too.

"We're going to go through you schedules to see what you would like to get switched around to see each other more. Then after that you two will be left to talk to each other and get to know each other through first period. Today you are excused from regular school and if you two would like, Amari can give you a tour around the school."

"Oh. Okay." I say, not really knowing what else to say.

"It seems as if you two already have two classes together. The first and last of the day. Is that okay?" I bite my lip and turn to Amari who's already looking at me.

"My other two classes are Warrior Training and Body management." He tells me and I shake my head. "Our classes now are fine." He tells the woman she nods her head in agreement before she writes it down.

"Alright guys, you two can have the room next door to get to know each other. The room is sound proof, but it does have a window in the door. Make sure you talk about Monthlies, home situations and whenever you're ready you can either go back to class or get special passes for you to walk around the school." She explains with a smile.

"Thank you." I tell her and she nods her head at us before turning to the computer and we take it as a sign to get lost. Amari takes my book bag in hnd again and leads the way out of Jenisis' office.

There's a room next door that has beanbags a table in the corner and a small fridge that has snacks on top. Amari closes the door and turn around to face me and all I can think is how much I hope I don't mess this up.

Almost done.



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