Chapter 10: Progress

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For the next couple months, Wei Wuxian would spend the mornings cultivating, and the afternoons working with Daiyu. Daiyu liked to experiment just like Wei Wuxian, and he helped her find new ways to look at cultivation and demonic energy.

After about a year of training his core had grown to twice the size of his original core which was already impressive. He was even getting close to reaching immortality. Boquin would often be seen helping Wuxian train as they had found out that they had similar affinities; fire and water. Boquin and Wuxian would often tinker with talismans as well since not many shared the same interest.

He also always found time to spend with the Wen siblings and his little A-Yuan. He had officially adopted A-Yuan around 3 months ago. The now Wei Yuan went to school and was liked by everyone. He was like a little crown jewel of the palace.

Wei Wuxian had not only made many friends, but he had accidentally acquired a title. At first people called him Prince Wuxian as a joke, but it became pretty much true as he was living in the main palace and was close to Daiyu. Wuxian had even gotten his own guard which was a boy named Li Jie. Li Jie specialized in swords and musical cultivation. His instrument was even a Qin which reminded Wuxian of Lan Zhan.

Wuxian found himself often thinking about the Lan that he fawned over during his time in the Cloud Recess. He sometimes even found himself missing him, but quickly wiped those thoughts away. He had a new amazing home and he should be grateful, is what he told himself over and over.

Wuxian and Daiyu had decided that in around two years that they would go out and seek to reform the sects as they had slowly started to become corrupted. Daiyu had a few souls watching over the Jin sect specifically which was slowly falling further and further into corruption. Jin Guangshan did nothing but drink with women. Jin Guangyao had been plotting behind everyone's backs. Jin Zixuan however was doing well with his wife, and they were expecting their son to be born any day now. Many people are still troubled by the disappearance of Wei Wuxian, but after a year, it has left most people's minds.

Today was the day that Wei Wuxian would be receiving his dragon. He was to go to the dragon's cove and find one that he connected with. Wuxian was slightly nervous that it wouldn't accept him, but he knew it was an honor as very few held one. His 'family' stayed right outside of the cove as Wei Wuxian entered. He did as he was instructed and sat down on the ground to meditate and push his spiritual energy out. Most of the dragons started looking over at him. Another five minutes had passed and Wuxian was getting nervous that none of them accepted him. However, one stepped out and went forward. She was almost as large as Daiyu's, but instead of black, she was white. Her scales also shone purple and red along with her eyes. Wei Wuxian calmly walked forward and put his hand on the dragon's head. He felt their spiritual energy start to mix and he was able to form a bond with the dragon.

He proudly walked out along with his dragon to meet his family. Once they saw him, they all had proud smiles on their faces.

"Great job A-Xian," Boquin complimented which Wuxian blushed at the attention.

"Hm, I suppose you did well," Daiyu relented.

"Well done Wei-gege," buth A-Yuan and Wen Ning said. In the time that he has been living there, Wuxian and Wen Ning had practically become brothers.

"I'm proud of everything you have accomplished, Wei Ying," said Wen Qing. She had grown to be Wuxian's older sister, who he looked up to.

"What will you name her?" Hong asked. She was now matured, but still as fierce as ever.

"Hm, I believe I shall name her Lai." Lai bowed at the name, pleased with it.

"For once it's a normal name." Wen Qing scolded, as she referred to his sword named 'whatever'. They all celebrated that night, for it was not only the day that Wuxian received his dragon, but it was his 18th birthday. In the past he would usually just drink and eat Yanli's cooking, but this year it was a giant feast in the honor of their 'prince' Wuxian. The celebration lasted three days. He was given so many gifts that he needed a new storage room for it.

Before anyone knew it another two years had passed by.

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