Part 8

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Jungkook's POV

"Hey, I got to run. Whatever it is, just tell me later!" Taehyung who was busy typing into his phone walked off as soon as the door of the lift opened.

He had been tapping his foot on the ground impatiently since he got on the lift, after receiving a call which I had heard quietly since I was there beside him.

Taehyung ran without looking back leaving me all alone, and I felt a lump in my throat as I couldn't follow him to the hospital.

If it was other family members, I wouldn't even hesitate to walk by Taehyung's side, but not this time.

Jimin was giving birth.

My child was going to be born into this world, but I didn't deserve to be by the baby's side.

Not after what I did to Jimin.

I heard from Taehyung that Jimin had already decided a name for the baby, after the gender was announced.


Park Jungmin.

A beautiful name.

Walking slowly towards my car, I plopped into the driver's seat and did nothing for who knew how long, thinking of my own stupidity since last year.

How could I be so stupid and thought that I actually liked my secretary when it was nothing but a mere admiration towards someone who excelled in their job?

It ended.

Whatever the thing I had between my secretary and I ended more than one month ago, after the company's field day.

She requested to talk to me that night before we went back, and told me the truth.

"I couldn't keep this going anymore, Mr. Jeon. You know well enough that what you had for me was not love. It's just because I'm good at my job that you trusted me, and sometimes depended on me. You already realized that, don't you?" she asked, and I did agree with her words.

Staring up into the night sky, I let out a long sigh, actually feeling quite relieved that she had talked about this first.

"So, this is the end?" glad that the darkness of the night made it quite hard for us to see each other's expression, I looked down to my intertwined hands as she stood a few feet away from the bench I sat on.

She told me that she was offered a position in our oversea branch, and had decided to accept it.

She requested me to let her go since it was too much for her to face Jimin and me after being the reason of our separation, and I approved of it, knowing that I shouldn't hold her down just because of my selfishness.

"Yes, I'm sorry for not being honest and did nothing to correct you. I think that, somehow, my decision to keep quiet is because you're my boss, Mr. Jeon. I didn't really dare going against your words or say no to you when you told me that you're going to pursue me,"

"I'm sorry for making you feel that way," feeling guilty for not knowing that she was actually feeling afraid of me, I now knew the reason behind all her lukewarm responses whenever I tried taking a step toward her.

"No, Mr. Jeon. I'm more than sorry for being the reason of your divorce with your husband," she apologized, and I gulped the bitter taste down my throat at the mention of that topic.

I wanted to blame her for this, but it's my fault to begin with.

I was the one at fault.


Divorce [Jikook ff] ✅Where stories live. Discover now