23 || Allison's Necklace

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Episode: Wolf's Bane

It had been a rough night for us. Stiles and I had been out, searching for Scott - Even running into Sherrif Stilinski at a crime scene, and there had been worry that he'd been hurt. To make things a lot worse, we were subjected to a lovely car chase - Helping a very much alive, still grumpy Derek Hale run away from Kate Argent. Scott was the one driving (Yes, after a multitude of very passionate and meaningful apologies from him... he was slightly forgiven). The plan was to make her believe that we were Derek so that he could track down the Alpha without having the hunters as a problem.

My head spun anxiously to look behind me out the dark-tinted window. Bright headlights blinded me slightly, but from what I could see, Kate was still tailing us.

"Faster?" I heard Scott call out to me.

I turned to look at him through the rearview mirror and nodded, "Much, much faster."

The car sped up more, making my body jerk slightly backward. I facepalmed, looking over at the speed meter - It had only gone up one tiny line. At this rate, we would get caught at any minute, and we're probably going to get drowned in bullets.

Stiles repeatedly looked at the back window like a paranoid man "Scott, I don't think you're grasping the concept of the car chase here."

"You're driving like a grandma," I told him.

"If I go faster, I'll kill us!" The agitated teenager spoke, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Well, if you don't go faster, they're gonna kill us!" Stiles exclaimed, panicking.

I leaned in between the seats. "Scott, think fast - Car crash or a psychopath with a million bullets stored just for us." The shaggy-haired boy cringed but then ultimately decided to floor it. Neither choice were good, but I'd rather go out like a light than have a woman smirking at me while she holds a gun to my face. I sighed, relieved he was grasping the idea of outrunning Kate, but I felt like something was off about this. I turned around, my gut dropping. "They're gone!" Scott's eyes widened.

"What do you mean 'gone'?" Stiles exclaimed.

"I mean gone." My eyes widened with terror, hoping she hadn't found a way to trap us. Or maybe they found Derek. Neither were good. "Oh, God... Why is she gone?!" There was silence, and then I gasped in shock. "She knows it's not Derek in the car!"

Stiles quickly pulled out a police scanner that I'm sure he stole and clicked it on.

"All units, suspect is on foot heading into the Iron Works." 

We looked at each other with wide eyes.

"If there has ever been a right time to go fast... It's now."

Ultimately, the black Camaro was floored into the Iron Works, where Derek hid away from Allison's father. The shaggy-haired boy slammed his foot on the brakes causing the tired to squeal, the car swerving to a half.

"Get in," Stiles exclaimed, throwing the door open. The older werewolf quickly ran out of his cover once he saw us and booked it to his Camaro whilst the buzzcut-haired teenager dove into the backseats, his body landing with a thud on mine. "Ow!" He cried along with me, and both of us scrambled apart, beginning to hear the gunshots likely coming from Chris Argent. I felt Stiles hug onto me as Scott sped off, burning rubber as bullets kept being fired.

"What part of laying low don't you understand?" Scott scolded, glaring at Derek as he sped down the road.

"Damn it -" The latter growled angrily and punched the dashboard, "I had him!"

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