13 || The Alpha

401 13 5

Episode: The Tell

Thaís parked her mother's car, which she'd borrowed, in front of the old movie store. After the whole 'Derek-nearly-dying' situation, relaxing had become more of a need rather than a want. Her mind had immediately thought of movies, and then she was there. The peculiar part was that she had a significant urgency to get here. She grabbed her money and made her way to the front door, pushing it making the small doorbell ring. A chubby sales clerk was on a ladder fixing the lights up on the ceiling. He glanced over and sent her a tiny smile saying hello; the gesture was returned. Now, what to watch?

The girl hummed whilst walking through the several different aisles of the store. She wanted the perfect movie to watch because she felt things would not get easier - There would be no time to do this often because of the Alpha. But, of course, the movie rental place had nothing. Either they were too boring or too explicit for her. There's nothing to -, She began to think, but before she could finish, her eyes landed on one of her favorite Jim Carrey movies. She flipped over the movie case to find there was no price tag. Her eyes rolled in annoyance. Great. Fantastic.

A sudden overwhelming feeling of terror washed over her, but it wasn't hers. Hesitantly, her face tilted away from the small movie case to look in front of her, hands trembling from the fright placed on them. There was no one. It was impossible to dismiss the change in the atmosphere - There was a dark cloud looming, and it made her scared and uneasy. Very uneasy.

A hushed whisper suddenly came, "Thaís."

The voice caused her to flinch and turn abruptly to face the source. Yet, there was nothing to see. It couldn't have been the man working on the lights because he didn't even know her name. So, she dismissed it. Maybe I'm just paranoid., She thought and believed that her uneasiness was only because she knew an Alpha was out looking for her and Scott. Yet, she doubted it would kill her. It didn't have a reason to do so. After all, it'd made her a werewolf for a purpose. Why would he want to kill her?

"Excuse me, can y -?" she began, turning her body to where the man had been, only to find he wasn't there. The ladder stood there empty. The lights were still dangling off, making the odd buzzing sound. She raised an eyebrow, wondering where he could've gone. She looked around, but there was no sign of the man anywhere. She'd only just seen him about a second ago. It was weird to her because she hadn't even realized he left.

Thaís inhaled deeply and was attacked by a putrid smell. Her nose scrunched into a grimace, and a hand quickly covered it. It was a stench of death. She hoped it wasn't an injured Derek Hale again because... well, just no. Not again. As she stood in confusion, the bells to the front door chimed, causing her to stand a bit straighter. At about the same time, the phone at the front desk began to ring loudly. She swallowed nervously and recollected herself. Maybe the sales clerk was back now?

"Can somebody help me find The Notebook?" Jackson questioned, entering the store, glancing at some movies that seemed interesting. Upon hearing the voice, her eyes shut with annoyance. It had to be the jackass, didn't it?

 It had to be the jackass, didn't it?

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