06 || Play the Game

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Episode: Second Chance at First Line

Jackson Whittmore's shoulder separated after Scott rammed into him. It was a big deal because the entire lacrosse team counted on my friend to play that game that night. But he couldn't because he couldn't control his temper. Stiles and Scott were practically dragging me through the halls, rambling about me having to talk to Coach with Scott for some reason.

I let out an annoyed groan, stopping mid-hallway. "Okay. Why do I have to go with Scott? And why am I being dragged along like a freaking rag doll? I can walk on my own."

The pale boy smirked at me, "You're being dragged along because you walk so slow it's like you aren't moving at all."

I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms. Stiles chuckled. All I wanted was to get away from all this werewolf drama. "You know, if I'm that slow, you probably don't need me. So, I think I'll just leave." Hands held my waist and pulled me back the second I turned. I groaned once again, turning to face Stiles. He was raising an eyebrow down at me while smirking. My cheeks flushed slightly. I quickly tried to stop it. "Okay. What happened that has you guys so anxious to tell Coach?"

"Derek threatened to kill me last night if I tried to play." Revealed Scott. My eyes grew with terror at the information given to me. The werewolf sighed in defeat. "I can't play, Thaís. He's gonna kill us. Me for playing. And you for letting me play."

My hand rested on my head, "Why do you want me to go with you?"

"Because I need your support?"

"You can speak for yourself."

"Thais, you're acting like you don't know what he's like." Scoffed Scott. I frowned, knowing that he was right - Coach was so hard to reason with, "He's not going to let me sit it out."

"But why can't Stiles go? He's part of the lacrosse team." I suggested and looked at the buzzcut-haired boy. Immediately he turned to look away from me. I smirked, elbowing him lightly in the stomach. He quietly sniffled a giggle. My gaze turned to Scott. I wanted him to understand my point, but instead, he gave me puppy eyes. "What are you doing? Puppy eyes are not going to work." He stared at me intensely. I stared back with just the same intensity. The young boy pouted at me. My eyes softened. I frowned. "Fine."

Scott grinned, "Yes!" He then gave Stiles a high five. I narrowed my eyes annoyedly.

I turned to Stiles, "You." My finger pointed at him, making him smirk crookedly. He crossed his arms across his chest. "You owe me big time."

"Yeah, yeah." He waved off.

"I could slap you right now."

A grin arose on his lips, "That's cute."

"I'm sure red is gonna be a nice color on your face."

"Red?" He raised an eyebrow before chortling, "Do you even know what that color looks like anymore?"

"Just because I've suddenly become color blind, it doesn't mean I can't see when a cute face is messed up."

"Cute?" He taunted, making me freeze in my spot. I felt like my heart was going to explode in my chest. "You think I have a cute face?"

My mouth fell in surprise. "I -"

"Colorblind?" Scott interrupted our rant session. We turned to him. His eyebrows were quirked up. "What do you mean by that?"

Stiles sighed, "We were going to tell you the other day before you went completely berserk."

"The bite made me lose the capacity to see color," I revealed whilst frowning.

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