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Jimin's POV

"You really want this divorce to happen?" Sitting by the bedside after Jungkook stepped inside the room, I just watched as he loosened the tie around his neck, looking a bit tired after long day at work.

I worked too, and I would've massaged his neck if our situation was different.

If we're not talking about divorcing each other.

"Yes," Jungkook took a seat on my working chair that I had brought into the bedroom after we decided to sleep separately, and the non-hesitation in his answer sliced my heart open, bleeding it mercilessly.

I didn't know what went wrong.

But Jungkook one day said that he lost his love for me, as he started liking his secretary more day by day.

I tried mending our relationship by asking him to take a break from work, but Jungkook refused, not liking the idea of being away from his said secretary.

I loved him still, but he didn't feel the same.

I couldn't force him to stay.

Not when his heart had changed.

But one good thing was that, his honesty didn't change.

He was honest with me, he did not cheat or do anything behind my back, and that was one trait that I admired a lot.

One of the reasons why I came to love this man sitting in front of me.

One of the many reasons I agreed to marry him.

But this marriage was ending, well, as soon as I agreed to it.

"Alright, but I need you to fulfill this one condition, and I'll set you free," I shakily muttered out, keeping myself together to ask him about this matter.

I have been wanting to ask Jungkook about this, but was always hesitant to, making me keeping it to myself longer than I thought.

"What is it?" He asked, a glint of relief seen in his eyes as he realized that I wasn't going to hold onto him, but soon changed as I answered his question.

"Make me pregnant,"

"What?" He frowned, and I crumpled my pants when I clenched my fingers into fists on my lap, but not backing down even at how perplexed Jungkook was.

"I want to have a baby of my own. And I have a husband, so why not?" Looking up to see Jungkook who had stood up from the chair, Jungkook looked angered now as he started pacing around in the room.

"You're joking," he muttered as he gripped his hair, and I clenched my teeth, getting up and stopped him from turning back and forth.

"I'm not joking," standing in front of him and placing my hands on his clothed chest, Jungkook gripped both my wrists and I winced when he gripped too hard.

"Fuck, Jimin. This is not funny," he cursed as his jaw clenched, his dark eyes staring into my own, but I wasn't going to go back on my words.

This is my decision.

"I won't ask you to support us, I can do it on my own as long as I have my job. Just make me pregnant and the child will never know you're the father," I returned his stare, demanding my condition to let him go to be fulfilled.

I knew I was acting petty, but having a child of mine had been my dream even before I met Jungkook.

After we got married, the dream seemed to be within my reach, only to suddenly feel like it was impossible to achieve again when Jungkook came up to me that day he told me he wanted a divorce.

Divorce [Jikook ff] ✅Where stories live. Discover now