Chapter 17: Steamy Moments

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(Echo's Pov)

After yesterday and everything that happened; we all pretty much just hung out and relaxed until it was time to go to bed and set out for the Hoenn Region which I was excited for and I was excited to spend it with the people and Pokemon I love.

The next day, I fluttered my eyes open to the sun shining through the hotel window. I sighed and smiled softly feeling Morty rub my back. I turned slightly to see Morty wide awake and just lying there which made me smile softly, "Morning darling" He whispered, I smiled "Morning" I whispered, "how'd you sleep?" he asked, I yawned "Good how about you?" I asked,

He smiled "Good as well" he said, I just nodded "Are you excited about going to the Hoenn Region today?" he asked, I smiled and nodded "Very. I can't wait to see new pokemon and see new cities and towns" I said, Morty brushed a strand of hair out of my face and smiled "I can't wait either" he said, I blushed and smiled softly as we hopped out of bed stretching and yawning.

Me, Morty and my pokemon headed out of our hotel room and headed to the kitchen to the smell of Brock's food which made my stomach growl. I chuckled as Misty was helping Brock cook and Ash was ranting away about the Hoenn Region and about winning badges there and about what Gym Leaders he'll be up against.

Ash even said he wanted to start fresh with pokemon so once we would head to Littleroot Town, he'd send all his pokemon to Professor Oak...well aside Pikachu of course which honestly sounded like a cool idea but I could never bare the thought of sending my pokemon back to the Lab...I love them too much to do that but we'll see because I do like the thought of catching new pokemon since I can do that who knows?

I got lost in thought and didn't see Morty tap my nose. I blinked a few times and shook my head seeing him sitting next to me with coffee in his hand. I looked at him and smiled which made him smile and hand me the mug of coffee which made me thank him "you okay darling?" he asked, I smiled and nodded "just thinking about the Hoenn region" I said,

He chuckled and kissed my head "I'm sad that I won't be able to come with you guys" Misty said, I furrowed my eyebrows a bit "Wait what? You're not coming?" I asked, she frowned and shook her head "Unfortunately not. My sisters called me this morning and told me they're going on a trip and need me to watch the gym" She said, I frowned "Aww I'm gonna miss you" I said,

She smiled sympathetically "I'm gonna miss you guys too but I'll go with to get you guys to your cruise ship and we'll part ways there. So we still have all day together" She said hopefully, I smiled sadly and nodded as I sipped my coffee and sighed.

Morty rubbed my back with comfort which made me smile softly as Brock finished making breakfast. He set the food on the table which made us thank him as we all grabbed our plates and got some of Brock's perfect food and began to just eat and talk.

After breakfast, we all helped clean up and headed back to our rooms to change, pack up and head out to the next Region. I returned my pokemon as we'd be stopping by the pokemon center and some shops to stock up on supplies before we go.

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