Part 16

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Jimin’s POV

Walking out to the balcony of the Jeon's summer house, Jungkook turned around when he heard my steps approaching him from behind.

"Jungmin's asleep?" he asked soft, and I smiled, remembering the little boy who fell asleep almost instantly as soon as his head hit the pillow.

"Yeah," filling the empty spot by his side, I threw my eyes towards the night view.

The beach wasn't seen but the sound of the waves was as clear as it can be, and the stars shone brightly in the night sky.

So pretty.

Both of us said nothing and just enjoyed the tranquility of the moment, taking in all the beauty of the nature that was unfolded in front of our eyes.

The sea breeze blew quite strongly passing through us since the location of the house was really close to the seaside, and I rubbed my arms not longer after, starting to feel the cold hitting my body.

Feeling Jungkook moved, I turned my head to his direction only to have my nose brushed his lips at the sudden close distance between us.

I felt the warmth of the cardigan Jungkook just wrapped around my shoulder, but my focus was on his lips that was still only a few centimeters away from mine.

We froze in that stance for a few more seconds before Jungkook backed away.

It was always like this.

Whenever the tension between us increased, he'd backed away, and apologized.

"Sorry," he smiled small, looking back into the night sky and I bit my bottom lip, seeing that Jungkook did exactly as predicted.


"Why won't you kiss me?" blurting it out with my eyes stayed on him, Jungkook snapped his head so hard back to my direction with surprised face on his look.


"Kiss me,"

"But Jimin -"

Pulling his collar down and smashed our lips together, Jungkook took a second to react before his hands went to cup my face and pulled me into a deeper kiss.


Moaning as I threw myself onto him, feeling all his muscles under my body, Jungkook's hands went fast to cirle around my body, and pulled me even closer, that I believed not a single gap was visibly seen between us now.

His kiss was passionate, and I voluntarily gave him the access as I opened my mouth, which Jungkook took in gladly.

His tongue skillfully explored me in a way that turned my inside on fire, but I was loving it too much to care.


Jungkook was so eager in tasting me up, that I was starting to get pushed to the wall at the balcony, away from the lights, including the moon's.

As I felt my shoulder hitting the sturdy concrete, Jungkook proceeded slipping both his arms under my thighs, and swiftly lifted them up.

I circled my arms and legs around his neck and waist respectively, and we kissed again like we never did before.

I needed this.

He needed this.

We both needed this.

Not caring how my moans were getting louder and Jungkook's hands started roaming under the shirt I wore, I myself had slipped my hands into the collar of his shirt, feeling his back muscles moving under my touch to my heart content.

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