32 || He Knows Everything

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Mini-Series: Searching For a Cure

Episodes 1,2, & 3

"He said there was no specific purpose for your type."

Her eyebrows raised with perplexity, "What does that even mean?"

Stiles groaned, running a hand through his buzzcut, "I have no clue." There was a deep silence within the Jeep as the two friends pondered on the words that Peter Hale had spoken to him a few nights ago. "You mentioned your grandmother was once in Eichen."

Thaís glanced in his direction, pondering about her grandmother. Phoebe has told her she had been placed in Eichen Asylum because she had been seen as delusional, which they attributed to her old age. But the more Thaís thought about it, the more the 'rumor' seemed more possible - She was a teenage girl who also happened to be a werewolf. And if werewolves are real, then it's not a far-fetched idea that so are psychics. "You think grandma has to do with this?"

His lip was chewed between his teeth, invested in thought. "I mean, maybe. What's the probability that your grandma was  actually psychic?"

"Now?" She received a nod. "Now, there is a much higher probability."

Stiles sighed, closing his eyes. "Do you feel like you're psychic?"

The girl didn't even know how to respond because she was able to know Mr.Meyers and the janitor would die, but even then, it felt odd. Obviously, it was new to her, and it wasn't supposed to feel normal, but every single time it just felt like that didn't belong to her - The screaming inside her head made her go out of control. It acted like a dysfunctional power. It was as if her body was trying to tell her she was missing something. "I-I don't know... Everything... Everything just feels off. It doesn't make sense."

"Okay, calm down." Stiles reached and placed a hand over hers. She looked at him with distress. He gave her a soft smile and squeezed her hand softly. "Maybe we'll find a clue today. Don't lose hope yet, alright?"

Thaís briefly stood quiet before giving him a nod. "Thanks."

"Always." He reassured, returning the nod.

The girl cleared her throat, ignoring the tingly feeling she got from that. "Um -" Before she could finish a proper sentence, a new presence was felt around them, causing Thaís to pause, frowning.

"What?" Stiles knit his eyebrows.

Suddenly, something (or, better yet, someone) landed on top of the Jeep, causing the entire car to bounce. Both friends looked at the roof, startled, and waited for something, their previous traumas of creatures lurking in the night made their hearts race. Thaís went to look outside her window but was met with an upside-down face staring down at her. She yelped and cowered toward the other side in fear.

"Oh, sorry."

Upon hearing the soft-spoken voice, she turned around to spot a smirking Scott McCall. He was on top of the Jeep's roof, dangling his upper body to look inside the window. She sat back up and crossed her arms. "Very funny."

The shaggy-haired teenager chuckled before looking at Stiles, "What'd you find out?"

- : -

"The term lycanthrope is derived from the Greek myth of 'Lycan' - The king of Arcadius." Stated an older man through the cell phone. The trio was watching a video Stiles had found, claiming the person in the video would be able to help them find some type of cure for their lycanthropy problem. At the moment, they couldn't bring themselves to trust Derek because he had lied to them about there being a cure, so they had to do everything themselves. Yet, the girl didn't believe anything could return her normality.

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