Part 12

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Jimin’s POV

Hearing the doorbell rang, I went to get the door since Mr and Mrs Jeon was busy at the kitchen making dinner.

Jungmin was secured in my arms since I was not confident in leaving him alone in the living room, but now I kind of regret bringing him with me after opening the door without checking the monitor first.

"Jungkook?" I hugged Jungmin closer on instinct, suddenly feeling the need to raise up my guard against the alpha.

But once I laid my eyes on his physical appearance, my heart ached.

He looked exhausted, still well kept, but he was looking like almost breaking into pieces.

He looked too weak to be recognized as an alpha.

"Jimin..." and he sounded weaker than I have ever heard him before, making me bite my inner cheeks as I controlled my emotion from getting the best of me.

"Who is it  - oh, Jungkook honey?" Mrs Jeon popped up making both of us turned our heads to her, and I just focused myself on Jungmin who was currently facing away from Jungkook.

Did Jungmin eat something wrong?

He started to whine as if he was uncomfortable, or was it because of my scent?

Or was he uncomfortable with the alpha?

There were scent of distress lingering around Jungkook that did cause a little discomfort to us, but would it affect Jungmin that much?

Looking away from Jungmin to glance at the alpha, I was shocked to see the fond gaze he gave towards Jungmin.


"I'll just come again later," Jungkook realized my eyes on him and he cleared his throat, swiftly brought his eyes away from the whining Jungmin and turned his heels around to leave.

"Where are you going?" I asked making him halt his step, and Jungkook turned to look at me with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

He looked miserable.

"Home, you should spend more time with mom and dad. I'm sorry for coming unannounced," he apologized for something that he shouldn't have, and I was stunned at what Jungmin did after that.

He whined and struggled to turn his front to face Jungkook, and he wailed out loud all of a sudden as he stretched both his arms towards the alpha, almost as if not wanting the male to leave.

He never did this to anyone before.

And when I turned to Jungkook, I almost couldn't believe my eyes.

He was crying.

I was beyond shocked to see tears flowing down Jungkook's cheeks as he tried his best to keep his sobs in by biting his bottom lip.

What is this?

Confused by this whole situation but was still affected by the both of them, I felt my eyes watering as well.

Seeing Jungkook all weak and sobbing, something told me to go to the alpha, and I took a step closer towards the crying male.

There's one thing I knew from his cry.

He didn't hate Jungmin.

And seeing how Jungmin was eager to go to Jungkook, the baby somehow knew that Jungkook was his dad.

Slowly bringing Jungmin closer for Jungkook to take, I realized how shaky his hands were as he wrapped his arms carefully around the baby.

And once Jungmin was fully secured in his arms, Jungkook cried harder hugging the boy.

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