Chapter 17: Peacock

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 The two pairs and trio had returned to their inn.

"So how did your day go," Daiyu asked with a smirk on her face. Wuxian and Boquin smiled.

"It was a good day, I had fun," said Wuxian, leaning onto Boquin.

"Me too! I met a handsome cultivator, and I'll be seeing him again at the discussion conference," said Jia, swooning.

"Finally found someone you like besides my baba?" asked A-Yuan, laughing a little.

"No one beats gege, but he's a close second," she said, nodding at herself.

"How about you Daiyu?" Boquin asked.

"We went lotus picking, thank you for the suggestion A-Ying. A-Yuan also took care of about a dozen water ghouls himself," she responded, beaming at her nephew.

"Good job my little radish," Wuxian said, patting A-Yuan's head.

"Of course baba, we also met a purple gege," Wuxian raised a brow.

"Purple gege?"

"Yes, he was probably a Jiang cultivator. Also, your son revealed his name after we had instructed him not to."

"A-Yuan, be more careful, hm?" Wuxian said, patting A-Yuan's head again.

"Ok baba!" he beamed at the attention.


The next couple days were spent in Yunmeng as they went to Wuxian's favorite places and explored. After that, they had spent a week travelling to Lanling, where they looked at all the small towns and villages along the way, and helped them out with minor problems. They got into their inn just a day before the big discussion conference, which they fully booked out again.

"Baba, can I go explore?"

"Ok, but take your sword, and also take Jun with you."

"Okay!" A-Yuan shouted and ran out. He and Jun decided that they would play a couple of pranks on Jin cultivators since Wuxian had said that they aren't good people. They had found the perfect target when they found a boy around 20 years old yelling at a tea shop worker. He was definitely a cultivator, but a very weak one. He also was fat and arrogant.

"Perfect," Jun grinned, which A-Yuan nodded at. Their prank was going to be perfect. They were going to dump eggs on him and his friends, and then cover them with feathers to make them look like the Peacocks that they are. They set up their prank perfectly, and the second that the group of Jin cultivators stepped out, they were covered head to toe in feathers. The rude Jin in the front started cursing at everyone around him, since he couldn't figure out who did it. A-Yuan ran up to him.

"Sir are you okay? Here's something to help you clean up," A-Yuan said, handing him a towel.

"Hm, I suppose that'll do, what's your name kid?"

"A-Yuan, I am the heir of the Likun sect," he said bowing, while stifling a chuckle. The Jin smirked.

"Us wealthy people must know that they're better than everyone else, remember that," he said walking away, while yelling at his servants to clean him. Jun and A-Yuan broke out into hysterical laughter, but as they were about to return to the inn, a woman with her child stopped them.

"I saw what you did, I won't tell, but please don't do that again," she said with a kind but stern face as she held her child's hand.

"Ok pretty jiejie! But he was a peacock and deserved it," he said while running off with Jun.

"Peacock, huh?" the kind woman said while walking away with her son as she remembered her brother.

"Who was that?" asked a little Jin boy.

"I don't know, but he reminds me of someone."

"Who mama?"

"Your uncle," she responded. The Jin boy tried to figure out which one, maybe he'll ask again later.

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