27 || Stop Pining Over Him

288 7 2

Episode: Formality

"Are you okay?" I questioned the dark-haired girl as we headed toward one of the escalators at Macy's. This prominent strange vibe lingered around - She was anxious, frustrated, and angry. At least to me, it was apparent she was hiding something, and I deeply yearned for it not to involve werewolves or the supernatural. A confused expression was shared with me as a reply, "Sorry, I didn't mean to invade. It's just... you seem troubled."

A small smile was forced. "Nothing's wrong -" She denied. "I just - I have a lot on my mind."

I frowned; There was definitely something there.

"You could smile at least," Lydia advised, smacking her lips and inhaling sharply. "Ever hear the saying, 'Never frown. Someone could be falling in love with your smile'?"

"Who in the world said that?" My eyebrows raised.

The strawberry blonde cocked her head, "Don't know. I read it on the internet... It sounded cute." I grinned with a roll of my eyes, watching as she nudged Allison, "Smile, Allison, I'm buying you a dress." The brunette's dimple reappeared as her mouth slowly stretched upward.

I chuckled, gushing, "Look at that gorgeous smile." It only made her smile even wider, embarrassed.

"By the way, this dress is still also on me." Lydia said, but I shook my head, "I don't care what you say. I've made up my mind."

"Have to admit, as far as apologies go, that's more than I expected," Allison announced, reminding us that this was Lydia's way of apologizing for making out with Scott.

Lydia smiled. "Excellent."

My lips puckered up, frowning, "Well, you might have excelled in apologies, but what I'm about to ask is going beyond the meaning of favors."

The ditzy girl seemed taken aback, pausing at the top of the escalators, "What? What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means -" A sigh escaped, "that you are going to cancel whatever dumb, roided-up jock you said yes to, and you're going to go with someone else."


I swallowed thickly and hesitated before nudging my head over to the side, "Him."

Stiles Stilinski was standing at the perfume display, smelling the sample bottles. He grabbed one of the containers and pressed the small button, sending the spray into the air as well as his face. Immediately, he began sneezing and flailing his arms around the air as if suffocating. A hand raised, covering the stupid, lovesick smile on my face as he turned around in our direction. When his eyes caught ours, he tried playing it cool, leaning against the counter with a shy smile and a peace sign.

"Aw, don't frown, Lydia. Someone could be falling in love with your smile." Allison mocked.

My head turned toward Lydia, "You wouldn't go with him? He's a great guy."

"Uh - Not when I know you like him." She stated with a soft voice.

"Wait, I thought you were positive you didn't like him." Allison crossed her arms, arching her eyebrows. My mouth opened, no words could come out, "So, why would you ask her to go with him if you do like him?"

"Because I already have a date with a guy who truly likes me and that I like back." They sighed and cocked their heads, "Even if I didn't, I'd still ask. He's madly in love with you. I want to see him happy." I looked at Lydia with pleading eyes. Her eyes narrowed at me. "Can you do this for me? Please? I promise he'll be better than any jackass out there."

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