Part 7

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Jimin's POV

"Jimin, be careful, okay?" Taehyung advised, putting the basket of vegetables by the sink to be washed by me.

The company's field day was held annually and this time we were located in some private resort of the Kim's that included vast field where we can hold sport activities.

We were divided by departments for the games, and just to our luck, our department placed last.

As punishment, we had to prepare dinner for everyone who attended the company's field day, and the menu was thankfully not that hard, because it was the classic barbecue.

However, due to the overprotectiveness of Taehyung and Hoseok, I wasn't allowed to do anything since the first time I stepped out of the car.

I wasn't allowed to drive, I wasn't allowed to lift anything other than the snacks I was told to eat as they compete, I wasn't allowed to compete in the games at all, and the only thing I did until dinner time was eat.

I only eat.

And eat only.

Thus, the task of washing the vegetables here was the result of my begging with my outmost cuteness to the two alpha.

Well, it turned into a threat at last, when they only allow because I said I won't eat dinner if they didn't give me any job to do.

"Taehyung, I'm just going to wash these vegetables. Why are you so worried?" Laughing at the unnecessary worry of this friend of mine, Taehyung just frowned with a cute pout on his face.

"You're seven months into the pregnancy, Jimin. Your baby bump is so big now, you have to be more careful than you did yesterday," he pointed to my tummy making me rub the bump instinctively, and I rolled my eyes at his words.

"I know, Tae. I'll be careful. Just go and help Hobi hyung, he was struggling to lit up the fire there," pushing Taehyung away towards where Hoseok was placed, we both chuckled seeing Hoseok fanning hard at the fire, trying to make it work.

"Just call me if you have finished washing them. I'll come and pick it up,"

"It didn't look that heavy,"

"No. No heavy lifting for you baby mama," he crossed his arms in front of his chest and gave me a warning stare, making me pout, forgetting the idea to do all the job myself.


"Good, now I'll get going. Hobi hyung was going to waste all the charcoal we brought if I didn't go to him now," his comment made me scoff, and I looked at him with one eyebrow raised.

"You're not even that good in cooking, Tae," attacking the alpha, I was hoping he'd feel offended, but instead, he just copied me and raised his eyebrow instead.

"That's why I'm planning to call Yoongi hyung when I get there," he smirked handsomely, and I laughed at the sneaky tactic he had thought of just to video call the beta doctor.

"My gosh, then go. I won't stop you from seeing your crush," slapping his back playfully and pushed him towards the grilling area, Taehyung took a step, not resisting my push.

"Remember to call me when you have finished," he managed to remind one last time about not letting me do any heavy job, and I just sighed.

Waving him away just nodding at his words, I focused on the vegetables in the basket before taking one and placed it under the running tap.

Happily humming to the song that was played through the speaker, I wondered who it was that's in charged of preparing the playlist.

Must've been the younger ones, since I recognized only a few of the songs, most of them being too recent for me to know.

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