Part 18

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Jimin’s POV

I woke up seeing the note Jungkook left on the nightstand, and heard laughters outside the room soon after.

They must be back already from their groceries shopping trip.

Wanting to know the time, I reached out for the phone, only to feel sore on my lower body, reminding me instantly what happened last night.

Feeling my cheeks heated up realizing that Jungkook had done all the cleaning by himself after I totally blacked out, I got out of the bed and went to wash my face.

After calming down the blush, I walked to the kitchen, and Jungmin immediately realized my presence at the door.

"Mama, good morning! Look, papa made us scramble eggs just like you!"

"Good morning, honey. Yes, I can see that, but what did you do? Your pajama is all wet," wondering how he can be that soaked when there was nothing that could be the reason in this kitchen, I waited for the boy to explain.

"Jungmin helps papa wash the salad but the water go splash splash all over me. Papa help me clean up the sink after that. We are making sandwiches, mama!" the boy told without hiding anything and I laughed, finally understanding as of why I didn't find the crime scene since it was already being cleaned.

"Buddy, I thought the menu is supposed to be a surprise?" Jungkook chirped in his question to the boy making his eyes go wide at the slip of his tongue, and he turned to me urgently.

"Oh no! Mama, forget what Jungmin said earlier, okay?" his earnest request made me held in my laugh, and I just nodded even though it was impossible to do.

"Okay, baby. Now be a good boy and change your clothes? You know where to find your shirts, right?" walking up to my son who was seated properly at one of the tall chairs in the middle of the kitchen island, I was worried about his health the longer he stayed in that wet clothes.

"Papa told me to change too, but Jungmin feel lazy, mama" the boy pouted, wanting to escape from changing his clothes, probably liking the coldness of the material against his skin, but I knew well how to tackle the boy.

"Do you want to catch a cold, Jungminie? If you do, you won't be able to play at the beach anymore for the rest of our vacation, and you can't eat ice cream too. It's a shame, because mama saw a lot of tasty ice creams yesterday that I want my baby to try," the boy's ears perked up at the mention of his favotite dessert immediately, and I hid my smirk knowing I won easily.

"Jungmin will go now, mama. Please help me go down. This chair is too high," he reached out his hands to me asking to be brought down, eager to change out of his wet pajama now.

"Good boy. Remember to put your pajama in the laundry basket, okay?" as soon as his feet touched the ground, Jungmin dashed out the kitchen using his small but quick feet.


Chuckling a little when I heard the little boy's excited reply, I turned around when I felt a figure looming me from behind.

"What are you doing?" facing his chest, I smiled as I watched Jungkook brought his hands up and put them around to circle my waist.

Jungkook used his thumb to put little pressure in small circles on my skin, slowly going down along my spine, and his touches felt good.

"Giving you massages. Did I hurt you last night?" he spoke slow, letting me lean my body on him as he kept massaging my back slowly, and I shook my head at his question.

"I'm just sore," my voice a little muffled since I was resting my cheek on his chest, I felt the beat of his heart when my ear was rested on top of it.

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