09 || Separation Anxiety

509 13 1

Episode: Pack Mentality

From the moment her eyes peered open in the morning, Thaís felt like something was completely off. It wasn't about Asher because, from what she recalled, he had dropped her off at her door, and they were both happy about spending time together. They had walked around at the local park on their way to a diner. Having a pleasant conversation the entire time. Yet, the strangest thing was that she could not remember what happened after she entered her home. It was a blank slate - A piece of the puzzle was missing. Something important. Whatever it was, the nagging in her head persisted as she left her home and walked to school - And she was beginning to feel the heaviness of guilt forming at the pit of her stomach.

Stiles Stilinski anxiously drove through the streets of Beacon Hills, biting his lips, looking left to right. A wave of relief overcame him about a minute later as he spotted the petite brunette walking rather slowly. Without a second thought, he sped up, halting right next to her, making her flinch as she came out of her train of thought. She turned to look at him in surprise. "Thai, where the hell were you last night?" He quickfired, making her eyes widen, watching his arms fail as if he were letting out bottled panic. "I blew up your phone last night. Are you okay?"

Her eyebrows knit with confusion. "You did?" Her hand quickly dug into the pocket of her light blue jeans, and she pulled out her phone, turned it on, and quickly entered the call log to see no such number. "Stiles, there's nothing."

"What do you mean?" The latter questioned, causing her to walk towards his car, leaning closer to show him the screen of her phone. His eyes widened, and he frantically pulled out his. "I swear I called you like 30 times." He showed her his phone to show that he had called an excessive number of times. "I even went to check on you, but it looked like no one was home."

"It doesn't make any sense..." Her voice was a whisper, and Stiles unknowingly reveled in how her expression continuously changed. Eyebrows knitting before raising. Lips parting before clamping shut in disbelief. "But it does..." It was his turn to be confused. "I can't remember anything past last night."

"Meaning you were asleep?"

She shook her head. "No, meaning I don't remember ever getting to bed." She answered, and a deep silence passed through them both. Then her head snapped to look at Stiles again, confusion coating her expression. "Wait. Why were you checking up on me again?"

The lanky boy froze in his spot, and he felt deep embarrassment color his face - Once again, he felt grateful that she couldn't tell. Yet when he turned to look at her, she couldn't miss the look of desperation. "I - I don't know... I just kind of thought you were in danger."

Her lips curled down. "Well, I wish I was positive that I was sleeping in my bed." She whispered, causing him to send her a sympathetic expression. A grateful smile curled up on her lips. "Thanks for worrying about me, though, Stiles. That's very sweet."

The corner of his mouth wiggled, "No worries. Come on, I'll give you a ride to school."

And gratefully, she did so, still somewhat worried about what she and Stiles had talked about. Nevertheless, the ride to school was pleasant, and she tried her best to believe that if something had happened last night, it would only be a matter of time before she figured it out. Yet all of her anxiety returned when Scott McCall arrived with a horrified expression. She knew something werewolf-related had happened and that the topic was hard to ignore.

"What now?" She raised an eyebrow.

Before she knew it, Scott was rambling about this crazy nightmare he had last night in which he and Allison were together. They were in school late at night, hanging out, and they broke into one of the school buses and began to make out... Because why not, right? Anyway, out of nowhere, he began to shift, and when he did, Alli tried to run away, but Scott grabbed her and dragged her around the bus. He ended up killing her.

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