Part 17

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Jungkook's POV

Jimin slept like a baby after giving me the greatest night of my life, and I spent my time admiring his whole existence for the next few hours until the sun was up.

Hearing shuffles from the baby monitor in the room where Jungmin fell asleep last night, I slowly got out of the bed, careful not to disturb the sleeping omega.

Making sure that Jimin was dressed proper enough for Jungmin to see, I checked my own outfit at a glance before making my way to the room.

"Jungmin, buddy?"

"Papa, where's mama?" watching as he rubbed his eyes with his small fists, as expected, the first thing he'd do was searched for Jimin, and I took the boy in my arms and carried him to the other bedroom.

"Mama's still asleep, see?" whispering as I showed him Jimin who was sleeping soundly like an angel he was, Jungmin rested his head on my chest as he saw that his mama was safe and sound.

"Let mama sleep, papa. Can we make mama surprise breakfast?" the boy whispered back, matching my volume, and I raised my eyebrows at the boy, impressed by his idea.

"Should we do that?" smiling at the boy whose cuteness only increased due to his bed hair, I chuckled when he nodded fast.


Carrying the boy out of the room to talk more comfortably without whispering, I brought him to the kitchen and checked on the cutlery we have.

It seemed that every equipment was in great condition, and I turned to look at the boy who just observed me quietly in my arms.

"What do you want to make, Jungmin?" asking him, the boy took a while to answer.

"Hmm, a sandwich," he told the only thing he still remembered how to do since we just made the food yesterday, and I chuckled soft.

The summer house wasn't lived in by anybody and was only being well kept by calling in Jeon's housekeepers once in a while, so there's nothing that was eatable inside the house.

"Let's get you properly dressed and we'll buy the ingredients at the mart close by, what do you think?" deciding to bring the boy for grocery shopping since his mama was still asleep, I asked for Jungmin's opinion about it.

"Okay," he agreed fast, probably thinking of not wanting to wake Jimin up just like me, and I shared a small high-five with him.

Going back to the dressing room where all our clothes were unpacked, I just made sure the boy was properly protected from the morning breeze and we were out of the summer house right after I left a note by the bedside where Jimin was.

He might woke up while we're still away.

And he would probably searched for Jungmin just as his son searched for him upon waking up, and I thought that it's better to let him know earlier that we're out for a while.

Walking hand in hand with Jungmin since the shop was within walking distance, I thought that it's also great to have the little boy to enjoy the scenery that he won't be seeing regularly in the middle of the city.

Jungmin was behaving well throughout the whole walk, and even got to add a few more new fans in his list, being such a heart-stealer to the residents and tourists along our way due to his bright greetings and polite attitude.

"Papa, can Jungmin get one of those?" while we were choosing the necessary ingredients to make sandwiches, he pointed to the row of colorful drinks at one of the isles, and I thought for a while before choosing a small bottle of banana milk.

"Do you want to try this?" he didn't look like he had tried the drink yet, and the boy looked easily intrigued and persuaded to buy it.

"Banana?" he pointed the the yellow fruit photo that was printed on the packaging, and I smiled, nodding to tell him he got the name of the fruit correctly.

"I liked it a lot, even now. What do you think if we buy this for mama too?"


"What else do you want, buddy?"

"No, mama said Jungmin can get only one at every shopping trip,"

"Good boy," proud of the little boy's attitude of not going against Jimin’s words even if he wasn't here, I noticed that some of the mart's workers awed at the boy's words as well.

Even my heart was stolen numerous times every second I spent time with him.

I couldn't believe I almost missed out on this little ball of blessing in life due to my stupid act years ago.

"Papa?" the boy called slow as we walked out the mart, and I looked down to look at him.


"Why do you look sad?" Jungmin asked, and I realized that I hadn't really spoke out anything for a while.

Lifting up the concerned looking boy into my arms, he looked into my eyes patiently, waiting for me to speak.

"I'm sorry Jungminie. I did something wrong to mama before you were born. And I did wrong to you too," apologizing to the boy, I knew that I had to do this even though he wasn't even there yet when everything happened.

"What did you do, papa?" Jungmin asked gentle, his hand rested on my cheeks as he blinked innocently, not understanding the reason behind my apology.

"I made mama sad. I said I don't want to live together with mama and you. I'm sorry," frowning as I felt the guilt eating me up at the recollection of the past memories, Jungmin talked calm, despite his age.

"What about now? Papa still don't want to live with mama and Jungmin?" he asked simple, and I shook my head furiously, not wanting him to have even a single thought that I didn't want to live with them.

"I'd do everything to live with you two for the rest of my life," I told honest, and the boy's eyes sparkled beautifully at my answer.

"Then Jungmin too! Jungmin wants to live with mama and papa until Jungmin grow so big and strong like papa!" he gave me his answers so confidently, that I felt a lump in my throat as I gulped, touched by his words.

"You do?" blinking my eyes rapidly refusing to cry in front of the boy, Jungmin once again comforted me effortlessly with his next advise.

"Yes, so papa don't be sad anymore. I'm not mad at you at all. Jungmin and mama will live with you. And if you say sorry to mama, mama won't get mad too. Jungmin did that a lot and it works every time, papa. Mama even give Jungmin hugs and kisses after that!" the boy talked bright without thinking much, but it was everything I wanted to hear.

The heavy feeling weighing me felt like it was finally lifted from my body, making me smile quietly when the boy soon got distracted with a dog that belonged to an old lady.

He went to pet the little animal after getting the lady's permission, and I made up my mind to ask for forgiveness from Jimin, as soon as I come back home to him.

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