Part 6

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Jungkook's POV

He looked like he's doing well.

Although I saw the glint of hurt in his eyes upon seeing me and her together, he looked well.

Or was he pretending?

My heart was heavy nonetheless, my head filled with question, since I have no idea at all where he stayed at these few months, after our last meeting.

He refused to take any of my assets even though I had told him to take them, but I guessed what I said that night was unforgivable after all.

How could I snapped at him because of the thought that he'd ever ask me for the childcare expense?

And what's wrong if Jimin did anyways, Jungkook?

That's your child too, and you have a lot of money, Jeon.

Snapped out of my thoughts about Jimin after the door was opened after a knock, I saw the face of the girl I have started to take interest in.

She smiled kind, but a bit down that she knew now, that Jimin was back into the office.

I couldn't blame her.

She's not the one who initiated this relationship.

It was just that I was the one who was always comforted by her presence.

She's good at her job, she would always had a solution to any of the problem arising at the office and would ease my work, making me able to progress everything smoothly with her outstanding performance at work.

She was there when I was buried with work, lending helping hands without caring about how much loads of work there were.

She was aware about Jimin's pregnancy, and she was the one who said that we shouldn't move further into our relationship for now.

At least until Jimin gave birth, she said.

She was kind and thoughtful of others, the few charms of her that I fell for.

But now, after seeing Jimin again, with the small bump of baby on his tummy, it swirled something in my chest.

Unexpectedly, my heart hurt.

Was seeing him doing well without me by his side the reason of the pain?

Or was it guilt?

Or what was it?

"Mr. Kim Taehyung wants to see you, sir. Should I let him in?" she asked, making me nod immediately.



Sitting properly now and not slouched on the expensive working chair, I heard a small mumble of thanks from Taehyung before he stepped into the office.

He smiled small at me, but I knew that he was still bitter with my decision of letting Jimin go.

Taehyung and I go way back, being childhood friends together with Namjoon.

We attended the same school since kindergarten up until high school, before everyone went to their own choices of university.

But we met again here since we're all basically going to inherit the company's business, this company being a shared company between Kim and Jeon.

"Have a seat, hyung" getting up, wanting to walk to him and invite him to sit at the couch, Taehyung shook his head as he walked to my desk instead, and just sat on the chair in front of my desk.

"It's okay. I won't be long, I know you have meetings with Hobi hyung after this," he told, and I nodded at the correct info.

He was working under Hoseok's department after all.

"Yes, his meeting will end in about fifteen minutes I guess. I have around ten minutes before I make my way to join the next meeting," telling him my plan, Taehyung nodded before he paused for a few seconds.

He looked as if he was pondering whether to tell me something, but was hesitant to do so.

"Jimin will be there too, in the next meeting" he told finally, and I clenched my jaw hearing the name.

Of course.

Taehyung had been treating Jimin like his own brother even before I met the omega. Taehyung was the one who introduced Jimin to me, saying that he'd be okay if I was the one who'd take care of Jimin, that I'd be the one who can give Jimin the happiness he deserved.

But I let Jimin go instead, making me become someone who had betrayed Taehyung's trust.

"I already saw him at the cafeteria earlier," telling Taehyung, he appeared to not know that I have met Jimin yet from the surprise look he gave.

Guess Jimin haven't told him.

"Did you say anything to him?" he queried fast, and I knew he was trying to protect the omega by hearing the tone he used as the question came out from his mouth.

Jimin was everyone's soft spot due to his kind nature, and by hurting him, it meant that I would have to face this kind of situation regularly, especially from Taehyung and Hoseok.

The two alphas had been closed to the pregnant omega since the first day Jimin was accepted into the company, and I couldn't do anything about their bond.

"No, I - he didn't seem to acknowledge my existence anyways," muttering it out weakly, I glanced at Taehyung who had loosened up a little at my answer, but still observing me intensely.

It weighed my mind remembering that time when he immediately turned away after we met eyes.

Was it that unbearable to look at me?

"You're the cause for all of this after all, Jungkook. What will you do when you meet him at the meeting room later?" he asked directly, wanting to make sure that I won't do anything to hurt Jimin in the meeting later.

"I don't know," shaking my head a little, myself still clueless as of how to act in front of the omega after receiving that kind of reaction from Jimin, Taehyung observed me silently for a few seconds before he sat up straight.

"Then I suggest you do nothing. Don't do anything at all. He's with child, don't add any stress to him. I believe you do know that, right?" he tilted his head questioning my knowledge about not riling up a pregnant omega's emotions, and I nodded.

I'm not that stupid to not know about that.

"I know, hyung. How is he? Did Jimin tell you where he lives now?" feeling the urge to know the update on Jimin, I braved myself to ask about his wellbeing from Taehyung.

Although I doubted the alpha would tell me anything.

"I'm not going to tell you even if I know. What's the purpose of you knowing where he lives now anyways?" He attacked straight into my face with that question, and I was speechless, not having any comeback to answer since it was true.

I was the one who pushed him out of my life, why would I want to know his whereabouts now?

"Moreover, you're still interested in her, right?" he titled his head as he gave side eyes to the area behind him, and I knew he was pointing to where my secretary's desk was placed, just outside the compound of my office.

Gritting my teeth feeling somehow offended at his question, I became defensive.

"Don't bring her into this. She did nothing wrong,"

Taehyung sighed, and shook his head before he stood up, preparing to leave, but not before he gave me a piece of his mind.

"I'm not blaming her, Jeon. All I'm saying is that, get your priorities right. You've let Jimin go to go to her, then face it straight ahead and get her. Before you lose her too and left with nothing. I still think of you as my brother, Jungkook. If you think that you'll be happy with her instead of Jimin, I won't stop you. I want your happiness as much as I wished for Jimin’s,"

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