Chapter 14: New Encounters

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 Daiyu had decided to hang out with the boys for the day to make sure that they wouldn't cause too many problems. Wuxian had told them about lotus picking and they had decided that it's the coolest thing in the world, and that they must do it. It was hot outside, but thankfully her robes were a lot more breathable. As she passed the civilians they stared at her and many bowed. She wondered what all the fuss was about, but apparently they don't get that many wealthy visitors. She went with the two boys to where A-Xian had told them to. She saw an older man in the distance and approached him.

"Hi, me and my two.. sect members were wanting to pick lotus seeds." The man turned around and looked at her fine clothing and jewelry before quickly bowing and telling her the cost.

"That is far too little, here's a little extra," she said, giving the man five times the amount he had asked for. He tried to refuse but she had said that they had plenty. He nodded and got them a boat. They went out into the part of the lake with the most pods. The boys were having fun trying to see who could find the larger pod. She had enjoyed eating the seeds as they actually tasted very good. But as they were finishing up, water ghouls started attacking. It would take her only a snap of her fingers, but she wanted to test the boy's abilities, specifically A-Yuan. He had taken around two minutes to get rid of all of them. She had preferred that he had used his sword, but seeing as he learned from A-Xian, he just dove in and grabbed them. She patted him on the head.

"Good job," she said while looking up as she heard a noise. She looked up to see a young man in purple.


Jiang Wanyin was peacefully drinking his tea when a disciple ran in saying something about water ghoul. Those inconpentent fools, they can't even deal with a couple of measly water ghouls he thought to himself. He slammed the cup down and flew on his sword to the location the disciple had said. Just in time to see.. A little kid taking them down like flies.. Wei Wuxian style. He gawked at the sight having never seen a child be able to do something at such a young age. But he seemed to catch the attention of another woman sitting there. She was the most beautiful person he had ever seen. She had silver hair with a pair of ruby red eyes to match. But even more shocking was her attire. She was dressed in finer clothing and jewels than the highest ranking members of the Jin sect. She was also wearing too few layers for a woman, but he could understand seeing as she was hot. 'THE WEATHER, NOT HER'. He tried to regain his thoughts as he flew down to the two people standing there-wait wasn't it just three?  I must be tired.

"Hello, do you need something?" she asked, not seeming to know who he was.

"I was asked to take care of the water ghouls, but I saw that this mere child took care of them. What sect are you from?"

"I'm from the Likun sect, and my auntie is the sect leader with my father!" the little boy exclaimed.

"Ah apologies sect leader..?"

"My name is Daiyu, no last name." Huh, strange.

"I'm Wei Yuan!" exclaimed A-Yuan. But before Jiang Wanyin got a chance to even respond, the two were gone.

"WHAT!?" shouted a furious purple grape.


"A-Yuan, you're not supposed to say your last name in public," scolded Daiyu.

"Sorry Auntie," he said completely unfazed.

"What am I going to do with you?" she said to the air. But more importantly, who was the man in purple? Maybe she'd see him at the discussion conference.

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